[SPOILERS IN OP] Kill la Kill finale: What did you guys think? [SPOILERS ABOUND]


New member
Sep 8, 2010
The only thing that would have made it a perfect ending is if Mako died. Gamagori was an awesome character but his canon pairing with Mako just kills me. It would have been cool if Mako sacrificed herself or something so Gamagori would go all rage mode with dynamic vengeance energy but nope.

I'm just rambling in spite of Mako who I believe is the worst anime character I've had the displeasure of enduring. The show teased me TWICE with her potentially, finally be offed from the cast but nope. Apparently she needs to stay alive to be even more annoying with her equally annoying family.

"But they're supposed to be incomprehensible people, that's their thing."

No, fuck you. Purposely annoying is still annoying.

Sorry for Kill la Killing the mood. [sub][sub][sub][sub]But I'm not sorry for that pun.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
While I think the series ended with an awesome finale (was there any doubt?), I also think it was a step down from the previous episode. I mean...


How do you top that?

I also personally think that the pacing in episode 24 was a bit rushed for what are supposed to be big action-oriented twists. If Trigger was given another episode I would completely trust them to do the ending justice and make it even more awesome.

Overall, I think episode 24 ended the plot thematically while episode 23 ended the show in terms of its action.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
I thought it was pretty great. I couldn't stand Nui when she first appeared, but she became my second favorite character after Ryuko. The amount of enjoyment Nui got from her showmanship act was contagious. She couldn't top her reality breaking, but the decapitation scene had a nice flourish.

Ryuko's final form was stylish.

The space fight was the only part that left me a bit cold. Ragyo's monologue was weak. "The closer I am to death, the stronger I become!" power was never established and Ragyo forgot how to kill life fibers. It wasn't even a fight, Ryuko got stabbed until Senketsu told her to get her ass into gear. You can't have an average fight after the scene were Ryuko and Satsuki work together to cut Ragyo in half.

I did like that the life fiber absorption power could be used offensively, that was clever. Ryuko screaming into the mic was a great moment and Senketsu leaving Ryuko. Well done. The credits was the most ferocious fanservice I've seen. Gamagoori dressed up to ask Mako out, Short-hair Satsuki, Ryuko and Mako on a date? That is weapon-grade.

I'm looking forward to re-watching it, especially episode 3. Now that I know the information Satsuki had available to her at the time, the donning of Junketsu, the fight and titular speech meaning is altered.

Storm Dragon

New member
Nov 29, 2011
Caramel Frappe said:
ShinyCharizard said:
It was fucking excellent, I think I'm gonna marathon the whole series again now.

One thing bothers me though. When all the humans were saved from their clothing, won't they all just die from falling to earth from orbit?
I thought about this too... but if you look back at it- they're slowly falling into the ocean.

Now, I know you might be thinking "Well hitting water at that height + the speed you're going... it will feel like concrete."
You're absolutely right but because it's an anime, falling into the ocean is like hitting a stiff pillow. They'll be fine.

Ryuko on the other hand, was falling from a much HIGHER distance (from space, if I might had) while her body was aiming straight into the academy's surface. Hitting that floor with such speeds while already being worn out would of probably killed her. Even with Satsuki and everyone else stopping her fall- you could see just how BADLY things would of turned out for Ryuko if she was to just hit the floor. It'd be like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs I tell you.
The way I see it, they survived the fall from orbit the same way that the ewoks survived the debris from the Death Star raining down on their planet.

Storm Dragon

New member
Nov 29, 2011
deserteagleeye said:
The only thing that would have made it a perfect ending is if Mako died. Gamagori was an awesome character but his canon pairing with Mako just kills me. It would have been cool if Mako sacrificed herself or something so Gamagori would go all rage mode with dynamic vengeance energy but nope.

I'm just rambling in spite of Mako who I believe is the worst anime character I've had the displeasure of enduring. The show teased me TWICE with her potentially, finally be offed from the cast but nope. Apparently she needs to stay alive to be even more annoying with her equally annoying family.

"But they're supposed to be incomprehensible people, that's their thing."

No, fuck you. Purposely annoying is still annoying.

Sorry for Kill la Killing the mood. [sub][sub][sub][sub]But I'm not sorry for that pun.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]

EDIT: I would like to apologize for my poorly-executed attempt to be funny by emulating an obsessed fanboy who takes everything too seriously. It seems that I neglected to consider Poe's Law.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
Supreme wall of text about Satsuki, all of which was true

If that's not character development, I don't know what is then.
Well, there was that time with Uzu ... but agreed over all.

