So, who did you play as in Far Cry 2? And why?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I didn't want EVERYONE to leave.

Alright, so, I'm noticing that I'm the ONLY one who picked Andre Hyppolite so far.... Although that was my second playthrough (in which halfway through I unfortunately hit the rare glitch wherein the only dude who can give you missions isn't there, so you can no longer make progress in the game)

I figured he'd be one of the more popular ones... I'm apparently the only one who felt weird killing so many african soldiers as a white foreigner/tourist... Then again I often tend to pick black characters in most games.. Rainbow Six Vegas (1 and 2), Fall Out 3, GTA 4 multiplayer. Maybe I'm making up for how pale I am in real life?


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
I played as the Irish guy for 30 minutes before turning off that terrible game.

- Fails to grab attention due to no semblance of a story. For unexplained reasons, my character just agrees to do everything the NPCs say? Yeah, ok.
- Shoddy graphics, despite running it at max on my comp. I heard it looks amazing. Not true.
- Enemies saw me, then turned away quickly to shoot at a cliff

Maybe I'll give it a shot again since I bought the damn thing for cheap on Steam, but it was probably the worst 30 minutes of first person shooter I've ever played.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I played as Andre Hyppolit but it doesn't really matter who you play as really. Unless you play as Warren who was the best guy to have as your buddy simply because he was a total nutjob. I remember all the other characters would give you missions and tell you how the person you're killing betrayed them or is an evil rapist or whatever. Warren on the other hand would basically just say "Hey you want to blow up a military base with me?".

I need to pick up a copy of Far Cry 2 on the PC, it was a pretty good game.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I really wish they had a "characters hands viewer" in the game.

My first character, Quarbani, was a decent choice. I liked him as a character and I liked the idea of being a east indian bad-ass. However his hands we're boring as fuck! As stupid a sentence as that sounds. He was just bare-arms, with gloves. And I swear his arms were much lower texture quality than what they were supposed to be, (360 version).

Maybe Far-Cry 3 should have fore-arm/hands customization. Eh?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Hakim Echebbi. He looked like a decent guy, also looked like he didn't try to look badass, but simply was and didn't need to show it off.