Square Enix Reveals New Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
TemperHoof said:
Eric the Orange said:
Hey only what, 3 years after it's launch and it may be playable. Good for them.
The original Final Fantasy XIV is shut down, gone, and dead.

This is "A Realm Reborn", completely new MMO that hasn't been released yet at all. Don't get them confused.
Calling it a "completely new MMO" is a stretch. It's actually more accurate to call it a "completely new WoW reskin."


New member
Sep 7, 2012
TemperHoof said:
Owners who purchased the original Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 which closed in November 2012 will no have to re-buy the new MMO. They will even have the 30-Days free trial all standard copies will have.
Right, that's what I said. Are you agreeing with me?

TemperHoof said:
it's a completely new game with an entirely new engine used to build the game too.
Right. I guess I should have said "total reinstall" instead of "smaller update". "Update" really isn't a correct way to call the situation. It isn't really an update of any sort, it's a total reinstall. Sorry for wording that badly.


New member
Apr 5, 2005
VanQ said:
Calling it a "completely new MMO" is a stretch. It's actually more accurate to call it a "completely new WoW reskin."
I'll contest that heatedly, however I will acknowledge they are playing it safe with MMO conventions.

Again, all mechanics in MMOs become a matter of Chicken or the Egg debate when it comes to who came up with what originally.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
DVS BSTrD said:
You you just know Spoony is gunna make himself review this.
And I will be looking forward to it! His 13 review has been awesome so far and he will be forcing himself through 13-2.

OT: I still have no interest in this, I am not a big MMO fan, but I do hope it isn't a complete bust like the original 14 was...
I still sort of hoped he would review IX. It is a fun game and good FF, but it does still have its quirks and I think he would be the sort to really do the game justice, but the good and bad.

OT: I... don't trust Square with MMO. I really don't think this would be for me in general (seems like it takes itself too seriously, graphics, gameplay, everything. Just seems to lack fun), and added to it the past failure, and Square-Enix's business direction of late, with sequels, horribly convoluted stories and everything else that has made me cringe at the words "Final Fantasy"... well, I wont look into this one I am afraid.


New member
Jan 14, 2013
devotedsniper said:
I went back last month for the expansion release to find no one does any of the older stuff which is to be expected but when you can only really do Campaign and Walk of Echoes (both of which are now deserted) to get experience it kind of sucks, I suppose being a dragoon I can always go back to soloing but i'm so out of practice hah (came back as a lvl75, I was capped with merits when I stopped playing).

I don't do the aby stuff as i find the stupid amounts of exp you can get from them kills my experience, it's fine for the newer members but I find it shouts f you to the older veterans who would spend months getting to 75.
This is a touch off-topic, but you can easily level from 30-99 in Abyssea Western Altepa off the Dolls extremely easily. Getting Level 99 is way, way too easy now.

But despite that, you still have to struggle to get what matters -- skill points. Thankfully, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn is an entirely different create and is much more fun to play.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I am a little bit worried of new players being eclipsed by legacy players. I understand they need certain perks, but jealousy is one of my weak points.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
First time poster I think on this site although I've read you guys for years.

I am solely interested in the Collectors Edition for PS3. My problem at the moment is finding a place to pre-order/purchase it from and get it the same day without spending a fortune. You can pre-order from Amazon, but you only get free super saver shipping which is 5-8 days vs. same day. If you want within a day of release you have to pay for overnight shipping. Which even then is 1 day late.

I am not a fan of Gamestop, but they are close by and I could avoid shipping charges BUT they do not have the Collectors Edition available so....

My question is does anyone know where we can pre-order Collectors Edition and get same day/early access (without paying a fortune for shipping)?

Thx for the help!

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011

What a conundrum! I love FF but I'm not a big fan of MMOs. I would never play it for the PC (My PC sucks) but I do have a PS3. I love Collector's editions but will I like the game enough to keep playing and paying the monthly subscription?!

First world problems! Nghhhhh!