Sooooo... whatcha playing?


New member
Sep 24, 2014
Yesterday I got Painkiller: Black Edition of GOG. I had played it before, but gave up at the third or second boss because the game kept crashing during the fight. Whilst playing it again I've enjoyed the action and learned to enjoy the first weapon's alternate fire mode which bugged me in the past and also learned to use tarot cards, which I somehow managed to miss completely on my first playthrough until well after completing a couple of chapters. It still kinda bugs me that in the 'berserker' mode which you enter upon collecting enough souls the attack seems to be the same as the default attack of the shotgun weapon. When I turned into berserker with stake gun out, I expected the attack to be different. I wish there were some multiplayer servers available. The game crashed after the first boss's health dropped to 25% and I ragequit.

Other than that I'm still playing Mount & Blade's Multiplayer as an expy of Saber from Fate/Stay Night. I feel like I've gotten a bit better with two-handed slashing weapons, particularly with eliminating a charging mounted enemy. In exchange, it seems that I've forgotten how to use a lance on horseback which is a shape since I prefer to ride on the white horse who is fast but not best for charging. Also, I thought, I had learned to parry sufficiently well, but last few games beg to differ. Oh, and my ranged weapons results seem to randomly vary from amazing to unbelievably poor. Lat thing: I've tried Bear Force (Star Wars MP mod), but got kicked from the only available server in a manner of minutes and haven't been able to find it since.

I've also started a new Xenonauts game(Veteran, Iron man, Community edition + some mods, including Lore and Garrison Duty) and after a couple of months I had to double-check that I was indeed on Veteran, because the success rate with interceptions and ground missions seems to be much higher than previously. That said, average casualty number for my Xenonauts on ground missions is around 1.7. What I didn't enjoy is the apparent lack of option to rename your base, because I wanted my base names to be themed alphabetically but named my second base Bravo instead of Border. Also, even though I've installed some mods specifically to bring more variety to ground mission maps, almost all ground missions I've played so far in this game, were on maps that I've seen in previous 5-4 games.

Last game I've tried recently is 'see if you can push to a remote git branch without accidentally deleting it'. I lost it and I didn't enjoy it.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Replaying Civ 5. Again. Because it's amazing. As Ice T said; "It's as good as Civilization 5 with the Brave New World Expansion", in what must be the most clearly researched line ever.

Also playing Regicide 40k; found out I am really, really bad at chess. But it is a beautiful game.

Also playing Life is Strange. How wonderfully... boring and slow-paced. It just feels like every decision is wrong, so what is the point? Also crazy adventure logic going on. Apparently I am crap at it because I just play how I would normally act.

Do you want to read the files of the crazy person? No, I would not.
Do you want to antagonise that *****? No, I would not.
Do you want to lie to the authorities? No, I would not.
Do you want go around telling everyone about how you saw a guy with a gun? No, I would not.
Do you want to tell everyone about your ability to time travel? No, I would not.

Just feels like I am too nice a person for this game. Feels like Mary Sue: The Tumblr Edition (How You Want to Be).


Dec 3, 2010
I'm playing The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing and it's fucking awesome. I've glanced over the game several times, thinking that it looks generic and dull, but it isn't. Tons of comedy and fun gameplay(though the skill system could've been better).

For those that doesn't know it's a dungeon crawler that's very simular to Torchlight. If you like that genre I recomend you pick it up from Humble Bundles sale right now. It's only ~6 euro for the complete pack, which gives you some DLC add on and two new classes. Gogogo!


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I'm replaying The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GameCube. I finally got around to moving it to the house I'm in now from my family home so I'm going to have a lot of fun working through the stuff I brought with me, like Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime but I thought I'd start with my favourite game in the Zelda franchise.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I'm busy with Asetto Corsa and Project Cars. At the moment AC has my preference with some mods so i can haul my own car along the track at distressing (low) speeds.
Next to that, Grim Dawn is something fun too to spend some time in.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Love that shit. Appreciate the difficulty.

SpaceChem, because I can't stay away from difficult puzzle games. Extremely difficult. I've been working on it for roughly a year and a half (intermittently) and am now pretty close to the end of the story.

Bravely Default. Great game, I was kind of ready to give up on seeing high-quality RPGs for handhelds, but it's good. It's too bad that some people have heaped so much hate on it just because they decided to give Agnes and Edea normal outfits instead of the lingerie/bikini things they wear in the Japanese one.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Having just wrapped up my usual RPG routine of playing through 90% and then stopping with Bloodborne, I have decided to whittle down some of my backlog. Just finished Crysis 3 and currently playing through L.A. Noire. After that I might do RE: REVELAITONS 1 and 2 so I can continue to watch the TBFPlaythrough of 2.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Been doing the FF14: ARR thing. Just got Excalibur and Aegis Shield for my Link glamour'd Paladin. Aside from that, island mode in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair has kept me sane and loving life (and women) when I'm not in the MMO grind.



New member
Dec 7, 2010
What, at the moment? Let's see...

-Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (snes)
-Soul Nomad and the World Eaters (ps2)
-Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires (PC)


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Been flipping between Grand Theft Auto: Online and Elite: Dangerous. I'm absolutely in love with Elite, especially since I got my hands on a HoTaS so that's been taking up the bulk of my free time. I jump on GTA whenever a friend of mine wants to try their hands at a heist.

