Sony Demands Cash For PlayStation 4 Online Play


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Well, no more online playing for me then... The couple of minutes I've done it anyways...


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
talideon said:
Nobody is complaining because people are either (a) willing to pay a small fortune to pay for the server hosting or (b) totally unaware that other people are heavily subsidising their multiplayer experience.

People don't complain because the people who independently run such servers are willing to foot the cost. This might be because they work in the same line of business as me--the hosting business--or are both wealthy (possibly by pooling the cost with a number of others) and enthusiastic enough to foot the cost.

Can you *really* imagine the kind of people who buy consoles to play MP games doing something like that? I'd hazard to guess that the pool of people who'd so something like that would be significantly smaller.

nevarran said:
That's like saying "swimming is extremely difficult", only because you cannot swim.
I'm not sure I get your analogy. If I'm reading you right, what I'm actually doing is more like a sailor explaining to a passenger how much money and how much effort it take to sail a ship and maintain it too.

BTW, I actually work for a hosting company, so I'm very much aware of the costs involved in keeping a network and racks upon racks of servers up and running.

nevarran said:
They don't allow publishers and third parties to host servers, then they complain how expensive it is and justify payments.
Because it's a closed ecosystem. That's the price you pay for getting much cheaper machines that just work out of the box. If you want an open ecosystem, you want a PC and all the occasional jankiness that goes with it.
Ah someone else who understands how it works explaining it, good to see :)

Initially I was against it as console games were always peer to peer, but it appears that Sony is going the "we'll host the MP servers" approach to improve the service and are (rightfully) asking those that use said service to pay their dues. It's really simple guys, the servers cost money and Sony isn't a charity so cough up. Atleast their offering discounts and games to add value to the plan, it's actually very much in our favor. Especially when you consider the games and discounts are for all 3 systems, so buying PS3, Vita and PS4 games using the discounts would actually pay itself off within a few months anyway.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
**reads news**


Well, since I hate 99% of online games and only give a shit about Single Player... yay! Well, not really yay. More "meh."

Sony: Winning because "meh, I don't mind that" is the new standard for being awesome.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
A Plus? Sounds more like a negative to me.
I completely agree and wish they wouldn't make you have to pay money to play online games, but honestly, if I had to pay for a service, PS+ is one I would. They offer a lot for a comparatively small amount. Free games, great sales.

I do really wish they wouldn't hold online multiplayer hostage, though. That seems dickish.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I'm not ever paying for that. You'll just have to do without it and so will I.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
We've known this for ages. It's not really all that surprising. Playstation Plus gives pretty awesome benefits even without online play. On top of that, Sony doesn't clog their service up with tonnes of advertising like Microsoft does.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I could've sworn they said they should've charged for online not long after the PS3 was released. So its not that big of a surprise when they followed through.

If it becomes a requirement for online play I don't see them giving away freebies like they do with PSN+

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Old news, but this still highlights why sticking with PC is better. I'm going to upgrade my HHD to a SSD and up the ram to 16 gig on my MacBook Pro.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Wait. wasnt this article supposed be explanation on why they wanted the fee? because it surely diditn explain it. all it did is say "we want to give you service and its expensive".

Quiotu said:
Sony went with the PC style and had the publishers upkeep their own servers, but Sony still needs servers for the store, the cloud, and for patches. And their servers are pretty awful because it's a free service and upkeep cost were eaten by Sony until now.
But no such problems exist in PC gaming. had sony actually went with PC style, the services would not have been awful. instead they went with Microsoft style of services, except pretended its free and paid the cost.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Bluestorm83 said:
Dendio said:
Paying for internet twice is something im just not willing to do. Going to stay pc.
You're not paying for the system's online capability, just paying for their servers that handle all the Multiplayer crap. You'd still be able to go online or watch Neckflits or peruse the Hulules or whatever you young kids do these days.
Except this is false, only the XB gold will give you dedicated servers, Sony doesn't have the infrastructure to offer that and are charging the same amount.

Also the real reason is their financial situation if anyone was wondering.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Fine, but since this means I will never play the multiplayer portions of the games then I expect to be charged only half price for all games with multiplayer since I will only ever get half the game.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
sid said:
Uh, yeah. Isn't this old news? They even went ahead and said free-to-play titles would be available for non-PS+ users. Like a few weeks ago.
In fact, the Escapist has covered it already. A lot of reruns of late.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I don't get it, what does PS4's PSN offer that PS3's doesn't, that requires them to impose a mandatory fee? Correct me if I'm wrong, but any game that offers online play supplies the servers themselves, don't they? So where's that money going exactly?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Welp, there's another prediction I got right from way back in 2008.
But I'm not exactly bragging here; this was pretty much inevitable.

Back then, when the topic first came up, Sony's PS3 was playing from far behind due to its insane cost and relative lack of games. That has obviously changed.

Mr. Happy Face

New member
May 8, 2013
I honestly get where Sony is coming from on this one, and really don't have a problem with it, as long as a few pressing issues get addressed.

It breaks down like this. Sony Online Network has a pretty massive online base. Not as big as Xbox Live, but pretty big. Sony has offered this online service free, with the option to pay in for Plus premium mambership. Those that choose to opt-in and pay for upgraded online service get all sorts of great deals and downloads that they can take advantage of. And all that is pretty sweet. But remember, Sony Online Network also has had major security issues in the past. A mass account hack in April of 2011 shut down the service for 24 days and saw 77 million users get their information stolen. And October saw 93,000 accounts frozen after similar shenanigans. In short, it's a good service that has serious flaws.

So now Sony is entering a new console generation, and they are looking to make their new console online in a big way. Trouble is, they need to seriously upgrade their online infrastructure and security in order for it work, because operating at the previous level isn't going to cut it. That requires a lot of money, ladies and gentlemen, even for a big corporation like Sony. And make no mistake, Sony is a corporation, who's main goal is to make money. So it logically follows that what it decides to do is begin to charge for its online service.

Now, normally I'd agree that this is a bitter pill for a consumer to swallow. But this particular pill has quite a sugar coating. Sony really does know how to offer a quality online service, one worth paying for. They've proved it this console generation with their Plus subscription package. All they really need to do is improve on their delivery. And even if you choose not to pay, you still get some online content. They aren't completely locking you out. And here's a personal suggestion to Sony: why don't you offer different levels of online membership. Say, for 3 bucks a month you can get a basic package that lets you play online, while 15 or 20 bucks a month gets you the cool premium membership with all the bells and whistles and massages by a woman named Maria. Or a man named Sven if that's your thing. And all joking aside, Sony might still have a trick of two up it's sleeve to offer in terms of online service we don't know about.

I admit this could turn into a total cock-up. But if Sony offers a good enough service, people will support it and this could work out well for them. Time will tell.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I know this is old news but I'm gunna say something about the subject anyways...

Sony DEMANDS cash?
I'm sorry, was the swarms of money you got from PS4 pre-orders and the fact that a large vocal minority known as the interwebs is leaning towards your console as one for actual gaming not enough?

I'm not saying its a bad thing, I mean there are some pluses (bad pun, sorry) to it, its arguably the better option compared to Gold's "amazing" free game lineup /sarcasm, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still feels a bit dickish on their part.