You've just outlined my argument, and highlighted all the relevant points.Celtic_Kerr said:I am not a robot though, that is the one part of your equation that doesn't match. I don't sit here and think about absolutes. There are grey areas, there will always be grey areas.RvLeshrac said:But you equated "illegal" with "unethical" when you said that what Sony is doing is legal, and thus they should be left alone.Celtic_Kerr said:Legality and Ethicality are two different things. It might be legal to sue someone for millions when they work a blue collar job, but does that make it right? Yes, Anon's hacking was illegal in BOTH cases, but it seems more justifiable in the westboro cases.RvLeshrac said:Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Either they were right in attacking the WBC and they're right in attacking Sony, or they aren't right in either case.Celtic_Kerr said:I think this might be why, it's why it feels off for meInfesord said:*snip*
SONY isn't abusing the legal system, they're USING the legal system. You might think what they're suing for is wrong, but if the judge allows the case to go through, it's because it's not abusing the legal system and a case can be made by both sides. You might not like what SONY is doing, but a legal battle is a viable option for SONY, they are using it, and if you don't understand that, tough.
I've supported Anon' MANY times in the past, including the WBC bollocks they went through, but they were right for that. WBC was pushing hate on the world. SONY is not abusing the legal system, they are simply using that method
Why is it that EVERY TIME someone twitches the wrong way, Anonymous goes "You are abusing the public and misusing all of this! We shall teach you a lesson!" like their donning batman's fucking cape? I can understand it if they get involved in an issue or two, but now they're hacking for the sake of hacking, they're watching everything going "Can we find a reason to hack for that? no...... How about that? ...... no....... OOooooh, lets do THIS!!!!"
You can't pick and choose, as both are equally illegal. Adjusting your ethics based on how much you dislike one group makes you no better than the idiots at Westboro.
Oh, and try to keep this civil. You don't don't see me insulting anyone, so kindly don't insult me.
*Directly* conforming to that logic, what Westboro is doing is *legal*, therefore they also should be left alone.
Either legality is unrelated to ethics, and the involved members of Anonymous may be right in both scenarios, or legality and ethics are two sides of the same coin, and they are wrong in both scenarios.
If Steve robs Bob and then Mark robs Dave, you can't punish Mark less just because you think Dave is a dick. Doing so invalidates the entire system.
This isn't a matter of anyone robbing anything though.
1) Westboro is a dick, we'll admit that. Yeah, what they're doing is legal and they're allowed to, but almost everyone finds it wrong. Not anonymous steps in and says "STOP SLANDERING PEOPLE!" and hack their sites.
2) SONY is suing hackers. Yes, it's legal, and people are 50/50 about if it's right or wrong. Now Anonymous steps in and says "Stop suing people for hacking their own property!" And hack's SONY's property"...
Now is Anonymous hacked their own PS3s, then yes, I can get behind this. It would be a show of numbers.It would make a stand.
The reason I'm not supporting it is because Anon is making a claim that people should be able to hack their own property by hacking someone else's property.
And yes, I have the right to have two differing opinions on if it's RIGHT or WRONG.
In your example, the legal system cannot punish either person more. They both stole. I agree with that. You are right.
Now, if Steve was being a dick and just robbing some guy, and mark stole something because it belonged to him in the first place and Dave stole it from him first, I might have a different opinion. That's the beauty of being human. Our opinions change. Don't call me an idiot because it does
You can't say that the law is only valid when you agree with it. That's not how society works.
You can either say that everything is subjective, and that Anon *may* have a good, valid point here *just like they did with WBC*, or you can say that they are objectively wrong in both cases because they're violating exactly the same law.
And no, Anon hacking their own PS3s collectively wouldn't do anything, unless they networked their PS3s into a DDoSing platform. Sony doesn't have a PS3 hive-mind that immediately detects and tallies the numbers of hacked PS3s.