Gizmo1990 said:
Baresark said:
Ugh, just remake a good Final Fantasy game. They love to pole jock the developers responsible for this game (the same people who did FFXIII and it's sequels). Final Fantasy XII isn't getting any love, there was an international version that never came out in America, and I would pay full price for that game again. So much better than X in every way. More interesting combat, the License board is way better than the whole grid sphere thing they used in X and the story was far superior. Ok, now I'm pole jocking on FFXII, I'm sorry... I'll stop.
I am firmly in the 'if you like what I don't like then good for you' camp and I always try not to mock anyone who likes something I don't. That being said as someone who hated all of XII (with the exception of the graphics) I have to ask. Did you really enjoy the story? because I could not stop think about Return of the Jedi the entire time I was playing. Especially everytime not Han Solo (I think his name is Balthier) opened his mouth.
I honestly loved everything about that game. I thought the story was much better to be honest, if for no other reason they didn't go out of their way to confuse the player. It was pretty strait forward political intrigue for most of the game. Though, to be honest, my favorite part of the game had to be the battle system. I was replaying FFIX recently, and I think I'm just about done with random battles, it's infuriating. Also, the voice work was very good, the scripting was excellent and I thought the characters were very interesting and varied. The world was a lot more varied as well, it was fun to explore, and explore you could, in spades. But, I also know that is my opinion and clearly different people are going to have different ideas. I am not hating, I may get this game. I sometimes come off as a bit dramatic or overly negative about this game, I just think this game was no extraordinary or different at all, but it's treated like the second coming of the JRPG.