Square Enix to Reveal Next Final Fantasy at 25th Anniversary Celebration


New member
Sep 1, 2007
worldfest said:
But who exactly is their focus group? Fourteen Japanese men and women, who mostly enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII-2? or twelve westerners, who don't understand why the game play consists mostly of pressing 'x' every few seconds with weird j-pop in the background.

Needless to say, the DEMO didn't make me a big fan.

And this is just the problem Final Fantasy has. Who are they marketing to? They obviously haven't found a middle ground, so they're drawing out our patience with a XIII-3 to try and gauge the gaming community as a whole.

I think it has a huge potential to flop, or it could delightfully go the other way.
Yup thats why they changed to a Jpop focused motif instead of staying with a more general fantasy motif. And the reason why Vaan was the main character to FF12.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
Do people like Lightning? Is that a character people like? Because I was always under the impression that people hated her. I certainly do, but perhaps it's not such a pervading sentiment? XIII-2 wasn't bad, but it seems like they're beating a dead horsing and then proceeding to violate that horse's corpse in terrible, terrible ways. Final Fantasy is one of the few series that people expect to reinvent itself with new iterations. I'd think that would give developers a lot more creative drive, but I guess not.

Whatever, Capcom and SE are pretty much on much shit list now. Hopefully Atlus doesn't fuck up soon.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
If by next Final Fantasy they mean XIII versus with a new title and numbering, then please, proceed Squeenix. It's about damn time.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
The announcement will be that they'll release Versus after all. In 2027.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Verus XIII needs to come out so they can stop the spin off bullshit with Kingdom Hearts. It's frustrating as hell. XIII itself was trash that didn't need a fucking sequel.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Tenmar said:
Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy because it was meant to be the last game of a company that spawned into a franchise where you have the basic elements of a tale, a legend eternally retold for each generation. The second you dabble in bullshit sequels no matter how much people like them like FF 10-2 and FF 13-2 you cause stagnation and go against the point of what makes Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy.

Yes it may be a joke that Final Fantasy that people joke about Final Fantasy MXII but it's a joke based upon their success, and not their failure. Hell even the lesser known RPG franchises know that their franchise needs to involve new worlds and characters that shouldn't be afraid to branch out and experiment with not only story, but also gameplay.

I actually had more fun playing The Last Remnant in terms of story(yes the main character's lines was still out of place in terms of narrative) and gameplay was a lot more entertaining and challenging than anything from the FF Franchise for the past half-decade.
I prefer Last Story myself...

Last Remnant was made for PC too. =^0^=

Adon Cabre

New member
Jun 14, 2012
axlryder said:
Do people like Lightning? Is that a character people like? Because I was always under the impression that people hated her. I certainly do, but perhaps it's not such a pervading sentiment? XIII-2 wasn't bad, but it seems like they're beating a dead horsing and then proceeding to violate that horse's corpse in terrible, terrible ways. Final Fantasy is one of the few series that people expect to reinvent itself with new iterations. I'd think that would give developers a lot more creative drive, but I guess not.

Whatever, Capcom and SE are pretty much on much shit list now. Hopefully Atlus doesn't fuck up soon.
You can't say SE is all terrible; they branch with other developers all across the world to give us greats like Deus Ex: Human Revolutions, by Eidelos Interactive.

It's sort of like a massive traditionally conservative, methodological church birthing smaller and less rigid establishments who are more relevant today; but in itself refuses change.

If we broaden our minds, history tells us that this does happen to companies all the time. Ford Model T's come to mind.

Oh, and I hated Lightning. She would have been a rave in 1997, but that's like bringing back the Backstreet boys, or 98 Degrees. I immediately saw Cloud in her and skipped every dialogue part she was in. Unfortunately, they also killed off my favorite FF character, Oerba Yun Fang. That's when I pretty much lost hope in SE.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Fuck sake just END IT! No one in the world cares about FF 13, even if they left it with that shitty cliffhanger ending from FF 13-2 I'd rather we just move on. I mean I like FF 13 but part 2 was awful and I'm in the minority of anyone who liked the characters.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
Dammit square...I love you guys but you do seem to be afraid of making money lately.
Release FF:Type-O for the Vita in english!

Release FF:Versus XIII already! Going multi-platform wouldn't hurt.

After Versus, get to work on Kingdom Hearts 3! Nomura said he cannot start work on that until Versus is finished.

The World Ends With You 2...dammit Nomura, you hinted at it, fucking confirm it.

Kingdom Hearts HD Collection...MAKE IT HAPPEN! (Bring it to 360 also)

If they did all this, I would worship them...forever...
Damn, ninja'd all the way.

Anyway, FFXIII-3? Really? I know the game is popular in Japan and all but...really? Are you releasing a new FFXIII sequel/spin-off/whatever every year or so or what's the an here, guys? Could it really be compared to, let's say, FFVII (Not my favorite FF but whatever) when it comes to popularity? And most importantly, do you guys really have nothing else to work on that you would prefer to work on a franchise that, whie it might be profitable, isn't being as awaited and demanded as all those games mentioned above?

If FFXIII-3 turns out to be true, I'll be pretty pissed...especially since I bought FFXIII-2's Collector's Edition as soon as it came out and now it's like 20 bucks or so. That tel me how good the game is (I haven't even opened it).