Ah someone else who understands how it works explaining it, good to seetalideon said:Nobody is complaining because people are either (a) willing to pay a small fortune to pay for the server hosting or (b) totally unaware that other people are heavily subsidising their multiplayer experience.
People don't complain because the people who independently run such servers are willing to foot the cost. This might be because they work in the same line of business as me--the hosting business--or are both wealthy (possibly by pooling the cost with a number of others) and enthusiastic enough to foot the cost.
Can you *really* imagine the kind of people who buy consoles to play MP games doing something like that? I'd hazard to guess that the pool of people who'd so something like that would be significantly smaller.
I'm not sure I get your analogy. If I'm reading you right, what I'm actually doing is more like a sailor explaining to a passenger how much money and how much effort it take to sail a ship and maintain it too.nevarran said:That's like saying "swimming is extremely difficult", only because you cannot swim.
BTW, I actually work for a hosting company, so I'm very much aware of the costs involved in keeping a network and racks upon racks of servers up and running.
Because it's a closed ecosystem. That's the price you pay for getting much cheaper machines that just work out of the box. If you want an open ecosystem, you want a PC and all the occasional jankiness that goes with it.nevarran said:They don't allow publishers and third parties to host servers, then they complain how expensive it is and justify payments.
I completely agree and wish they wouldn't make you have to pay money to play online games, but honestly, if I had to pay for a service, PS+ is one I would. They offer a lot for a comparatively small amount. Free games, great sales.DVS BSTrD said:A Plus? Sounds more like a negative to me.
But no such problems exist in PC gaming. had sony actually went with PC style, the services would not have been awful. instead they went with Microsoft style of services, except pretended its free and paid the cost.Quiotu said:Sony went with the PC style and had the publishers upkeep their own servers, but Sony still needs servers for the store, the cloud, and for patches. And their servers are pretty awful because it's a free service and upkeep cost were eaten by Sony until now.
Except this is false, only the XB gold will give you dedicated servers, Sony doesn't have the infrastructure to offer that and are charging the same amount.Bluestorm83 said:You're not paying for the system's online capability, just paying for their servers that handle all the Multiplayer crap. You'd still be able to go online or watch Neckflits or peruse the Hulules or whatever you young kids do these days.Dendio said:Paying for internet twice is something im just not willing to do. Going to stay pc.
In fact, the Escapist has covered it already. A lot of reruns of late.sid said:Uh, yeah. Isn't this old news? They even went ahead and said free-to-play titles would be available for non-PS+ users. Like a few weeks ago.