Star Trek's Capt. Janeway "Misinformed" Participant in Geocentrist Film - Update


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
If this were a metaphor, I'd accept it as philosophy and pride as a species. However, to actually state that Earth is the center of anything but the origin of human life is...ridiculous. We shouldn't question this thing anymore. Someone gimme a sardonic response that would be the equivalent of telling a flat-earther to go on and FIND that worldly drop-off point. I need one for this.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
The Principle, destined to become one of the most controversial films of our time
Or, more likely, to become 'the most underwhelming film that most people ignore and watch something else, maybe something with Morgan Freeman in it. Yeah, that sounds cool.' instead. And if they are used quote mined sources for their movie you know it's just going to be the same old bullshit rehashed for the n-th time but with shinier special effects and an extra large dollop of 'NASA cover-up conspiracy'.

Oh and apparently Mulgrew has come out and said that she doesn't agree with the movie and that she takes the side of the actual scientists.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
So fucking what? Captain Picard claimed to have psychic powers [X-Men], murdered the king/aristocracy of England (multiple times) AND claimed to be a wizard [Shakespeare theater], and sent millions of people to their continuous repetitive deaths by convincing them they were "chosen ones" [Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]. Hell, Captain Kirk continuously murders random people and stalks a young blonde girl, Penny, in the name of hotel shopping... which is even creepier when you think about it.

Point is, an actor's role has nothing to do with them or previous roles... unless/until they are deliberately referenced.

I should be disappointed by this clickbait bullshit, but I've long since given up expecting integrity from the internet. You're welcome for the page view and comment; I hope you choke on it.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I don't know why this is a thing still. You can't even blame creationists for this because the bible does not literally state the Sun rotates around the Earth. But, meh. Each to their own I guess. Keep in mind that she was probably just paid to narrate this. She may not even consider it to be a fact. I mean... no one in the modern world can sit there and claim it to be so.

webkilla said:
Wasn't there also recently a 'documentary' released about how the US founding fathers were in reality super christian who were very much against the separation of church and state?
The US founding fathers were in fact super Christian (not that there is anything wrong with that). But clearly most of them believed in the separation of church and state in so far as they did not want to be like the Britain they had separated themselves from. The origin of that whole idea is that Britain had an established state religion, but they did not want an official state religion because it's restrictive of personal freedom. I'm sure they would have loved it if everyone was Christian like they were, but they were also not against other religions existing (the original colonies existed partially because there was not religious restrictions in the colonies like there was in Britain at the time). The original US was founded on religious freedom, which could only exist in the absence of an official state religion.

I have watched some of Thunderf00t's videos. I'm not too impressed with his ability to argue his point. He'll have good arguments intermixed with a bunch of poor arguments. He argued against the "Ban-bossy" campaign (as did I as it's fundamental ideas were based on misinformation), but under the premise of Sexual Dimorphism (which is a ridiculous argument any biologist should never make in the context it was being used). That is just one example of why his videos tend to not be any good.


Environmentalist Clarksonian
Jun 26, 2012
senordesol said:
Guess those checks from Bioware are starting to run a little thin, eh?
I read this and was like "Who did she play in Mass Effect? I know Sirtis was in the first one..."

Then I facepalmed when I remembered Flemeth from Dragon Age. DAMN YOU FOR MAKING ME HAVE A BRAIN-FART!!!

OT: Sounds like dude behind this is one manipulating d-bag, from the sounds of all the people coming out and saying that he completely mis-represented them...


Oct 28, 2013
senordesol said:
Guess those checks from Bioware are starting to run a little thin, eh?
She did voice-acting work for BioWare? o_O

OT: Recent article update:
Update: Mulgrew took to her Facebook page to address criticism of her participation in the project:

"I understand there has been some controversy about my participation in a documentary called THE PRINCIPLE. Let me assure everyone that I completely agree with the eminent physicist Lawrence Krauss, who was himself misrepresented in the film, and who has written a succinct rebuttal in SLATE. I am not a geocentrist, nor am I in any way a proponent of geocentrism. More importantly, I do not subscribe to anything Robert Sungenis has written regarding science and history and, had I known of his involvement, would most certainly have avoided this documentary. I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one, at that. I apologize for any confusion that my voice on this trailer may have caused. Kate Mulgrew"
Oh dear. The plan has already begun to tear apart at the seams. Why didn't the fools build it with a thousand and one hulls? When will they learn?!

