So what is making people from the USA so fat?

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Yan007 said:
Marcus Kehoe said:
The cost difference in healthy foo compared to crap food. Soda is cheaper than juice and all natural means more expensive. It's just not cost effective to eat healthy.
Juice is as bad as soda though. You get the sugar without the fiber, meaning your insulin levels spike and you store the calories as fat.
But Juice at least have some things good in them for you(some do), and are much less additive.

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Apart from fast food, healthy food is expodentially more expensive than unhealthy food. Then theres the cost of the gym + they do get fast food a lot cos they have Wendy's and White castle and Taco Bell as well as everything we have. Even supermarkets have a massive range of awesome stuff we don't have: all fruit flavored pancakes, way more different types of candy, wider range of soda, and so on...
Plus people know they will die soon and they just don't care, the government of any country doesn't have the balls to do the fat tax. Well except Denmark...

Also once you get past a certain weight, there is no going back. Starting exercise becomes almost physically impossible, so people just stay that way.

The only way to fix the Wests obesity epidemic is to either do an excessively high fat tax and legislativesly force food companies to lower the price of healthy foods, but then they will cut the quality of ingredients so they taste even more like ass than they already do, or declare martial law and shoot all the fat people.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Hey just ask any American doctor of medicine, they all chant the same stupid drivel: "You just have to eat sensibly and do regular exercise. Negative caloric intake."

Clearly that is working very well, and they should continue to preach that mantra.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
1.) Food standards are lower here than in many other countries. Some of the things commonly sold in fast food places here are illegal to sell in some other countries because of how low-grade they are.

2.) A lot of Americans (myself included sadly) eat way too much without realizing it. We're conditioned to think of correct portions as much bigger than they should be, which is hard to break when we get older.

3.) Lack of exercise. I've recently started doing some working out, but many people either lack the time or motivation or both. Again, this a habit we are given as kids and is hard to break later on.

Luckily, all of these things are fixable problems and there are groups/movements who have set out to help mitigate the problems. I'm too lazy to look for them and post the links.

Losing weight is as simple as eating sensibly and exercising. I lost 50 lbs. by just adjusting my diet and eating a little less. I'm still a bit of a fat-ass at 250 lbs., but small victories.


New member
May 18, 2011
AngleWyrm said:
Hey just ask any American doctor of medicine, they all chant the same stupid drivel: "You just have to eat sensibly and do regular exercise. Negative caloric intake."

Clearly that is working very well, and they should continue to preach that mantra.

Just what is "that"? The act of preacing or the subject thereof? Because what they "preach" should actually work, yaknow. I'd be more inclined to believe that the reason it's not working is that people simply don't follow that "stupid drivel". If you burn more energy than your calorie intake is, you will lose weight. Really, you will.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
becuse we put FRICKIN CORN SYRUP in everything!

seriously I cut out foods with corn syrup and high amounts of additives and lost 15 pounds


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Jan 31, 2011
chadachada123 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the INSANE amount of sodium in fast food a problem? I don't have to worry about this stuff; my metabolism is insane, luckily.
If, like me, you cut as much carbs as possible (during my cutting stage, or as any normal person should do on a regular diet), then you would at least be removing fries which contain a lot of sodium. Yes, sodium is a problem, but not the biggest one. That's why I cook at home 41 meals a week for myself and go out to eat once at most.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Vegosiux said:
Ympulse said:
Of course you can run outside and do calisthenics until you're blue in the face, but you won't reap the benefits the same way you would with some simple weight training.
Use, I don't know...your own weight then? Push-ups, sit-ups?
Definition of CALISTHENICS:

Systematic rhythmic bodily exercises performed usually without apparatus


New member
Jun 3, 2011
i agree that physical activity has somethinh to do with it, but no, canada food guide, i will not eat only one slice of pizza.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Marcus Kehoe said:
Yan007 said:
Marcus Kehoe said:
The cost difference in healthy foo compared to crap food. Soda is cheaper than juice and all natural means more expensive. It's just not cost effective to eat healthy.
Juice is as bad as soda though. You get the sugar without the fiber, meaning your insulin levels spike and you store the calories as fat.
But Juice at least have some things good in them for you(some do), and are much less additive.
We are talking about fat here. Juice spikes your insulin levels sky-high just like a can of coke would, which tells your body to store it as fat.

Metalix Knightmare

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Sep 27, 2007
wintercoat said:
Metalix Knightmare said:
wintercoat said:
Yan007 said:
Seriously, you guys actually believe "fast food" is any worse than food at any other restaurant? Food is food, lower your carbs, see the miracle. Plain and simple. food is teh evul! The telebox tells me so!
So, I could eat fast food every day, but as long as I avoid the french fries and buns I'm good? AWESOME!

Freaking A, you people and your hatred of carbs. It's like a cult with you lot.

*Rereads my post* Nope, nothing about carbs in there. Just making a funny agreeable response to the idea that fast food isn't the problem.
Yes, and I'm sorry about that. I was a bit too twitchy with my clicker finger and when I realized I posted to your post and not the guy you were responding to I had already posted my message.

Again, I'm so sorry. I get a little overzealous when I have a good opportunity for a Zardoz joke.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
We eat at least twice as much per meal than most other countries. But America isn't the fattest place on earth, there's a place fatter, but I forgot it's name.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Humans are still working with biological adaptations for food consumption that helped us survive 200,000 years ago. People led very active lifestyles pursuing (and often trying to avoid becoming) food, and consumed foods not nearly as calorie-dense as many food stuffs available today. Elevated levels of psychological stress can also play a role; in simpler times, stress was part of the fight-or-flight response. Today, psychological stress is much less likely to be triggered for short fight-or-flight experiences, and is much more likely to persist over a long period of time due to day-to-day responsibilities and pressures. Too much stress for too long can throw the body out of whack and make it difficult for it to know what nutritional resources it will need in the future, so it stockpiles energy (read: fat).


