Square Enix Scolded For Misleading Final Fantasy XIII Advertising


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I agree that it is pretty minor, but at the same time I believe big companies are involved in so much misleading behavior that slapping them for anything is a good thing. It's sort of like how when a criminal is arrested and brought to trial they try and hit them with as many and as severe a group of charges as they can, with the expectation that many will be shot down or bargained down, the idea is that especially in our system they'll take anything they can make stick.

It's a slightly differant situation, but I can see why this was done. Also keep in mind that it's now a matter of public record, should Square engage in any other deceptive ads (and remember this IS Sony we're talking about) this case even if it does nothing here can be a stepping stone to showing a pattern of behavior. A bunch of minor marks like this can lead to a massive slam dunk when it comes to corperations who are used to flaunting the law.

Let's be honest here, Japanacorp executives from both hardware and software manufactuters have been quite blunt in the insulting way they view Americans and their general attitudes. This has lead to some really amusing sound bites, articles, and video clips over the years before you even get into translated periodicals. As much as people here like the products, they are slotting people off, especially when they skate along the bleeding edge of deceptive business practices at the same time. Minor "checks" like this keep them on their toes and do show that there are limits to what we'll take. The more of these little cases, and the better the chance they are going to get deep sixed when they do step over the line.

I know Squeenix has a fairly good reputation among gamers, but let's just say that my opinions of them have been mixed since the whole "Final Fantasy X" fiasco and us not getting either "Final Mission" or the "International" versions and the stuff surrounding that.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Oh whoopie doo. The only adverts I saw here in the UK were cinemtatics with Leona Lewis screaming the background. And even then I've played both versions and the only difference I've seen is that Vanille and Lightning's hair aren't so jagged and the character's fingers aren't exactly round...which is fairly minor to be honest.

I reckon the person who complained just wanted some attention and to make themselves important for a few brief minutes, before returning to their cave for hibernation.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I find it strange how little I care about this, normally I hate false advertisement but I really don'y care one way or another.
I have played FF13 on both systems and they are the same game, granted I was playing both version on my crappie 10 year old set but still they are the same game.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
WilliamRLBaker said:
Snotnarok said:
This is pretty silly considering Epic has been advertising EVERY Gears of War game they've made with like 4x anti aliasing and all sorts of effects you don't see in game.
~_* i've never been able to tell a difference, On my 32 inch 1080p samsung gears of war 1 and 2 in action look like the teasuers, trailers, and media photos.
No no no, I'm not saying Gears looks bad, but in a lot of the screenshots before launch they put on filters and antialiasing with higher texture resolutions and it's very misleading to what the game actually looks like


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
If they wanted to advertise the game truthfully they should have just shown a picture of a toilet bowl filled with diarrhea. Then after 20 hours of looking at the bowl, someone can come in and clean it up a little.

The Rookie Gamer

New member
Mar 15, 2010
Ziadaine said:
Who cares. Seriously, Xbox should get over it and be lucky that a mostly PlayStation based game of such quality even came to their console. They probably just used the PS3 version because the obvious factor was that the largest audience and its ground-console IS PlayStation.
Such quality? All it looks like is a game featuring whiny emo protagonists facing some evil thing that's evil because it's...evil.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Snotnarok said:
No no no, I'm not saying Gears looks bad, but in a lot of the screenshots before launch they put on filters and antialiasing with higher texture resolutions and it's very misleading to what the game actually looks like
I know your not saying it looks bad, But I'm disagreeing with you in the fact that every demo, trailer, teaser and media photo I've seen of gears 1 and 2 once you get into the action of the game they match those photos easily.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I mean, idk, does it really matter that much? just minor graphical differences, as long as the gameplay and functionality of the game on the disc(s) works

(and on my lil' ol' TV...haa as if I could tell differences at all =.= )


New member
Jan 1, 2008
I'd bet it was mostly squares ad department lazing out, why cut together new clips of the same thing when you could just run it. Was the prospective Xbox user, FFXIII buyer really going to be swayed one way or the other by texture quality, especially when it's damn good on both systems, even if it is better on the PS3. I imagine anyone who owned both systems was going to go for the ps3 copy anyway due to the single disc, so I don't even see why sony would get its panties in a twist on this one. Either way, regulatory action based on the PS3s hardware advantages, that's gotta give the Sony fanboys a huge chubby.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
waa waa my game is unnoticeably worse on my xbox what a waste of $60.

goddamn it this is ridiculous.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
THough... that opens a whole can of worms. Because any given multiplatform game will have minor differences, so what possible expectation could advertising set???!!!

"In order to have fair advertising, we need to find out which port has the worst graphics, and only show that." That's just stupid. Though this could all be solved by just putting a "Graphics may differ depending on version" on it.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
And this dear children is why gamers are seen as whiny shut-ins by the rest of society. I've looked over at least a dozen comparison shots of the 360 VS PS3 versions and the ONLY difference worthy of ANY sort of mention is that Lightning's is at a much higher angle in the 360 version and if someone is honestly planing legal action over that then allow me to politely ask you to hurl yourself off a bridge.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I don't know how it is in the UK, but ads for multiplatform games around here are multiplatform, in that they show all the logos at the end. And even if the game is coming to the Wii as well, they only show Xbox and PS footage. Soooo, isn't that false advertising?

What a bunch of twits.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
WilliamRLBaker said:
Snotnarok said:
No no no, I'm not saying Gears looks bad, but in a lot of the screenshots before launch they put on filters and antialiasing with higher texture resolutions and it's very misleading to what the game actually looks like
I know your not saying it looks bad, But I'm disagreeing with you in the fact that every demo, trailer, teaser and media photo I've seen of gears 1 and 2 once you get into the action of the game they match those photos easily.
Gears of War 1 and 2 are fantastic looking games, but the screen shots they showed prior to each of the games being launched are things the 360 nor the PS3 can do. They had super anti-aliasing and the models look like unmodified Zbrush models (millions of polygons and super high res textures). The videos had more truth to them but I saw a good chunk of images that no console could pull off. While you can say they just touched them up for some press it's just annoying that they do that, it's like fast food places and showing off this crazy looking burger then you buy it and it's not as good as it looked in the commercial.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Yeah, I'm going to just go ahead and replay Final Fantasy 3 now. It doesn't have 1080p, but at least it's still fun dammit.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
God how pathetic. I think the day we care more about what a game looks like rather than it's actual gameplay, it's story, it's characters is a very sad day for any game developer.
I played it on the 360 and I don't give a damn if there's a minor difference between that and the PS3.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
yanipheonu said:
"In order to have fair advertising, we need to find out which port has the worst graphics, and only show that." That's just stupid. Though this could all be solved by just putting a "Graphics may differ depending on version" on it.
Exactly what they should have done or at least some text saying PS3 footage when showing it. I am pretty sure that they wouldn't have gotten any trouble for false/misleading advertising. At least that is how it is here in Denmark but then again they just advertise multiplatform.