I'm glad I didn't get up in arms about this.


Oct 28, 2013
2xDouble said:
So fucking what? Captain Picard claimed to have psychic powers [X-Men], murdered the king/aristocracy of England (multiple times) AND claimed to be a wizard [Shakespeare theater], and sent millions of people to their continuous repetitive deaths by convincing them they were "chosen ones" [Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]. Hell, Captain Kirk continuously murders random people and stalks a young blonde girl, Penny, in the name of hotel shopping... which is even creepier when you think about it.

Point is, an actor's role has nothing to do with them or previous roles... unless/until they are deliberately referenced...
If you are referring to the choice of her character's name over her real-life name, I think you displayed why they are referred to that way in your post - you named the roles that, for better or worse, those people are widely known for. The name "Kate Mulgrew" rings a bell, but "Captain Janeway" is more easily recognizable. Click-baiting is a disagreeable tactic, but I think the name choice makes sense here by aiding clarity.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Okay I've read this a few times and I still don't quite understand what it says. I'm interested because I really liked Voyager and think she's a good actress, but this confuses me.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I read the title of the guy's book and laughed until I coughed up a lung.

I need a doctor.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Magmarock said:
Okay I've read this a few times and I still don't quite understand what it says. I'm interested because I really liked Voyager and think she's a good actress, but this confuses me.
Janeway here was hired to do a voice over for a trailer. She was mislead about the topic of the documentary said trailer was for. Escapist and others wrote some news articles about it, assuming she was totally aware of the real topic of the documentary. She responded by letting us know she was misinformed, and had she known she would not have participated.

She also clarified that she doesn't agree with the assertions made in to documentary.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Update: I had a feeling Columbo's wife wouldn't suscribe to something like that.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Geocentrism is borne of a desperate, flailing attempt to deny just how distant and tiny this little blue marble is in the universe. Earth is a speck of dust in an unexceptional star system in the backwater of a bog-standard galaxy out in the ass-end of nothingness.

And to people who need to feel like they're a special little snowflake that matters, that's a nightmare.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
seditary said:
I read the title of the guy's book and laughed until I coughed up a lung.

I need a doctor.
You got me curious so I looked it up.

Some of his book titles:

The Consecration of Russia: How Seven Popes Failed to Heed Heaven?s Command and Brought Turmoil to the Church and the World
Speaking in Tongues: Sign of Blessing: Sign of Judgment: A Critical Analysis of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right: The Scientific Evidence for Geocentrism
How Can I Get to Heaven? The Bible's Teaching on Salvation Made Easy to Understand
Not By Bread Alone: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for the Eucharistic Sacrifice
Bob's Dictionary of Big Words
You know the way if you try and save a word document without giving it a title, it'll just use the first paragraph of the document rendering a stupidly long name?
It looks like that was the process he used for naming his books
(and no, the last one isn't a joke... somehow.)

EDIT: Even the Catholic Church is sick of his bollocks:

Sungenis' bishop, Kevin C. Rhoades, directed Sungenis to stop writing about the Jewish people and Judaism. He also threatened to remove the name "Catholic" from Sungenis's organization, if he did not comply.[8][12] In 2008, Rhoades denounced Sungenis's views of the Jewish people and Judaism as "hostile, uncharitable, and unchristian". According to a September 2008 report in the Washington Post, Bishop Rhoades made Sungenis remove the name "Catholic" from his organization.

Kicked out of the Catholic Church for being too hostile. Now there's an achievement!


