Star Wars Eh?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
No matter how you feel about George Lucas, the expanded universe, or midichlorians, you have to admit that not only is Star Wars a license to print money but it is also one of the biggest and most influential franchises of all time.

From the movies that defined a generation to video games that are considered classics of their time, everywhere that Star Wars has stuck its lightsabers it has made money. Not everything they have done has been successful obviously, but on the whole they have sold tons of novels, comics, games, DVDs, tv shows and toys.

I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (I know Revan's a bad ass) but to me the only other series that seems like it could compete with Star Wars in terms of content is Star Trek or LOTR (neither of which I'm a huge fan of either).

What are your guys thoughts on this. Am I full of bull, and if so what are some other series that could compete with Star Wars?

EDIT: Someone mentioned Harry Potter, and that is one series that could compete. Just didn't think of it.
Also it doesn't have to be a movie series, it just has to be very popular.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
kman123 said:
Yes, Star Wars is massive...uh...I'm sure some series could compete, just wiki highest grossing movie series or something.
Not in terms of movie series, but just series in general. LOTR started off as a book series and Star Trek was a TV show.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The Dark Tower series.

Oh you meant movies? Don't get me wrong I love me some Star Wars, but the Lord of the Rings was unbelievable in every way.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
kman123 said:
Yes, Star Wars is massive...uh...I'm sure some series could compete, just wiki highest grossing movie series or something.
Is that a Streetlight Manifesto avatar? If so, awesome.

OT: I've only seen the Star Wars movies and played a few games, mainly The Force Unleashed and Battlefront. I don't think the prequels are as bad as everyone says, but they do not measure up to the original.

Also, I do think Lucas is a money-grubbing bastard who will milk his few good ideas until the day he dies, then someone else will continue milking them for him.

It is time to let Star Wars die, before it becomes remembered as a shallow, cheesy, CGI-fest. Or, someone could make Battlefront 3. That would be for the best.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I've always felt that Star Wars as a brand could be so much more than it is. Especially with so many different creative minds adding to the EU. But Lucas sort of crushed those ideas.

But there's all sorts of universes and ideas that can compete with Star Wars if given the proper chance. Someone's mentioned Harry Potter, but there's an awful lot of meat on an awful lot of bones that'll probably never get the examination and pickings they deserve. Take the world of the Last Air Bender, for example, or (if done with care) Pokemon. Shit, the universe I'm most looking forward to seeing develop is DreamKeepers.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
WolfEdge said:
Take the world of the Last Air Bender, for example, or (if done with care) Pokemon. Shit, the universe I'm most looking forward to seeing develop is DreamKeepers.
I agree with you that most could compete, but never get the chance to. If you ever have read any of my main posts you'll know I'm a big Wheel of Time fan, and I feel that the series is so huge that it would be so easy to expand it with games,movies, etc.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I really love the Star Wars universe. After ROTJ I'm not so interested, but everything before that has potential for good storytelling, I feel. And I am one of the many that thought the prequel trilogy really wasn't that great, but it did add a huge amount of material to the star wars universe. That being said, I recognize it for what it is: Sci-fi fantasy fun. It isn't necessarily meant to be deep or thought provoking all the time, sometimes it's just there to be spacey and futuristic and generally epic.
I know there are some very good dramatic stories in the Star Wars drama (original trilogy, much?) but it is also kind of built on the action platform I think. And while there may be a lot of grief on me for saying this, Lucas did recognize that and he's been able to make it pay off in spades.

As far as competition, I think Star Trek is probably the closest contender, though Harry Potter springs to mind to me as well. LOTR, not so much, but I can see how it could be if properly used.
Though I've never watched Avatar (series or Ye Olde Abomination the movie), I've heard that it was fleshed out enough to be a potential contender for the success that SW has had up to this point.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play more Galactic Battlegrounds. For the Empire!


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Star Wars: 3,4,5,6...That's all. I hate the other movies, I have almost every action figure (from when they came out until around the time Phantom Menace came out) I have tshirts. I don't think anything can compare to Star Wars, LotR is a big franchise but it doesn't have its own kids tv show, its video games aren't as popular, and they don't sell any kind of LotR weapons.
Harry Potter can't compete or Star Trek. Star Wars (even if it sucks now) is in a league of its own.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Harry Potter competes, but I have no idea why. Harry Potter is a terrible setting with terrible dialogue coming from terribly acted terrible characters in a terribly written terrible plotline... actually, just replace 'terrible' with an expletive of your choice.


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Aug 2, 2009
As much as I complain about Star Wars being nothing more that a giant cash cow, I love it. A lot of the games are fun, the original trilogy was excellent, and I had at least four plastic lightsabers as a kid.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
warprincenataku said:
I thought this was a Star Wars thread with a Canadian perspective. I was greatly disappointed.
Well I AM Canadian, but I just needed something to put on the end of the title to draw attention. I could complain about how none of the characters have MAPLE LEAF POWAS but that would be boring.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
I've actually read the books of what's happening in the storyline at the moment (yes, it's still continuing) and it's actually interesting, tons of stuff has happened since the Empire were overthrown. Shame it doesn't really get any exposure aside from the books though, seems like they're in 'Clone Wars fever' at the moment or something. I do quite like the Old Republic era though.

Good morning blues

New member
Sep 24, 2008
Star Wars is unique in that it appeals to nerds, children, and normal people at the same time. That's why it's such a big deal; everybody likes Star Wars, ensuring that the movies and video games will be successful, and nerds and children also like Star Wars, ensuring that the merchandising rights will be very lucrative.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ehh, the more I see of starwars the more I like startrek, lucas has really milked the shit out of this cashcow