Sony Still Losing Money on PS3 Slim

Blazing Steel

New member
Sep 22, 2008
Pulse Reality said:
Machines Are Us said:
Pulse Reality said:
Machines Are Us said:
Pulse Reality said:
I don't find this suprising. The PS3 is more of a Blu-Ray Player than a games console, as adding a Blu-Ray Player raises the price by about £250/£300.

The fact that the majority of good games come out on multiple consoles (Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, GTA4, etc) and the PC, why buy a PS3 for £500 when I can buy a 360 to play (In my opinion) betetr exclusive titles like Mass Effect or Left 4 Dead (I know those are ont he PC, but I think you all get my point) along with all of the good multi-platform titles (GTA4, Prototype).

If sony wanted to make and sell a console, they would have not added a Blu-Ray Player, and have got more Developers to make exclusive titles for the PS3.
You pretty much summed up me reasons for not buying one.

That said, I do like the look of the new PS3 slim. They just need a few more exclusives and should have included backwards compatibility.
Oh yes, even though I'm a 360 Fanboy, I would buy a PS3 if it had some better exclusive titles. And backwards compatability; I'm dying to play Beyond Good an Evil again.

Although, I do really hate the Playstation controller. It just feels uncomfortable, unlike the 360 controller, which I do have to say is the most comfortable controller I have ever held.
There are only a couple of PS3 games I'd like so it isn't worth the money for me at the moment, maybe in a couple of years...

It's funny because when the PS2 and Xbox were the newest thing everyone hated the XB controller because it was so frigging huge, now I find the 360 is about right and the PS2/3 is too small.
There are a few games I would like that are PS3 exclusives (Maybe inFamous, I think that's PS3 Exclusive, anyway), but the majority of ones people would recomend, like Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4 or Haze, I have all played and disliked each one of them (Well, I was tolerant of MGS4, but LBP, for me anyway, got boring so quickly. I actually can't stand it when anyone say's it's a good game!).

And I've never really like the Playstation Controller at all. I always found it so uncomfortable.
I like the PS3 exclusives over the Xbox exclusives since most xbox games that arn't PS3 games are easy to get on PC. LBP - Family game, MGS4 - I hate it, Haze - Crap. Just because websites tell you it's good doesn't mean it is. Prototype is a great game, aswell as Uncharted and Resitance 1 and 2. As for the controller it comes down to what your used to. I find the PS3 controller much easier to use over the xbox.

A Raging Emo

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Lego Man said:
Pulse Reality said:
Machines Are Us said:
Pulse Reality said:
Machines Are Us said:
Pulse Reality said:
I don't find this suprising. The PS3 is more of a Blu-Ray Player than a games console, as adding a Blu-Ray Player raises the price by about £250/£300.

The fact that the majority of good games come out on multiple consoles (Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2, GTA4, etc) and the PC, why buy a PS3 for £500 when I can buy a 360 to play (In my opinion) betetr exclusive titles like Mass Effect or Left 4 Dead (I know those are ont he PC, but I think you all get my point) along with all of the good multi-platform titles (GTA4, Prototype).

If sony wanted to make and sell a console, they would have not added a Blu-Ray Player, and have got more Developers to make exclusive titles for the PS3.
You pretty much summed up me reasons for not buying one.

That said, I do like the look of the new PS3 slim. They just need a few more exclusives and should have included backwards compatibility.
Oh yes, even though I'm a 360 Fanboy, I would buy a PS3 if it had some better exclusive titles. And backwards compatability; I'm dying to play Beyond Good an Evil again.

Although, I do really hate the Playstation controller. It just feels uncomfortable, unlike the 360 controller, which I do have to say is the most comfortable controller I have ever held.
There are only a couple of PS3 games I'd like so it isn't worth the money for me at the moment, maybe in a couple of years...

It's funny because when the PS2 and Xbox were the newest thing everyone hated the XB controller because it was so frigging huge, now I find the 360 is about right and the PS2/3 is too small.
There are a few games I would like that are PS3 exclusives (Maybe inFamous, I think that's PS3 Exclusive, anyway), but the majority of ones people would recomend, like Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4 or Haze, I have all played and disliked each one of them (Well, I was tolerant of MGS4, but LBP, for me anyway, got boring so quickly. I actually can't stand it when anyone say's it's a good game!).

And I've never really like the Playstation Controller at all. I always found it so uncomfortable.
I like the PS3 exclusives over the Xbox exclusives since most xbox games that arn't PS3 games are easy to get on PC. LBP - Family game, MGS4 - I hate it, Haze - Crap. Just because websites tell you it's good doesn't mean it is. Prototype is a great game, aswell as Uncharted and Resitance 1 and 2. As for the controller it comes down to what your used to. I find the PS3 controller much easier to use over the xbox.
I'm actually playing Prototype on my 360 right now!

OT: I prefr the 360 Exclusives to the PS3 ones. The 360 Exclusives appeal to me more than the PS3 ones, and quite a few of the games I want to play 9That are 360 Exlusives) are just that, exclusives to the 360. They aren't on the PC.

(I know I'm going to get a lot of ear ache from some people for this) I actually like Halo 3, and I would rather play that than, say, Call of Duty 4/WaW/Whatever, because, in my opinion, it's more fun! The same with the 360 Exclusive games I want to play; to me, they are more fun! I want to sit down and play some Mass Effect, maybe (If I'm feeling tactical) put Halo wars in. Or Fable 2. Or if I just want to mindlessly kill something, Gears of war 1/2 (I know Gears 1 is on the PC but my point still stands...).

These are the games I want to play. And I do prefer a controller to a mouse and keyboard, actually, I think it's better to have a dedicated control system, rather than different keys for every game I play.

