South Park: Episode 201


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
MADNESS4 said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
For someone with a low post-count and a short stay-juration
AND THERE IT IS, oh i was so waiting for one of you people to come in here and throw out, ROOK HOW MANY POSTS I HAS, THATS MAKING ME BETTER THEN U, this website is simply a conduit for people to communicate, the amount of posts i have does not make my words any more or less valid in this conversation, and visa versa
I think that he meant that people who act rude could end up starting a flame war which could, if conditions were met. Result in swears and insults thrown at each other and then perhaps end up with a warning or worse from the Mods.

More on topic. I found the episode entertaining and better than some of the other newer episodes. I dont understand why people are so desperate to see Muhammed? I mean is it just because it will piss the muslims off, in that case i believe its wrong. Besides, nobody knows what he looks like.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
@Malevolent Staircase
How can you possibly think that? Medicinal Fried Chicken, 200, Scrotie, Facebook - so much good stuff! Are you a long time South Park fan?

1) They can't reference literally every episode, otherwise it would have felt crow-barred in. I liked the way that each development sort of makes sense, while at the same time harking back to something amazing that happened before.
3) Because they were celebrating their 200th episode. It is quite common for shows to self-reference at their milestones.
4) I can't see Tenorman coming back, that subject has been dealt with now. His first episode was incredible and his sections in this live up to that. Really enjoyed his return.
5) You're completely wrong about Cartman. He's a massive pussy that frequently cries to his mum when things don't go his way. It's just that most of the time his confidence bluff doesn't get found out.
6) I don't know if you're the only one, but I got it before I even saw the whale.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Just watched it. Laughed at it. Can't wait till the next one, and me thinks it was a good episode. But thats just me :S


New member
Apr 20, 2010

For what it is worth (I don't have much of a post count or stay duration, so for the people telling you to change your attitude I imagine that would be 'not much') I don't think you were aggressive or insulting to anyone. Gxas made 2 points in his original reply to you, the second of which he repeated three times in marginally changed guises. The second one I think (and Trey and Matt seem to agree in interviews) he's absolutely wrong about. The first one I agree with everything he says, though note that they didn't need Hayes as either Vader Chef or in his return ep. Your quote back pointed out something you don't agree with, albeit in a sarcastic manner. Then he quoted you back with a condescending and pointless attitude. Perhaps a high post count brings with it priviliges to belittle people by asking them questions like 'is that all you took from my comments?' and not add anything else, or perhaps that isn't considered rude here, but I would find that rude in real life. Seems quite a lot of other posters also took that from what Gxas said. Then we come to the post where Gxas claims there ha been some kind of insult to him! Gxas, please explain to me why someone telling you that you are wrong about a cartoon on TV is an insult and not merely a disagreement. Is this one of the unwritten forum rules? Users can't tell other users that they are wrong? I really don't mean to flame you, but that post is a massive over-reaction and of the two of you at that point, I think you're the one that looks bad, not Madness.

Then it gets worse, Madness reasonably explains that he wasn't insulting, and that he doesn't respect Gxas because Gxas has not given him reason to. It's a position you don't have to agree with, but one that is perfectly understandable. So what's the response to this? "I have to earn your respect? I don't want it". Petulant and rude in my book. Respect is there to be earned, and perhaps Gxas would do better not to act as if he has some entitlement here. Not to mention that his method of 'debating' consists of setting homework as if he is a tutor to a pupil rather than talking amongst equals. There's no respect being shown either way in that discussion.

Then we have the mother of all hypocritical posts:
Gxas said:
Respect has absolutely nothing to do with this. Grow a pair and acknowledge my arguments instead of covering your ears like a child.


Vanguard_Ex:[/quote said:
That's not really how respect works around here bud. You should respect other posters unless they give you a decent reason not to.
Thank you. I was hoping someone of merit would come and back me up. Could you hold his hands at his sides so he can't cover his ears please?
Wow. So on the one hand you quote Vanguard's reasonable comment about the default position here being everyone starts off deserving respect approvingly while on the other you belittle and invite someone you are discussin with to "grow a pair." Come on, you've got to see the tension in that. I in now way mean to criticise Vanguard in this, his posts are utterly reasonable.

So in summary, I think Gxas's sensitivity is what caused any problem here, and if anyone needs to "take anything to heart" it's Gxas. Please learn not to be offended just because someone disagrees with you. You have a right to have your opinion and defend it vigourously, but it isn't an insult when someone else exercises that exact same right, regardless of how low their post count is.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
hypothetical fact said:
Everyone realises this is over the death threats some islamic website sent over depictions of Muhummad?
Funniest part of that was that they were angry about Matt and Trey putting Muhammed in a bear suit... I lold when it was Santa.


