I'm gonna go against the general flow of the thread here and say he's absolutely right. Were there mistakes made at launch? absolutely. Launching with a very minimal library of games and then delaying PSone classics for close to a year after launch were definitely a factor in ensuring that the vita would spend the beginning of it's life climbing out of a whole. That being said, the vita had a lot of really great features and awesome hardware, and some really cool games, and I think it's biggest weakness was in fact, that in it's native Japan, mobile devices had largely grabbed the commuter market which was huge in Japan, and losing titles like monster hunter to the 3DS, which had helped drive PSP sales in it's later days, probably dealt a significant blow to the college student and youth markets.
Even personally it is undeniable that my phone, despite having less quality games, was easier to play on as I commuted simply because I could multi-task if I had to. I could respond to texts for instance and go right back to what ever I was playing. Ironically at the time, and I bought my Vita at launch, I was really hoping that they would improve a lot of their platform to better support non-gaming applications. I wanted my Vita to replace my tablet. It had the technical potential after all, but this never materialized. The browser felt like garbage, the applications where choppy slow and buggy, almost to a shameless degree, and now it's just too late.
I feel like they could have introduced some of this increased functionality and created a kind of tablet environment. Even if it was just checking emails. I still love the system, and it is definitely my long trip companion but, after that last final fantasy 7 port for iOS, I can kind of see phones replacing handhelds all together in the not so distant future. But I still love my Vita while it lasts, and I hope it lasts long enough for that HD port of FFXII that keeps getting teased lately.
tl;dr: Phones are just more convenient and a dedicated gaming handheld is becoming more and more of a novelty, and an expensive one at that. no matter how much I love it, I can only use it when I want to truly shut out the world, which is becoming less and less important as I age.