Another thing is, if I can have the games that I can play with my friends on XBox LIVE (Another thing, I prefer XBL to PSN, I think Sony managed to mess PSN up...), then I can, as they don't own PCs powerfull enough to play things like Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead, but they do have 360s.

And I did have a PS1 and PS2 for waaaaaaay longer than I have had an Original XBox or a 360 (We're talking 5 or so years with the PS2) and I still hated the Playstation controller, even though I was used to it.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
Saylek said:
Well I guess that's why people like me buy a Xbox 360 or a PC. I myself have a Laptop. For such a high price I wouldn't consider buying the PS3 until the price drops another 60-80 euros.
except you get 1 or 2 years of live and you've now paid more for your 360 than the ps3 and you have to put up with ads for on your dashboard as well

maybe now the people complaining about lack of bc will stop a bit, considering putting it in would cause them to lose even more money
Maybe if people would understand that Live pretty much costs $3 a month which is basically giving up one 12-pack of soda a month, and therefore not a big deal, they'd stop trying to slant the price schematic in favor of the PS3 that way.

Because if we're going to play dirty, let's play "you now have to replace all your movies with Blu-Rays because DVDs are for peasants"

Say I have a movie collection of 100 DVDs. Say 80 of those can be found on Blu-Ray (since some of the movies I own are out of print in both formats). Say the average price of a Blu-Ray movie is $30. Are we honestly going to say paying $2400 for movies I already own isn't somehow slanting the price schematic? Or would you be like me, someone who doesn't throw all the optional shit into why they should or shouldn't buy a console? I mean, the Wii doesn't make you pay for its internet connection I don't see why people don't say that's a good thing (apart from it not being a very good online system in the grand scheme of things)

And don't get me started on if you don't already own an HDTV, which many people don't.

In conclusion, I eagerly await the day that the PS3's defenders stop lying to potential customers, or at the very least stop pretending like the only thing you have to buy for a PS3 is the PS3 itself.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
AceDiamond said:
cleverlymadeup said:
Saylek said:
Well I guess that's why people like me buy a Xbox 360 or a PC. I myself have a Laptop. For such a high price I wouldn't consider buying the PS3 until the price drops another 60-80 euros.
except you get 1 or 2 years of live and you've now paid more for your 360 than the ps3 and you have to put up with ads for on your dashboard as well

maybe now the people complaining about lack of bc will stop a bit, considering putting it in would cause them to lose even more money
Maybe if people would understand that Live pretty much costs $3 a month which is basically giving up one 12-pack of soda a month, and therefore not a big deal, they'd stop trying to slant the price schematic in favor of the PS3 that way.

Because if we're going to play dirty, let's play "you now have to replace all your movies with Blu-Rays because DVDs are for peasants"

Say I have a movie collection of 100 DVDs. Say 80 of those can be found on Blu-Ray (since some of the movies I own are out of print in both formats). Say the average price of a Blu-Ray movie is $30. Are we honestly going to say paying $2400 for movies I already own isn't somehow slanting the price schematic? Or would you be like me, someone who doesn't throw all the optional shit into why they should or shouldn't buy a console? I mean, the Wii doesn't make you pay for its internet connection I don't see why people don't say that's a good thing (apart from it not being a very good online system in the grand scheme of things)

And don't get me started on if you don't already own an HDTV, which many people don't.

In conclusion, I eagerly await the day that the PS3's defenders stop lying to potential customers, or at the very least stop pretending like the only thing you have to buy for a PS3 is the PS3 itself.
DVDs to Blurays is like PS2s to PS3s, or Xboxs to 360s. You buy new games for the new console, and play old games on the old game player (or on the new one if you like excluding the PS3 of course). It's what happens when technology advances. If we followed your brilliant logic we'd still be playing 2D games on Ataris because no one "wanted to pay for whole new games on new consoles omgomg". Because godforbid someone invents something that's better than the earlier version. Or we'd still be rewinding video cassets to rewatch our favorite black-and-white movies because it was "too much work to buy DVDs". And don't get me started on that logic applied to prehistory.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Yep. The second I saw this thread, I knew there would be several complainers within. Man, I am good.

The Ps3 is still a great console, so sold at a loss or not, the company will go on. Sorry to all those Sony haters. :p


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Onmi said:
Ahem, FATAL FLAW PS3 plays DVDs as well. and it's not optional shit since THE PS3 GAMES AR EON BLU-RAY, Optional would be if the PS3 games were on DVDs.
Well here's one of my reasons for not buying a PS3. My TV is an older model, bought before HD was being shoved down our throats. I've seen the difference between HD and my crappy little TV. Honestly, the difference is so minor (in fact, I don't really see a difference at all), I can't justify buying a new TV just to make my game images "prettier".

The price I'd be paying for a PS3 for the major piece of technology it offers that is essentially useless to me is just not worth it. Yes, there's a few things I would love to play, but it's not enough. I know it's been said before but Sony decided to gear their next gen to the wrong area. We all made the same complaint time and again, great graphics mean nothing if the gameplay is horrible. And if the game's going to be shit on all the other systems it's released on, I may as well go for the one that's going to cost me the least.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
The point I was attempting to make, with the entire DVD-to-Bluray nonsense, was that it is nonsense. I made up a fake cost to add to the cost of the PS3, just like people make the fake cost of XBox Live (which again, is negligible) to justify that "You weren't paying as much for the PS3". There's a difference between actively not knowing the PS3 can play DVDs (which I did know, hence me not saying "you have to get blu-rays because the PS3 can't play a DVD), and just skewing words a bit.

The gist of my argument being that I was more or less fed up with people going "well if you add in *insert ancillary bullshit* to this, then A costs less than B". It's pure and utter nonsense.