Sorry sir, but I can't take you seriously.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
AstylahAthrys said:
My bio teacher last semester. He thought the world was flat, but it just appeared round because it was spinning so fast.

Needless to say I couldn't take him seriously ever again.
I... Gah... bwuh? But, planes.... and boats... Space shuttles!!!!!

-deep breath-
Please tell me that somebody set him straight, or that he at least didn't actually try and teach this.

OT: There was a girl in my earth science class back in my freshmen year of high school who took everything the teachers said completely seriously even thought the earth science teachers were two of the biggest jokers in the school. The entire class, teachers included, just loved messing with here. We actually spent an entire class period just confusing the hell out of her. One person actually asked her how she got through grade school. Seeing as this was roughly 7 years ago, I can't remember any specific examples, only that she was as dumb as the day was long.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Musiclly enhanced said:
OT: just about every cover teacher ever in highschool i feel like this
This. This 1,000 times. Cover teacher walks in, every kid in class thinks 'free lesson'. Cover teacher doesn't care. Some of the best hours in school. lol.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Stall said:
Quaxar said:
The solar wind consists of particles, not photons, though emitted by the sun. These particles are relatively slow, taking weeks to reach us (compared to about 8 min. for light) and are ionized so they can get caught in the magnetosphere.
The "emission of photons" only happens up there at the poles where the charged particles give off photons. I think I won't get into detail here, but it is the solar particles that get bent and then emitt light related to the kind of elemental atom they are.
I didn't really "misunderstand" anything. I said that it was a bit of a simplification, perhaps a gross one at that, but it still isn't entirely inaccurate.
It may be fine for a kid, but for a damn science class I think it can be a bit less simple.
I'd actually call it very inaccurate inside the walls of a science class. The result may be the same but the explanation is really bad.


New member
May 21, 2009
Well, he holds no power over me, but I can't take Robert de Nero seriously anymore, not after this...

There was a Biology teacher I had my sophomore year who, at the beginning of the evolution unit stated that we had to remember that this was all unproven and the bible was more likely to have answers as to how humans came into being. I called her an imbecile and left the class. Had she kept her religion out of the classroom, it would have been fine, but the second she said that, I stopped being able to take anything she said seriously[footnote]with the exception of things I already knew were facts or were in the course book[/footnote].


New member
Jan 3, 2010
During the first programming course I took my teacher was a believer of näcken(water spirits according to google translate) and he also never showered.

GrimTuesday said:
There was a Biology teacher I had my sophomore year who, at the beginning of the evolution unit stated that we had to remember that this was all unproven and the bible was more likely to have answers as to how humans came into being. I called her an imbecile and left the class. Had she kept her religion out of the classroom, it would have been fine, but the second she said that, I stopped being able to take anything she said seriously[footnote]with the exception of things I already knew were facts or were in the course book[/footnote].
WAIT, when did it become legal to bring religion into school? As far as I know if you even mention who you support politically you will get fired instantly.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
My Art History teacher used to leave the room during an written exam to go smoking. Every single time. And then marvelled at our grades. Ma'am, you're not qualified to teach.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
2 years ago I had a Socials teacher that was the embodiment of stupidity. On the beamer, we had one guy tap the screen and someone else click it with the mouse at the same time. By doing so we made her believe that it was a touch screen.

I can't think of more right now, but there was a lot we did with her. And yes, it was hilarious.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Ambi said:
This is a sample of the things the teachers and chaplains at my school taught us:

"When girls lose their virginity on their wedding night, they bleed to represent the blood sacrifice that used to take place in the Old Testament. I should know, I'm a biology teacher."
Soo.. Being a Biology Teacher instantly makes you a wedding sex expert? lolz. I completely agree. That's why I seal my door with goat blood to keep out the wife every evening.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I had a college biology teacher discussing how the theory of spontaneous generation (e.g. mice erupt whole from unattended food) was prevalent in the far-off age of the SEVENTIES.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
My uncles wife.

She shops in ALDI (for those who don't know what ALDI is it's a cheaper supermarket than some of the big ones) and puts her shopping in Marks and Spencers bags so her neighbours think she has a bit of money.

Never been able to take her seriously but that made me laugh so much I swear I pee'd a little bit.
That's a genius idea. I've found that aldi is a power house when it comes to cheese products, everything else is crap, also titan bars their awesome.

OT: I can't think of anything right now, but if I remember something I'll be sure to post it.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
I couldn't take my cousin seriously after she was getting confused about Nelson's column.

"Oh, whosit, that Nelson Mandela column."
"Ya'know, Nelson's column, named after Nelson Mandela because he's dead."
"Dear, Nelson's column is in honour of Admiral Nelson."
"Nooo, it's Nelson Mandela, I can remember because of the funny hat!"
"That's the Admiral's hat and Nelson Mandela isn't even dead!"
"...naaaah, you're having me on there!"

She's a lawyer by the way.
Dec 27, 2010
Current Irish teacher is giving us spelling tests where we have to remember the words through English, then translate them to Irish, then spell them. Not only is this the completely wrong way of teaching a language, but I'm in all Irish secondary school, having already gone to a Gaelscoil, and it seems I know more Irish than her. Doh well, I suppose.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Oh my god this thread is hilarious.

OT: I have never had teachers as bad as these. The worst I have ever had was a computer apps teacher who threatened us with "No gaymes, AySD." Yes, she pronounced her a's like that all the time. That's literally the worst I can come up with, other than that she actually had to have a different person come in, take screenshots of every computer screen from hers (network head/master computer/whatever) and then give people playing games detention.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I had a Bio teacher in high school who wholeheartedly believed that his house was haunted by ghosts. He is also OCD about screwing with redheads, so much so that he takes the first few minutes of every class to rearrange them by shade, length, or whatever else he feels like. This year, he even started letting students have retakes on tests if the representative they choose can beat him in a chess match.

The man is brilliant, but it's really hard to take him seriously anytime he isn't lecturing.


New member
May 5, 2011
Two creationists tried to argue that humans had life-spans of 700 years in biblical times due to the oxygen concentration being much higher back then, and this had the effect of permanently being inside a hyperbaric chamber. It didn't help that me and my friends were drunk at the time.

And one of my friends once thought that cutting sections of DNA involved using really tiny microscopic scissors.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
My Biology Teacher, who apparently has a ph.D in... something, said that the flagellum disproved evolution. I really felt like saying "no you're not allowed to teach anymore, just go resign."


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Oh and I had a Spanish teacher who taught my French classes. This wouldn't be so bad if the class didn't need to keep putting 'some more effort' into their work...

Oh yeah, she pronounced her 'some more' by saying 'Sam Moore', which is also my f*cking name. Gave a chance for the bullies to turn around and go 'DO MY WORK, CAUSE TEACHER SAID SO [trollface.jpg]'. I told her the problem and she replied 'That'z zillee, ee don't 'av zee axente'