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
Brad Shepard said:
Great ><, i missed the episode thanks to Splinter Cell, and right when i look on the site to see if i can watch it, i get the message, and im quoting here.

"we apologize that south park stuidos cannot stream episode 201 at this time. After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, comedy central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. we do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show. we will bring you a verson of 201 as soon as we can."

Not fucking fair!
go to and put it in full screen


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I am disappointed too, but I also truthfully understand. I wish they had stood up to the militant Muslims and told them to go fuck themselves. They already showed Muhammed, they should have had the guts to show him again. Beliefs can be good and all that shit, but not when they make you believe it's alright to commit murder on those who disagree with you. I'm starting to think it's time that we declare war on these religious groups and took them out so that they stopped giving peaceful practitioners of the religion such a bad rep (except, you know, declare it on them for real this time and not as an excuse to raid an oil-rich country). These people are killing innocents for believing different things and it's about time that they were stopped.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
Overall I thought it was a pretty good episode although the bleeping out of Muhammad's name did annoy me (and this is coming from a muslim)

Also one of the funniest endings I've seen in a while.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
I was going to Hulu this, but then I realized that South Park was caught up in a bunch of red tape there. So I watched it, and I have to admit, I laughed pretty hard. Especially at the ending there.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Seriously, these extremists are fucking retarded: "Matt and Trey dare joke about our prophet, we demand that they be slaughtered." FUCK ME, they're like spoilt kids, they can dish out whatever insults they want but if we insult back they have to bomb us.

I'm usually the non-violent type but can't we just fucking carpet bomb them or something and get this shit over with. Yes that is a picture of Muhammad as my avatar. It won't be removed. Fuck them.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Schneizel said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
"Respect: a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard"

Any difference between is pretty pedantic.
I think Madness refers to the concept of respect as thinking "this guy doesn't suck" and doesn't consider it the same as "this guy sucks, but I'll speak politely to him".
Ah yeah, I think so Schneizel. Seems likely, well spotted man.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
MADNESS4 said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
For someone with a low post-count and a short stay-juration
AND THERE IT IS, oh i was so waiting for one of you people to come in here and throw out, ROOK HOW MANY POSTS I HAS, THATS MAKING ME BETTER THEN U, this website is simply a conduit for people to communicate, the amount of posts i have does not make my words any more or less valid in this conversation, and visa versa
I think that he meant that people who act rude could end up starting a flame war which could, if conditions were met. Result in swears and insults thrown at each other and then perhaps end up with a warning or worse from the Mods.

More on topic. I found the episode entertaining and better than some of the other newer episodes. I dont understand why people are so desperate to see Muhammed? I mean is it just because it will piss the muslims off, in that case i believe its wrong. Besides, nobody knows what he looks like.
What I dont like is the fact that a group of people are so obsessed over their religion that they are willing to KILL people for showing an image of Muhammad. I mean when you say it like that it just sounds ludicrous.
Look, the people who threatened him are extremists looking for attention. None of the Muslims are actually willing to kill people for showing an image of Muhammad. Some may use it as an excuse to kill in order to gain power. That is indeed wrong, but making Muslims seem like they are killingmachines who will stop at nothing to avenge their prophet, even if its not true. Would suggest that you believe that they are worse than you and that is in fact racism in pure form.

Also effilctar, i believe that if people were able to bomb the extremist killers or as we could call them, terrorists. Without hitting any innocent civilians. It would already be done, infact. Americans have already done it, hitting tons of innocents in the progress. But at a carebear scale from 1-10 people seem to care about 2.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
MADNESS4 said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
For someone with a low post-count and a short stay-juration
AND THERE IT IS, oh i was so waiting for one of you people to come in here and throw out, ROOK HOW MANY POSTS I HAS, THATS MAKING ME BETTER THEN U, this website is simply a conduit for people to communicate, the amount of posts i have does not make my words any more or less valid in this conversation, and visa versa
I think that he meant that people who act rude could end up starting a flame war which could, if conditions were met. Result in swears and insults thrown at each other and then perhaps end up with a warning or worse from the Mods.

