Sorry sir, but I can't take you seriously.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
AstylahAthrys said:
My bio teacher last semester. He thought the world was flat, but it just appeared round because it was spinning so fast.

Needless to say I couldn't take him seriously ever again.
I think you just won the thread.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
Creator002 said:
Supertegwyn said:
I also know a lot of people who pronounce the letter z, zee, not zed. We live in Australia morons, learn to speak English!
I blame Seasame Street (and just the general American influence in the media) for that. I had to break out of the "zee" habit myself in primary school.
I used to watch Sesame Street, but whenever I said Zee to my parents they yelled at me xD

That kind of broke the habit.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
My current IPT teacher is insane. The lesson after we handed in our major project I spent the whole time playing "Nyanyanyanyanyan" at full blast on 3 computers.
He didn't care.
In fact, he went on to play some of the windows sample music at full blast while playing a random geography game. That got awkward when his supervisor walked in =D.
Also, we asked him what our test would be based on and he sai "the test will be based on paper."
I have to put up with him every lesson. I don't think he is qualified. He is insane.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
kurupt87 said:
brandon237 said:
kurupt87 said:
Had a teacher that caused £16k worth of damage to a language lab, who then proceeded to try and blame it on a student. That was fun.
Sixteen thousand POUNDS?!?!?! To a... let me get this straight... a language lab?

I really want to hear that story, because it sounds like he set off an IED in there.
Well, she broke it. Thinking about it, it can't have been £16k worth of damage. But, that is the value we were told it was worth (by senior staff, because of what happened) and so the figure stuck in my mind.

Anyway, to what happened.

One of the student stations had a problem and so had been removed. A lad still had to sit in the seat infront of it however, plugged into his neighbours station.

There were one or two wires poking out of where the station had been and he was fiddling with them during the lesson. The teacher saw this, told him to stop and asked him what they were.

Now comes the fun part.

She decided to confiscate them. The wires. Confiscate the wires.

No word of a lie, she reached in and yanked on them. Then again. Then, with her body weight and newly exposed wire to give her a good grip, pulled them again.

Strangely, the rest of the lab then ceased to function. For the rest of that school year. And yeah, she tried to blame the lad who'd been fiddling with them.

Ahhh, Spanish lessons were amazing.
I laughed so hard. I think you beat me.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I once had a maths teacher who would start every lesson with a 15-minute rant... about how we were wasting time.

I had another maths teacher who was the joke of the school because he had no authority at all. Every year he got given a class of the worst students in the school and none of them listened to him. I actually felt sorry for him.

They were both cool guys, they just weren't very good teachers.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
I had a nutrition teacher who would talk about her healthy diet and its merits. The problem that kept me from taking her seriously was that she looked sickly and weak even though she didn't have any disease or condition.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
An elementary school religion teacher (so no I didn't take him seriously to begin with) once lost his temper really badly.
Teacher: *pointing* "Right, that's it! Out with you, you've disrupted class long enough. Door's that way."
Rest of the class: "'re pointing at the window. Door's the other way."

My high school arts teacher had this hilarious habit of presenting some students half finished work to the rest of the class and giving her interpretation of it like it was the penultimate truth. You know, without even consulting the person making the piece. I thought she was as annoying as they come until she got sick and we met her sub. Now she seemed to think her job was to give us helpful suggestions on what to put in a picture. Here's some outtakes:
"Spruce up that scene of the Death Valley with flowers" or
"Doing a picture entirely in shades of blue and black? Throw in some bright orange for contrast!" reply to which "'s a picture taking place at night. Underwater."
She didn't have much confidence though, so we'd always brush her off with a polite version of "piss off". She'd just say "Oh, okay" and go harass someone else.

Ice Car

New member
Jan 30, 2011
I know I'm going to get jumped on for this, but...

Somebody who openly states that they like MLP. Here, it's fine, since none of you seem like the annoying types I hate, and can hold their own in an argument and prove to be intelligent and thoughtful.

On the otherhand, other forums... It's painful and I can never take them seriously.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Classmate of mine once said this, in all seriousness:

"Wait... if there is gravity... then how do the planets stay up in the sky?"

Cue insane laughter from the rest of the class.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Tallim said:
AstylahAthrys said:
My bio teacher last semester. He thought the world was flat, but it just appeared round because it was spinning so fast.

Needless to say I couldn't take him seriously ever again.
With the what now?! That's just...... I don't even know how to respond to that.

Stupid people should just be killed off, Too many morons on this earth you can't tell the difference between there arse and a hole in the ground.

[that was in regards to my link]


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I was watching Inglorious Bastards and some kid thought a game was based of it due to Swastika,s.
He didn't believe me Swastika,s were also used by the Nazi party around WWII

Srs bzns

New member
Feb 4, 2011
questionnairebot said:
I was in Foods class and made a Red Cake with a Yellow Hammer and Sickle on it. The teacher pulled me aside and asked me if it was a "Nazi symbol". At that moment I knew she could no longer teach me.
*In Russian accent* No. Cake was cooking YOU.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
henritje said:
I was watching Inglorious Bastards and some kid thought a game was based of it due to Swastikas.
He didn't believe me Swastikas were also used by the Nazi party around WWII
Wow. Just wow. What is with people and taking Inglorious Bastards seriously? I mean come on, do people really think it is historically accurate?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Supertegwyn said:
Creator002 said:
Supertegwyn said:
I also know a lot of people who pronounce the letter z, zee, not zed. We live in Australia morons, learn to speak English!
I blame Seasame Street (and just the general American influence in the media) for that. I had to break out of the "zee" habit myself in primary school.
I used to watch Sesame Street, but whenever I said Zee to my parents they yelled at me xD

That kind of broke the habit.
slightly off topic but..funetics (its the crap they teach my lil one at school) a=ah b=buh c=kuh k= also kuh... seriously ? this whole way of teaching is gonna backfire so badly when they finally reach a proper school that says things normally.. ugh