Sony Announces New PS2 Bundle


Aug 25, 2008
Tipsy Giant said:
I have a collection of over 100 PS2 titles and they are all classics, no duds! name another console that can claim this!
PS1? ^_^

Nintendo 64?

Quite a few consoles have loads of games :p

I think even the 360, Wii, and PS3 could pull it off...seen as though they will be out for at least another 4 years


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Just imagine if this package wasn't necessary, if the PS3 was backwards compatible... after all, Sony definitely wouldn't be so evil as to cannibalize such a feature in order to sell more PS2s, never.

Bah, I'm just a dreamer.

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
arc1991 said:
Tipsy Giant said:
I have a collection of over 100 PS2 titles and they are all classics, no duds! name another console that can claim this!
PS1? ^_^

Nintendo 64?

Quite a few consoles have loads of games :p

I think even the 360, Wii, and PS3 could pull it off...seen as though they will be out for at least another 4 years
ONE HUNDRED top titles, no!

maybe 50, even maybe 75 for PS1 but to get to 100 TOP titles is harder than you'd think


New member
Feb 28, 2010
They could probably ship more PS3s if they had backwards compatibility.... Or if they released all they rereleased all those awesome PS2 games onto the PS3...

I'm looking at you Okage Shadow King!


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I fully support the releasing of older consoles. I wish Nintendo would do it with their older consoles; my N64 is old, and I missed the opportunities to check out the NES and SNES classics due to being either too young or not born at the time.

Still, I think it's cool they're releasing the PS2 again for a while. I might pick it up since I have an aging PS2 myself.

Or, you know, Sony could have kept the backwards-compatibility the PS3 had originally...

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Not G. Ivingname said:
Sounds like a good deal, but could they of picked a better game then Toy Story 3? I loved the movie but even Pixar tie in games are terrible.
I think that's my only compliant about this bundle? Out of all the great PS2 games out there and this is the one you picked for the bundle?


New member
Nov 17, 2009
imnotparanoid said:
i dont get why they still make games for ps2, explain plz?
because some of us are still to broke to go next gen on ps3. Yes we exist, and yes we don't have jobs, yes most of us are looking we aren't dead beats.

Personally i just want an original ps3 with backwards compatibility. But alas no job and no poun....i mean no dollars after the move and it seems my school won't give me financial aid or loans so dead end there as well.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
I'm happy to see Sony is still supporting the PS2. They were still making PS2 versions of games long after the PS3 came out which I was very grateful for. The PS2 ports of PSP games were great for someone who doesn't own a hand-held console.

However, I don't quite understand this move... you can buy a cheap PS2 slim just about anywhere for much cheaper than this price. I guess it's one way of getting some more consoles out there but why now, after all this time?

Still, Kudos to Sony for supporting their brand so fully. Microsoft couldn't wait to drop the original Xbox the very moment the 360 came out. And let's not even mention their support towards the old, and much cherished Xbox original games... Backwards compatibility? What's that?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
For all you people wondering who would buy a ps2 at a brand new price. I will raise my hand high because I just did. My launch ps2 finally died last month no amount of fiddling with laser would bring her back and the drive motor sounded like it was going to blow up soon. I would much rather buy a new one then a refurbished POS from gamestop. If I spend the few extra bucks then I know it will last for years to come.

Also I own a launch ps3 with backwards compatibility but sometimes the wife is using the ps3 and I want to play a ps2 game or i am playing ps3 and the wife wants to play ps2. I applaud sony for continuing to support the ps2. Especially as long as they do not have backwards compatibility in the ps3 I hope there are ps2's on the shelf.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
twaddle said:
imnotparanoid said:
i dont get why they still make games for ps2, explain plz?
because some of us are still to broke to go next gen on ps3. Yes we exist, and yes we don't have jobs, yes most of us are looking we aren't dead beats.

Personally i just want an original ps3 with backwards compatibility. But alas no job and no poun....i mean no dollars after the move and it seems my school won't give me financial aid or loans so dead end there as well.
I guess but from a buissness point of view I would have though they would stop.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
vrbtny said:
vansau said:
Sony Announces New PS2 Bundle

It's tempting to write off the PS2 as a hopelessly-outdated system, but I have a number of friends who still get a lot of fun out of the console, especially when they're using it for party games or playing some of the more iconic titles like God of War and the Jak & Daxter series. For $99, the bundle is certainly a solid deal.

Source: <a href=>Eurogamer

What about Ratchet and Clank? Best PS2 game series.

I still have a PS2 plugged into my tv. FFX, FFXII, Jak 2&3 + R&C are all still on the rotation.
Gotta love R&C


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Not a bad deal I guess. The PS2 is still suprisingly quite popular. I still buy games for it.

Blizzarded Soul

New member
Jan 27, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Good. I need a new PS2 after my old one got cookie crumbles in the drive somehow.
Might want to get that checked out for invading Cookie Monsters. They can be a real ***** to get rid of.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Not G. Ivingname said:
Sounds like a good deal, but could they of picked a better game then Toy Story 3? I loved the movie but even Pixar tie in games are terrible.
Apparently this particular game was quite good.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I would buy a new PS2 if the one I have now stops working, so only good that I have the option.