Honestly, this isn't surprising, considering the combination of factors that are hurting the PS3 sales - a combination of what I would call underperforming sales on the "big name" titles, from Little Big Planet, to Resistance 2 and more (with the notable exception of Metal Gear Solid 4, no title moved consoles this year), as well as a "months behind" online experience in Home and perhaps most telling, the bad timing of selling something that is worlds more expensive in a painful economical climate.
Clearly even with all these issues, the PS3 still subscribes to what was said at this year's E3 by Sony themselves - that the PS3's immense hardware and media capability is a long-term decision that won't bear fruit immediately. But I wonder at how, with the emergence of the Wii as the "casual" gamer's system and the 360 being the console of choice for the college-age, action-oriented, dependence-on-parents-with-disposable-income crew, how a full-fledged multimedia system like the PS3 will find its way into the homes of its target demographic.
I'm no expert, but I'd honestly take a hard look at what the PS3 is actually offering, check the price tag vs. the return on investment given the economical climate, and make adjustments accordingly. I really like, as a PS3 owner, I'm being sold on multimedia capability and entertainment value on one hand and exclusive game titles on the other. If Sony's aim is to be the full multimedia experience system, then the appeal of the system has to be marketed more towards that rather than towards titles which smack of "eggs in one basket" in terms of profits.