Splinter Cell: Conviction is "Meant for the Xbox 360"

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Splinter Cell: Conviction is "Meant for the Xbox 360"

Splinter Cell: Conviction [http://www.ubi.com], the latest addition to the long-running stealth-action series, is "meant for the Xbox 360, and it will show."

In a recent interview with Microsoft [http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224225], calling it a "really strong partnership" and saying it would do everything possible to ensure that Splinter Cell: Conviction is "indebted with whatever the Xbox has to offer."

"It's really cool to be able to focus technology on one platform, to be able to really exploit it to the maximum of its capacity," he continued. "We've been working with Microsoft for a while now. We've been working with their engineers - we've had super good feedback from them on all sorts of different things. It's been a really good partnership with them."

Despite Parizeau's comments, the game isn't exactly being developed for just "one platform" - a PC version is in the works alongside the Xbox 360 edition. But Ubisoft confirmed in June [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/92534-No-New-Splinter-Cell-For-PS3] that there wouldn't be a PlayStation release, calling it a "true Microsoft exclusive."

"I want to make sure that when the game hits the shelves the disc will 'meld' with your Xbox 360," Parizeau said. "It's meant for the Xbox 360 and it will show."


Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Funny considering the Xbox 360 still has a lot of untapped power. If anything, if there was a PS3 release, it'd probably be a shitty port.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Oh well never mind. It's only splinter cell, it probably won't be as good as chaos theory anyway.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Will it become one with my 360 and create some kinda God machine and fix the sleath genre and then go around and stop the RROD?

Okay, IDK, I'm a little hyper, but I wanna try out this game, only ever played one CS which was very mehy, so I wanna see if its got better, and what it's like.

Good it's tapping in the 360's power that hasn't been used before.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
This harkens back to what I've been saying about the hardware becoming 'too different'. Between Wii, 360 and PS3, the hardware is very different, so the only games that will push the capabilities will be games made exclusively for each platform. The industry kind of shot themselves in the foot with this one.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
randomrob said:
Oh well never mind. It's only splinter cell, it probably won't be as good as chaos theory anyway.
As much as, despite my first impressions, I ended up liking Double Agent, that's probably true. I hate the direction the series is going, I could only have fun with Double Agent when I started pretending it was some game other than Splinter Cell.

Nick Bounty

New member
Feb 17, 2009
randomrob said:
Oh well never mind. It's only splinter cell, it probably won't be as good as chaos theory anyway.
I had no idea prejudgment was such a contagious condition!

OT: When they said "meld" with your 360 I wonder if they meant like with the rings of power that forms Captain Planet.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I wouldn't have wanted it on the ps3 anyway after what a mess double agent was. Probably just gonna get it for pc.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
buy teh haloz said:
Funny considering the Xbox 360 still has a lot of untapped power. If anything, if there was a PS3 release, it'd probably be a shitty port.
I'm tempted to poke fun at the quality of the soon to be PC port. It seems like more and more companies just don't want to bother with the difficulties of the PS3.

Incidentally, I wonder what the PS3's "Install other OS" option was intended for...


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Why did they bother with a PC port? Not only is it going to feel "consolized" (I mean, we know this now, they told us!) but ubisoft is primarily a console developer and at least always has been since the beginning of this generation.

I don't know if this story is basically Ubisoft saying the 360 version will be better, or the PC version will just be lousy, but I still can't help but not see the point in making a PC version.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
randomrob said:
Oh well never mind. It's only splinter cell, it probably won't be as good as chaos theory anyway.

I'm doubting it can be compared as they're very different.

It is by the team that did Chaos Theory and Splinter Cell (le originalé), i.e. the best ones.

I think it looks fantastic.

ElArabDeMagnifico said:
Why did they bother with a PC port? Not only is it going to feel "consolized" (I mean, we know this now, they told us!) but ubisoft is primarily a console developer and at least always has been since the beginning of this generation.

I don't know if this story is basically Ubisoft saying the 360 version will be better, or the PC version will just be lousy, but I still can't help but not see the point in making a PC version.

Splinter Cell PC ports are always excellent (and superior), although DA on the PC was a bit of a bug fest. And PC gamers want to be able to play as well, so I say let us play it.

Besides system specs for the 360 are fairly similar to the basics of a PC, so it's easier to port and refine. Plus the PC development is (supposedly) getting more time for refinement, as per usual.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
well im happy its still coming to pc, you can always count on ubisoft to keep supporting the pc *glares at doublefine with their stupid brutal legend*. hopefully it wont be a shoddy ass port like some games.


New member
May 15, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Malygris said:
"I want to make sure that when the game hits the shelves the disc will 'meld' with your Xbox 360," Parizeau said. "It's meant for the Xbox 360 and it will show."

And I don't care if Fisher's meant to have gone all Jason Bourne in this game, I want to be able to hide bodies dammit! It doesn't matter if I can take bad guys out in a hundred different awesome ways, I still want to be able to hide the evidence afterwards. That, to me, is Splinter Cell. None of this fast paced 'ultimate predator' nonsense. You pop the lights, you pop the terrorist, you hide the terrorist.
Buy Hitman.

Every time someone says " is meant for ", a fanboy spouts an opinion no one cares about.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Malygris said:
"I want to make sure that when the game hits the shelves the disc will 'meld' with your Xbox 360," Parizeau said. "It's meant for the Xbox 360 and it will show."

Yay! Not only will my 360 red-ring itself and melt, now my copy of Splinter Cell will too.

I kid, I kid. Have to say, I'm undecided on Conviction. While some of the stuff Ubisoft have shown has been kind of cool, I'm more than a little pissed off at some of their decisions with this game. I don't want shitty sonar-goggles, I want my good old-fashioned thermal ones. I don't want shotguns, I want my SC-20K multipurpose assault rifle. And I don't care if Fisher's meant to have gone all Jason Bourne in this game, I want to be able to hide bodies dammit! It doesn't matter if I can take bad guys out in a hundred different awesome ways, I still want to be able to hide the evidence afterwards. That, to me, is Splinter Cell. None of this fast paced 'ultimate predator' nonsense. You pop the lights, you pop the terrorist, you hide the terrorist.

So what if I just want Chaos Theory Pt 2? That game was the best damn stealth game ever, and needs a proper follow up.
Well I'm glad you feel that way. What about all the players that want to be the ultimate predator Now? After 4 games of pop the lights, pop the terrorist?

Goodness, be a little altruistic will ya? you have a fantastic and large library of games for your play style already, let them try something different.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
I don't know if this story is basically Ubisoft saying the 360 version will be better, or the PC version will just be lousy, but I still can't help but not see the point in making a PC version.
So they can whine about pirates making the PC an unviable platform after it sells badly on account of being a shitty port, arkham asylum style.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
buy teh haloz said:
Funny considering the Xbox 360 still has a lot of untapped power. If anything, if there was a PS3 release, it'd probably be a shitty port.
I question that after Gears 2 and a few other titles. It might have some untapped power, but I challenge the notion of a lot.

Not that it should matter anyway, the games could look like Crysis, but if they play like Haze...

This game should be good anyway.