Star Wars Canon: Just How Realistic Are the Single-Biome Planets?


Aug 25, 2008
Kamino isn't all water though is it? most is, but on the first Battlefront game, when you are about to start the Kamino mission, and it zooms into the planet, you can see islands, i just assumed the planet was kinda earth like, just being 85/90% water instead of our 70%.

Travis Fischer

New member
Feb 1, 2012
debtcollector said:
OT: My god, do people on the Escapist have some sort of allergy for speculative fiction? Yeah, we know it's not real, and we know the EU has bullshit explanations for everything, but isn't applying imagination and understanding of physical processes to something you enjoy more entertaining than just saying "a wizard (or Lucas) did it"?
I believe it's called Stickuptheass Syndrome. It's a tragic disease that causes people to suck the fun out of everything with their "above it all" attitude.