cleverlymadeup said:
Saylek said:
Well I guess that's why people like me buy a Xbox 360 or a PC. I myself have a Laptop. For such a high price I wouldn't consider buying the PS3 until the price drops another 60-80 euros.
except you get 1 or 2 years of live and you've now paid more for your 360 than the ps3 and you have to put up with ads for on your dashboard as well
maybe now the people complaining about lack of bc will stop a bit, considering putting it in would cause them to lose even more money
Maybe if people would understand that Live pretty much costs $3 a month which is basically giving up one 12-pack of soda a month, and therefore not a big deal, they'd stop trying to slant the price schematic in favor of the PS3 that way.
Because if we're going to play dirty, let's play "you now have to replace all your movies with Blu-Rays because DVDs are for peasants"
Say I have a movie collection of 100 DVDs. Say 80 of those can be found on Blu-Ray (since some of the movies I own are out of print in both formats). Say the average price of a Blu-Ray movie is $30. Are we honestly going to say paying $2400 for movies I already own isn't somehow slanting the price schematic? Or would you be like me, someone who doesn't throw all the optional shit into why they should or shouldn't buy a console? I mean, the Wii doesn't make you pay for its internet connection I don't see why people don't say that's a good thing (apart from it not being a very good online system in the grand scheme of things)
And don't get me started on if you don't already own an HDTV, which many people don't.
In conclusion, I eagerly await the day that the PS3's defenders stop lying to potential customers, or at the very least stop pretending like the only thing you have to buy for a PS3 is the PS3 itself.