Captcha: Space Shuttle Damn straight.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Driveclub, Wolfenstein the Old Blood, Axiom Verge, Rogue Legacy and a replay of Metro Last Light(love that game). Kind of waiting for Witcher 3 to come out next week. :p Never played a Witcher game before, but that game looks really good. Then Batman and then MGS5. Good times ahead! :p

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
I don't know anything about swallows, sorry mate.

As for games I am playin:

DotA2. I play one game at a day and try to complete one of the challenges from the Compendium. Today I picked "purchase Radiance before 30 minutes of the game pass". For those who don't know, Radiance is a cool item that not only increases your damage, but also makes you emit a "burning" aura that slowly but surely harms enemies. I played as Doom. Enemies were... wait for it... DOOMED.

Final Fantasy IV for PSP/Vita. I just made Cecil a paladin and got back to Baron. I am enjoying this game quite a lot. The scene where
Cecil gets to summoner village only to see ring, given him by the king, emit huge fire wave and burn everything around
for some reason had a big impact on me. And I freaking love Yang. Not only he has a monk class, but he also looks a lot like Ukrainian Kozak (well, his in-battle model at least). But Palom can get bent, little snoty foul-mouthed brat. Overall, it is not FF VI or X, but it is still good.

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. OK, it is a RPG in steam-punk setting. I am so on board! And it is quite fun to play, actually. And the story is interesting so far. Although I have a complaint: WHY exactly in a game about industrial revolution MAGIC is more powerful than TECHNOLOGY? Well, no matter, I am making tech-sawy character and you can't stop me.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. You know, it feels like Skyrim with better, more intersting combat and more engaging main storyline. I mean, it isn't exactly "the best story ever" but for open world modern western action-RPG it is so far rather neat. I am making the Fateless one into warrior-mage and you know what? Wrecking enemies with giant hammer while throwing fireballs makes you feel a little bit like Shao Khan from MK.

Hmm... It seems that I hadn't played Dark Souls recently. I need to catch up, because I really don't want my character to go hollow.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Just finished Playing SR IV for the 3rd time and played through Gat out of Hell(which is incredibly short). SRIV is always awesome, but Gat out of Hell for a DLC. Considering I was done in about 5 hours and I was actually grinding a bit before the final boss, yeah.

In the meantime, I think I'm officially addicted to Kerbal Space Program. I had to take a break for a few weeks due to personal reasons and because 1.0 actually caused some issues that I had to wait to get fixed before jumping back in. Now that it's mostly fixed and I'm used to using the new Aerodynamics(which were a bit different before 1.0), I'm back to building my space station like I was working on before. Just need to attach two more modules and then the crew moves on-board finally.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
Going a gold brick completion of Lego Star Wars Complete saga. I presently have 110 out of 160 with Return of the Jedi and the Bounty Hunter Missions to go.


I miss my avatar
Feb 18, 2010
Just finished Dark Souls II and Bulletstorm, along with the Harley's Revenge B:AC DLC.

Started getting back into Witcher 2 (only had gotten midway through Chapter 1) in anticipation for Witcher 3. At the same time, I got GTAV for my birthday, so those two are competing for my attention.

Also got X-Wing and TIE Fighter in the recent GOG sale, so I've been playing around with those and spending way too much time looking at new joysticks.

Killing Floor 2 has found a place in my rotation for when I absolutely need to slaughter hundreds of zombies with a sledgehammer/shotgun for an hour.

In analog gaming, I've been having a massive amount of fun with Level 7 Omega Protocol. It feels like walking into hive from Aliens, and is a fantastic game whether as the co-op humans or playing as the Alien overseer. A little on the long side, but a great tactical minis game.

I'm also playing the new game, pretend finals aren't a week away. I'm doing pretty well.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I just bought Shovel Knight yesterday and beat it about an hour ago. Fucking fantastic game. Might get it on the 3DS too just so I can play it when I am out of the house.

Been bouncing around between games a lot recently, but my current play list looks something like this: Skyrim, GTA V, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Mass Effect 3. At some point I really need to pick up Pillars of Eternity again. I don't think I am very far.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Playing Black Flag like it's going out of style. You wouldn't know it by my completion percentage, though. Those games are BIG.

Also nearly done with Dead Space 3. Played it 3/4 of the way through and my PS3 died. Couldn't restore from flash drive, the new PS3 doesn't believe I'm me. So replaying.

I'm also in a tabletop game based on JoJo, something my friend is running. We're students invited to a prestigious prep school but it turns out all the kids have personal Stands. It's some kind of conspiracy, like the faculty is trying to eat the kids' Stand energy or something, we haven't figured it out yet. We're using Tri-Stat system with Stands as Sidekicks. I've seen a bit of the anime but haven't got to the part with Stands yet so I have almost no idea what's going on. Never mind, it's good fun.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Currently playing Arkham: Origins, as well as co-op'ing Resident Evil 6 with a buddy and Dragon's Crown with my girlfriend.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Way too many things to list. Most current would be Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker and Demon's Souls(yup, Bloodborne's the gateway drug, kids). I'm also playing Bloodborne, Far Cry 4, Dying Light and Dishonored. Good times all around(except for those damn rolling skeletons in world 4 of Demons Souls, no fun there)


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Bloodborne, Persona 4, Bayonetta 2, and now Zone of the Enders 2 have pretty much taken over my spare time as of late.

So my month so far has been me, taking a liking to Japanese developer's virtual equivalents of crack cocaine.