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Vegosiux said:
Just what is "that"? The act of preacing or the subject thereof? Because what they "preach" should actually work, yaknow. I'd be more inclined to believe that the reason it's not working is that people simply don't follow that "stupid drivel". If you burn more energy than your calorie intake is, you will lose weight. Really, you will.
Yes and no. The biggest problem is that a calorie is not just a calorie. You have three main types (macros) of calories: carbs, proteins and fats. Natural fats and proteins are the easiest to burn away for your body and will be the first used when needed if available. Carbs spike your insulin levels, telling your body to store said calories as fat. After a while you get desensitized to that level of insulin if you eat many carbs a day and your body produces more to keep up and you get more fat cells that become even greedier.

By simply eating less (calorific deficiency), you will make your body eat itself, though the first thing your body will eat at are your muscle tissues, not fat. You will lose mass, not so much fat, and your metabolism will slow down to accommodate your new lifestyle. Guess what happens if your metabolism is slow and you start eating again like a normal person? Your body will store as much as possible as fat, again.

The trick is to have a low calorific deficiency (400-500 calories per day at MOST) and make sure most of your calories are spread through the day so your body will always be burning and faster. Add some exercise to enhance your metabolism and make sure most of your calories are from proteins and natural fats. You got yourself calorific deficiency (weight loss), with much reduced muscle loss (due to high protein intake) and your metabolism will remain fast because you are eating 6 smaller meals a day and exercising.


New member
May 18, 2011
Yan007 said:
Yes and no. The biggest problem is that a calorie is not just a calorie. You have three main types (macros) of calories: carbs, proteins and fats. Natural fats and proteins are the easiest to burn away for your body and will be the first used when needed if available. Carbs spike your insulin levels, telling your body to store said calories as fat. After a while you get desensitized to that level of insulin if you eat many carbs a day and your body produces more to keep up and you get more fat cells that become even greedier.

By simply eating less (calorific deficiency), you will make your body eat itself, though the first thing your body will eat at are your muscle tissues, not fat. You will lose mass, not so much fat, and your metabolism will slow down to accommodate your new lifestyle. Guess what happens if your metabolism is slow and you start eating again like a normal person? Your body will store as much as possible as fat, again.

The trick is to have a low calorific deficiency (400-500 calories per day at MOST) and make sure most of your calories are spread through the day so your body will always be burning and faster. Add some exercise to enhance your metabolism and make sure most of your calories are from proteins and natural fats. You got yourself calorific deficiency (weight loss), with much reduced muscle loss (due to high protein intake) and your metabolism will remain fast because you are eating 6 smaller meals a day and exercising.
'scuse me, but I either have to go wake up my biology teachers and tell them they're full of crap, or look for whatever upheaval happened in the knowledge of the human body in the last decade.

'sides...that last paragraph of yours...that anything other than "eat sensibly" part of that thing you claim to be "stupid drivel"?

I may have an inherent negative disposition towards all those "nutritionists", or maybe I just think that walking for 20 minutes instead of driving for 2 and sitting for the other 18 does a body good, and that the moment you start looking for "convenient, most effect for least effort" ways to maintain your shape you kind of defead the purpose thereof.

Plus, maintaining your shape...round is a shape anyway, har har.


New member
May 18, 2011
Yan007 said:
Dude, I'm a bodybuilder.
That became kind of obvious in your previous post, yes. Thing is, we're not talking about how people can get buff, we're talking about how people can maintain a healthy weight and enough fitness to not go out of breath if they have to quickly rush downstaits and back. And "Eat sensibly and exercise regularly" is quite enough for that.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Well for starters, i live in the second fattest state (apparently) and really, id say only about 1 out of 6 of us are over weight, not even obese really.

i say people blow this shit out of proportion.

secondly there is no clear threshold for overweight or obese, and really, they seem to raise the standards each year.

Thirdly the BMI (Body Mass Index) is flawed as shit. dont take my word for it.

Fourthly, means the healthier people have an advantage and fat people wont breed as much. *evil grin*

But, what makes foods fat isnt 'preservatives'(salts are worse, but i digress) its over eating without burning calories to off set it.

So if i may make a suggestion, dont eat potato products or anything with alot of sodium, once a week is a good limit, eat meats and deli sandwiches and just go for a light stroll or bike ride around the neighborhood and drink LOTS of water and eat sensible proportions. Example, one sandwich is a meal, dont use mayo and drink skim milk(skim milk is possibly the healthiest thing to ingest. Lactose-intolerant? Give over it pussy)

But the above advice wont be used because we live in a dumb down society thanks to reality television....the root of all evil.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Define "eat sensibly" please. Apparently that knowledge you have is unknown to most people if we go by what we read on here. Humans are wired to eat more smaller meals. Three meals a day is not good enough for you, even non-builders. Carbs have been around for a very short period of time in human history, vegetable fats have been around for an even shorter time. We aren't meant to eat all this sugar.

When I'm bulking I take in at MOST 300g of carbs per day, and that's a lot of carbs right there, for someone like me who is bodybuilding. Of course if you eat McDonalds and have your fries your gonna get fat. If you take a bigmac with SMALL(edit) fries you get 75g of carbs! HOLY BATMAN! Moreover, apparently 75g is 25% of your daily recommended intake, meaning you should take in 300g of carbs per day on a REGULAR diet. WTH?!