Though that is kind of a doubled edged distinction. Satsuki had so much back story and character development, I can't help but feel like she kinda got gypped in away, it really started feeling more like Satsuki's story and Ryuko was just barging in after a point, but it was Ryuko instead of Satsuki that finished the job she started, guess I wanted it to be her that cut Ragyo down while Ryuko cut down Nui, instead of just having Ryuko do what she ended up doing.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Even with it all over, I can't stop getting Chrono Trigger vibes from it. I wonder if the studio name's intentional...not 'whole plot taken' just, the Primordial Life Fiber reminds me of Lavos, Ragyo of Queen Zeal, and Satsuki of the 'Prophet'...not to mention Zeal's constant abuse of her daughter.

I really started drawing these parallels with Ragyo's rings of light...


I know it's not a ripoff, but it certainly feels like they were a tad inspired. in a good/awesome way.

And oh Senketsu... the feels :eek:

We grew out of ye too soon...


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
So...is the Kill la Kill anime a completely different thing compared to the manga?

I stopped following the manga after most of the Jaegers were killed off, but like...I've never even heard of Ryuuko. Or any of these people. And the animation seemed way too...goofy for a series like Kill la Kill, where heroes and enemies are brutally murdered with reckless abandon.
I think you're thinking of Akame ga Kill, which has an anime coming later this year.

But yeah this episode was great but I kinda wish Mako and Gamagoori had had a more official hook up.

The fight scenes were awesome and Trigger really delivered on the level of craziness.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
So...is the Kill la Kill anime a completely different thing compared to the manga?

I stopped following the manga after most of the Jaegers were killed off, but like...I've never even heard of Ryuuko. Or any of these people. And the animation seemed way too...goofy for a series like Kill la Kill, where heroes and enemies are brutally murdered with reckless abandon.
I think you're thinking of Akame ga Kill, which has an anime coming later this year.

But yeah this episode was great but I kinda wish Mako and Gamagoori had had a more official hook up.

The fight scenes were awesome and Trigger really delivered on the level of craziness.


New member
May 31, 2011
Why did Senketsu and Eyebrows McGee need to save Whatsherface when she was falling from orbit?

Isn't she impervious to everything other than being scissored apart by life fibers?

Dr. Cakey

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I am disappoint, Escapist. I was expecting more complaining. Something something boring something something problematic something something thematic consistency something something Ragyo something something.

But no. Get on Reddit's level, guys.

Setting the meta-narrative aside, I was a bit lukewarm on this episode at first. There was no real climactic battle to really sink your teeth into, Shinra Koketsu wasn't much more interesting than a regular Kamui, and best character (that's Nui, by the way, no matter what da h8rz say) didn't serve much purpose.

But then, when that gorgeous sequence of Ryuko plummeting to earth started, I realized how brilliantly executed everything was. This was never a story about big climactic battles to begin with - the finale pitted the interdependence of humans and clothing with the indistinguishable woven threads of pure clothing.

(Also, my pet theory that Nui represented "void" seemed to be proven right. It's nice when your analysis is validated.)

BanicRhys said:
Why did Senketsu and Eyebrows McGee need to save Whatsherface when she was falling from orbit?

Isn't she impervious to everything other than being scissored apart by life fibers?
Fuck your logic.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I found it very good actually. A fitting ending to this anime and I'm persoanlly happy that they went with a happy bittersweet (Senketsu died) ending.

I really liked how they changed Satsuki's character throughout the season that I didn't expect and it was for the better. I started to sympathize with her half way through which I rarely do for "supposed villains".

I feel a bit sad that this anime/manga won't probably continue since the storyline is pretty much done, but it was a fun ride.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
BanicRhys said:
Why did Senketsu and Eyebrows McGee need to save Whatsherface when she was falling from orbit?

Isn't she impervious to everything other than being scissored apart by life fibers?
The one weakness pretty much every super regernative being in media suffers from is total vaporization.

Wolverine, Cell, Buu, and Ryuko, all of them had amazing regenerative powers, but all of them can die if exposed to such heat that their entire body burns up completely, thus, it has nothing to regenerate.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
Fappy said:
For those who haven't heard yet: http://lifefibersewn.tumblr.com/post/80993393663/sushiobunny-kill-la-kill-episode-25-preview
At first, I was excited to see this. I really was. But when browsing the images based off Kill la Kill in Know Your Meme... I noticed something very disturbing. I could be wrong, but.... this is truly bad if my theory is correct.

<spoiler=Spoilers on Mako in upcoming Episode 25>

[HEADING=2]MOTHER OF GOD[/HEADING] I hope it's not true. Even though it's unlikely that Mako has any connections as this point in relations with Nui just because of the dress (or being Nui for that matter) ... seeing the next image below made my heart drop. Both images relate to the finale and the upcoming episode.

She's wearing a GIANT PINK BOW. Why now along with wearing the Nui dress??!
This would be a killing twist for all KlK fans. Mako under control or Nui herself disguised as Mako??? Holy-

Although, there are things going against it. For one, Nui cut her head off to fuse with the Original Life Fiber, only to then fuse with Ragyo. However, who's to say that Nui didn't die. She could of slipped away and somehow struck Mako behind the scenes or just posing as her while the real Mako is hidden somewhere.