More on topic. I found the episode entertaining and better than some of the other newer episodes. I dont understand why people are so desperate to see Muhammed? I mean is it just because it will piss the muslims off, in that case i believe its wrong. Besides, nobody knows what he looks like.
What I dont like is the fact that a group of people are so obsessed over their religion that they are willing to KILL people for showing an image of Muhammad. I mean when you say it like that it just sounds ludicrous.
Look, the people who threatened him are extremists looking for attention. None of the Muslims are actually willing to kill people for showing an image of Muhammad. Some may use it as an excuse to kill in order to gain power. That is indeed wrong, but making Muslims seem like they are killingmachines who will stop at nothing to avenge their prophet, even if its not true. Would suggest that you believe that they are worse than you and that is in fact racism in pure form.

Also effilctar, i believe that if people were able to bomb the extremist killers or as we could call them, terrorists. Without hitting any innocent civilians. It would already be done, infact. Americans have already done it, hitting tons of innocents in the progress. But at a carebear scale from 1-10 people seem to care about 2.
Im not racist im anti theist. I hate all religions equally. And I hate them all with an extreme passion. Im not saying all the worlds problems are down to religion but I do believe the world would be a much better place without it.

Someone once told me that something I did (I wont say what but its nothing illegal) offended them because apparently it goes against god. I responded by saying their belief in god offends me. Does that make me a little ignorant, maybe. But every one is entitled to their beliefs but I dont go around imposing my beliefs on other people. I would ideally like to live in a place where everyone is atheist but well.

Im gonna stop there cos im starting to ramble and I have totally lost track of my original point.

Oh yeah im not racist. I just hate religion. And what people are willing to do in the name of it.
So if you saw some kid believing that Santa was real you would go break his hope and dreams just because you dont believe in him? Its really the same thing. Not wrong, but very mean and without much reason.

Much of our world was build on Religion, it will always be a part of it. And i've met few atheists that i could stand more than christians or muslims. Most of them act like they are a step above everyone else.

More on track this is perhaps for the religion and politics board.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
JinxyKatte said:
Nikolaz72 said:
MADNESS4 said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
For someone with a low post-count and a short stay-juration
AND THERE IT IS, oh i was so waiting for one of you people to come in here and throw out, ROOK HOW MANY POSTS I HAS, THATS MAKING ME BETTER THEN U, this website is simply a conduit for people to communicate, the amount of posts i have does not make my words any more or less valid in this conversation, and visa versa
I think that he meant that people who act rude could end up starting a flame war which could, if conditions were met. Result in swears and insults thrown at each other and then perhaps end up with a warning or worse from the Mods.

More on topic. I found the episode entertaining and better than some of the other newer episodes. I dont understand why people are so desperate to see Muhammed? I mean is it just because it will piss the muslims off, in that case i believe its wrong. Besides, nobody knows what he looks like.
What I dont like is the fact that a group of people are so obsessed over their religion that they are willing to KILL people for showing an image of Muhammad. I mean when you say it like that it just sounds ludicrous.
Look, the people who threatened him are extremists looking for attention. None of the Muslims are actually willing to kill people for showing an image of Muhammad. Some may use it as an excuse to kill in order to gain power. That is indeed wrong, but making Muslims seem like they are killingmachines who will stop at nothing to avenge their prophet, even if its not true. Would suggest that you believe that they are worse than you and that is in fact racism in pure form.

Also effilctar, i believe that if people were able to bomb the extremist killers or as we could call them, terrorists. Without hitting any innocent civilians. It would already be done, infact. Americans have already done it, hitting tons of innocents in the progress. But at a carebear scale from 1-10 people seem to care about 2.
Im not racist im anti theist. I hate all religions equally. And I hate them all with an extreme passion. Im not saying all the worlds problems are down to religion but I do believe the world would be a much better place without it.

Someone once told me that something I did (I wont say what but its nothing illegal) offended them because apparently it goes against god. I responded by saying their belief in god offends me. Does that make me a little ignorant, maybe. But every one is entitled to their beliefs but I dont go around imposing my beliefs on other people. I would ideally like to live in a place where everyone is atheist but well.

Im gonna stop there cos im starting to ramble and I have totally lost track of my original point.

Oh yeah im not racist. I just hate religion. And what people are willing to do in the name of it.
So if you saw some kid believing that Santa was real you would go break his hope and dreams just because you dont believe in him? Its really the same thing. Not wrong, but very mean and without much reason.

Much of our world was build on Religion, it will always be a part of it. And i've met few atheists that i could stand more than christians or muslims. Most of them act like they are a step above everyone else.

More on track this is perhaps for the religion and politics board.
Well no I wouldnt because that would be imposing my beliefs on other people. Although I do kinda think the whole santa thing is a little bit cruel. I mean ok its nice the let children believe in the magic and all that. But when they eventually find out the truth dont you think thats cruel?
Honestly. No. Also, Santa in Southpark is epic.