May 1, 2008
Hell, even the Catholic Church gave up on the Geo-centrist argument back in the 1950's....... I mean REALLY? I thought this idea died back then.... I had no idea it still existed.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Darkmantle said:
Magmarock said:
Okay I've read this a few times and I still don't quite understand what it says. I'm interested because I really liked Voyager and think she's a good actress, but this confuses me.
Janeway here was hired to do a voice over for a trailer. She was mislead about the topic of the documentary said trailer was for. Escapist and others wrote some news articles about it, assuming she was totally aware of the real topic of the documentary. She responded by letting us know she was misinformed, and had she known she would not have participated.

She also clarified that she doesn't agree with the assertions made in to documentary.
Thanks for clearing that up. Why does everyone hate this documentary I saw the trailer it looked okay.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Magmarock said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Why does everyone hate this documentary I saw the trailer it looked okay.
Because it's a documentary that straight up lies, quote mines and twists things around to make geocentricism even remotely plausible.

For that they draw in conspiracy theorists to spout nonsense, take legitimate research and with their tiny brains try to spin it for their followers with even smaller brains so that it sounds like actual scientists are saying that the earth is the centre of the universe and of course the fact that this is a documentary about bullshit.

If you want to know just how much geocentricism is bullshit watch this series of videos, it basically highlights every problem with geocentricism and explains exactly why it belongs on the pile of crap along with astrology, homeopathy, alchemy and holistics.
Oct 20, 2010
1337mokro said:
Magmarock said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Why does everyone hate this documentary I saw the trailer it looked okay.
Because it's a documentary that straight up lies, quote mines and twists things around to make geocentricism even remotely plausible.

For that they draw in conspiracy theorists to spout nonsense, take legitimate research and with their tiny brains try to spin it for their followers with even smaller brains so that it sounds like actual scientists are saying that the earth is the centre of the universe and of course the fact that this is a documentary about bullshit.

If you want to know just how much geocentricism is bullshit watch this series of videos, it basically highlights every problem with geocentricism and explains exactly why it belongs on the pile of crap along with astrology, homeopathy, alchemy and holistics.
Not to mention that they thought they could use a Star Trek Captain to legitimize their science. Everybody knows if you want to make what you are saying true you have to get Morgan Freeman.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
1337mokro said:
Magmarock said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Why does everyone hate this documentary I saw the trailer it looked okay.
Because it's a documentary that straight up lies, quote mines and twists things around to make geocentricism even remotely plausible.

For that they draw in conspiracy theorists to spout nonsense, take legitimate research and with their tiny brains try to spin it for their followers with even smaller brains so that it sounds like actual scientists are saying that the earth is the centre of the universe and of course the fact that this is a documentary about bullshit.

If you want to know just how much geocentricism is bullshit watch this series of videos, it basically highlights every problem with geocentricism and explains exactly why it belongs on the pile of crap along with astrology, homeopathy, alchemy and holistics.
WTF!!! okay now I understand I watched that video for a bit and now understand. People actually believe this. I thought this documentary was something scientific like how the earth was formed and the likelihood of other planets having life on them or something. Why would people believe this, why would people want to believe this.

Now I do believe she was mislead I was too.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
There are a lot of geocentrists whose ideas come from the Bible. You can find plenty of arguments for Biblical geocentrism online.
Yeah, but unlike Creationism, there is no part of the Bible that says "And then the sun went around the Earth" (unless we're going to look way too hard at the incident where the sun went in reverse).

OT: When I first read this, it was from the AVClub so I assumed I was reading The Onion.

Apparently not. ;____;


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Thank god her response shows she's not mad. I would have been disappointed to learn that one of my favourite actors believed in a scientific theory that isn't relevant anymore since the renaissance and was actually promoting said belief in a treacherous "documentary". I do wonder why the makers of this "documentary" use their obviously advanced deception skills for promoting such a stupid point of view. They should be politicians or work for an intelligence agency.

And just look at some of the comments on that "Testing Geocentrism" video on youtube! That's fucking hilarious.