Sony's PSP2 to have more computing power than Xbox 360


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Has it got like, a portable battery that you wear around you waist. Or as a backpack. Because otherwise it will be crap.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'd rather have decent games to play than a game that consists of "LOOK AT HOW SHINY I AM, CHECK OUT MY POLYGONS PEWPEW."

Who cares about computing power, the PS1 has a library of games that are far better than half the crap that's produced today.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Dexiro said:
Ditching the UMD doesn't sound so bad, unless people were hoping to sell their PSP for the PSP2. I hope that doesn't mean they're ditching physical media all together though, people don't want to live off downloads.
Not entirely true my friend, digital distribution is the wave of the future. Just look at the games coming out for the iPhone right now - you can have 100 games at your fingertips, and carry them around in your pocket. Despite it's shortcomings, ya gotta admit that's pretty sweet.


New member
May 19, 2008
Thunderhorse31 said:
Dexiro said:
Ditching the UMD doesn't sound so bad, unless people were hoping to sell their PSP for the PSP2. I hope that doesn't mean they're ditching physical media all together though, people don't want to live off downloads.
Not entirely true my friend, digital distribution is the wave of the future. Just look at the games coming out for the iPhone right now - you can have 100 games at your fingertips, and carry them around in your pocket. Despite it's shortcomings, ya gotta admit that's pretty sweet.
The PSPgo would like to have a word with you. The iphone is a bit of a special case as it's not a true gaming system like the PSP and DS are. And I could comment on the quality of those iphone games but I'll leave that be.

People still want their physical media, digital distribution is a substitute and not an overall new future at best. Now...give us the option to buy our physical games and install them to our system and that would be awesome, even though that just opens doors to some other problems that would need solving.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
On one hand, I love the PSP and am looking forward to the PSP2.

On the other hand, all this processing power can't be cheap.

...It doesn't help that the 3DS is apparently going to be around 300 dollars, so I guess this generation of handhelds in its entirety will be unusually expensive. Oh well, that's inflation for you.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Personally I think if the PSP2 is also a phone that would be great. I think I read it was running Android OS. It would be the beefiest smart phone out there, with full-fledged gaming ability. I've never really been into handheld gaming, the one and only handheld I own is the Gameboy Advance, and only have Golden Sun 1 + 2 for it.

However, I own an iPhone 3GS, and almost all of the stuff I have on there are games. I would definitely be interested in PSP2 once my contract is up, especially if you can get it with contract deals - afterall, the iPhone 3GS (32gb) was, what... $600 alone? $800? Yet with a contract it's $200. I'd do that for PSP2, assuming full Android OS and good games are available (wouldn't be content with Angry Birds on this beastly little guy).


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
-Seraph- said:
Thunderhorse31 said:
Dexiro said:
Ditching the UMD doesn't sound so bad, unless people were hoping to sell their PSP for the PSP2. I hope that doesn't mean they're ditching physical media all together though, people don't want to live off downloads.
Not entirely true my friend, digital distribution is the wave of the future. Just look at the games coming out for the iPhone right now - you can have 100 games at your fingertips, and carry them around in your pocket. Despite it's shortcomings, ya gotta admit that's pretty sweet.
The PSPgo would like to have a word with you. The iphone is a bit of a special case as it's not a true gaming system like the PSP and DS are. And I could comment on the quality of those iphone games but I'll leave that be.

People still want their physical media, digital distribution is a substitute and not an overall new future at best. Now...give us the option to buy our physical games and install them to our system and that would be awesome, even though that just opens doors to some other problems that would need solving.
Comparing the PSPgo and the PSP2 is a bit unfair. The PSPgo was grossly overpriced and for people who already had a PSP it meant buying all their games again, especially considering all versions of the PSP had access to the PS Store. It was simply unnecessary. The PSP2 however, no-one has any games on it yet, so if Sony tries the download-only route again, I would wager it would be far more successful.


New member
May 15, 2010
I Simply do not believe anything hand held will be as powerfull as any console that struggles to run new triple A titles with a power draw by gpu/cpu upwards of 170 watts under load. Not any time soon thats for sure. of course reducing the screen to a few inches does give a lot of headroom for proccesser and gpu quotas , its still not going to be that big of a deal.

Is there going to be a battery complete with backpack for portability ? Or by portable do they mean "as far as the nearest power outlet." of course not. and it wont have the kind of hardware that requires that much power

New laptops, new phones get ever smaller and smothered in features, And Deliver ultimiately Less performance in any one arena than thier mainstream Console and home entertainment counterparts.
Im sure Sony will Sell lots of them , As the market share they are targeting does not care about things like performance, longevity and support for mainstream games developed for Xbox, ps3 etc. They want thier shiny new "toy" and a nice heapin helpin of hype..


Yea, Furry. Deal With It!
Mar 23, 2010
Jenkins said:
GrimHeaper said:
PsP doesn't matter the Nintendo always beats it in game selection and quality games with handhelds.
Plus the great backward capability they always have is great.
The 3ds will be cheaper as well so I don't even see the point of PsP2.
If Microsoft tries I will laugh though.

that is all opinion. just like how I feel that Nintendo's game selection on the DS is for 12 year olds.
I Agree with this post here xD

I'm happy with my PSP1001 :) served me good for years :)

to each his own.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
If I have a gaming system, I atleast want a screen big enough to see what the hell is going on. That's why I can't see the PSP2 doing well. (I'm a Sony Fan, by the way). Gamers aren't people who want to be huddled around a phone size console to have fun, they want a big console and a big screen to have fun.

On that note, I love the PSP1001, much love to it <3 The PSPGo, PSP2.. I just honestly don't see the point.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
GrimHeaper said:
twistedheat15 said:
Jenkins said:
GrimHeaper said:
PsP doesn't matter the Nintendo always beats it in game selection and quality games with handhelds.
Plus the great backward capability they always have is great.
The 3ds will be cheaper as well so I don't even see the point of PsP2.
If Microsoft tries I will laugh though.

that is all opinion. just like how I feel that Nintendo's game selection on the DS is for 12 year olds.

to each his own.
it won't stop the psp2 from being a great system for the older crowd if they can get the right games on it.
it won't stop the 3DS from being a great system for the older crowd if they can get the right games on it. Some of the things I said were not opinions.
Some of them are facts the DS(not 3DS) does have a greater Library and it does have backwards capability. I know of some good games on the PsP, but I can play almost all of the games on my ps2.
Again your trying to make opinion into fact. You may think that the DS library is greater than the PSP library, but clearly others don't. A major hole against your arguement is this

I know of some good games on the PsP, but I can play almost all of the games on my ps2
Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the last 2 year of PSP where PS2 port have pretty muched stopped.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
GrimHeaper said:
Jenkins said:
GrimHeaper said:
PsP doesn't matter the Nintendo always beats it in game selection and quality games with handhelds.
Plus the great backward capability they always have is great.
The 3ds will be cheaper as well so I don't even see the point of PsP2.
If Microsoft tries I will laugh though.

that is all opinion. just like how I feel that Nintendo's game selection on the DS is for 12 year olds.

to each his own.
You have a rather slim view on the DS it seems.
*inserts GBA game in DS and plays*
His point is valid. The failure of the former DS exclusive, GTA Chinatown wars proved that. *Picks up PSP, starts playing FF 9*