Oh please let me be wrong. This is soooo concerning. The tensity is actually killing me!


I REALLY hope you're wrong about that.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I'm surprised that no one commented that Ryuko's Super form was in fact a "Pure" version of her monster form from way back when she first fought Nui.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
Fappy said:
For those who haven't heard yet: http://lifefibersewn.tumblr.com/post/80993393663/sushiobunny-kill-la-kill-episode-25-preview
At first, I was excited to see this. I really was. But when browsing the images based off Kill la Kill in Know Your Meme... I noticed something very disturbing. I could be wrong, but.... this is truly bad if my theory is correct.

<spoiler=Spoilers on Mako in upcoming Episode 25>

[HEADING=2]MOTHER OF GOD[/HEADING] I hope it's not true. Even though it's unlikely that Mako has any connections as this point in relations with Nui just because of the dress (or being Nui for that matter) ... seeing the next image below made my heart drop. Both images relate to the finale and the upcoming episode.

She's wearing a GIANT PINK BOW. Why now along with wearing the Nui dress??!
This would be a killing twist for all KlK fans. Mako under control or Nui herself disguised as Mako??? Holy-

Although, there are things going against it. For one, Nui cut her head off to fuse with the Original Life Fiber, only to then fuse with Ragyo. However, who's to say that Nui didn't die. She could of slipped away and somehow struck Mako behind the scenes or just posing as her while the real Mako is hidden somewhere.

Oh please let me be wrong. This is soooo concerning. The tensity is actually killing me!


Well. there's the fact that we see Mako with both eyes open in the credits. Since Nui's eye can't be replicated, we can be reasonably assured that it isn't Nui.

OT: I thought it was a really good series. Though I didn't think it "saved" anime, it was a fun ride. I'll do a more detailed opinion piece later but I just wanted to say something.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Caramel Frappe said:
There have been a million fan theories like this throughout the series and they pretty much all turned out to be false. I highly doubt we'll ever see Nui ever again. There was nothing she did in the final episode that suggested this was even remotely possible.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
xaszatm said:
Well. there's the fact that we see Mako with both eyes open in the credits. Since Nui's eye can't be replicated, we can be reasonably assured that it isn't Nui.
<spoiler=Spoilers on Mako>True, true... yet, that's the crazy part. I am unsure if Nui's eye really was screwed up overall. In the anime, it was established that even being cut/stabbed/slashed with a scissor blade won't leave any marks. Nui has been seen to regenerate from flesh wounds, to full on pierced holes in the torso.

I honestly think she either wears that eyepatch to be cute, or because it somehow couldn't reform with the life fibers jacked up- she sewed it together with the eyepatch. However, after becoming one with the Original Life Fiber and fusing with Ragyo, who knows if she fully regenerated, is actually dead or what.

It's scary though... to think Nui might come back somehow. I really want to be wrong, and you're probably right but Nui is a mastermind behind disguises along with looking/acting/performing exactly like a different person. We'll just have to wait and see.
So the 21 I DIE, or to be more specific S1 I DIE thing was true all along? :p To counter your point though, we see what happens when Nui gets cut up by the scissor blades, the parts get turned into life fibers. We also see that she cannot make those parts again and whatever parts Ragyo could make were imperfect compared to the original. So I still think its not true but I wouldn't put it past the directors to find a way to make it work.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
xaszatm said:
So the 21 I DIE, or to be more specific S1 I DIE thing was true all along? :p To counter your point though, we see what happens when Nui gets cut up by the scissor blades, the parts get turned into life fibers. We also see that she cannot make those parts again and whatever parts Ragyo could make were imperfect compared to the original. So I still think its not true but I wouldn't put it past the directors to find a way to make it work.
Touche'. I admire your point and that is true without a doubt- once the scissor blade made a clean cut with parts of the body... once they're turned into Life Fibers, they cannot regenerate. Even when Ragyo gave Nui some new arms, Ragyo told Nui that she'll never sew again sadly because of the arm's material or something like that. SO to disguise or look like Mako is even more unlikely now.

Still, I do wonder if Nui will be brought up. We never even seen how she was raised, or actually knew much about her involvement with Ragyo apart from what we've seen. We don't even know anything at all about Rei (the girl whom served Ragyo by her side, only to be blasted out of Ragyo's kumai by Senketsu's drill lol). I'm really hoping to see what Trigger offers and if they do plan any plot twists, regardless of Mako being Nui or Nui making a comeback.
I'm hoping the epilogue is more like TTGL's "where are they now?" epilogue than Panty and Stocking's "trollolol" epilogue. Not only because a Panty and Stocking epilogue would be the most annoying troll move ever, but because I feel like all these characters deserve to live a, well relatively, normal life. To put them back on the path of danger would feel like a step backwards to the impressive character development we have seen with our main characters.