Star Wars: Episode VII Title Leaked


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
JJ... You're slipping... That mystery box of yours is trying to cause more speculation than needed... unless you wanted this to happen, then by all means can I just assume that you're trying to throw me off the path again?

Regardless, the title in question is doing nothing for me... Try again...


New member
Nov 30, 2010
"Ancient Fear" is the answer given by Michael Arndt when he was asked why he didn't utilize the original cast members more in his draft of the script.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Assuming that's the actual title and not a load of horse shit, that has Sith written all over it.

Maybe Darth Plagueis wasn't as dead as Sidious thought. Perhaps he was just resting.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Blood Brain Barrier said:
And of course it follows the 3 word 1st episode of a trilogy sequence: "The Phantom Menace", "A New Hope" "The Ancient Fear".
Think that's bad? If they follow the same format with Episode VIII, the title will be a corny, melodramatic one. "Attack of the Clones," "The Empire Strikes Back," "The Kids Avenge Han". Then again, Episode IX will have a solid, end-of-chapter title. "Revenge of the Sith," "Return of the Jedi," "Respect for the Gungans".

Off-topic: The Home Depot can kiss my ass.


New member
Oct 19, 2013
Ancient Fear? Omg Its Marka Ragnos from Star Wars Knights, Jedi Academy.

Wooo we going to see Jaden and Kyle and that idiot who trys to be all sith about it.

The real ancient fear? This movie is going to suck I can feel it in the force.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
"leaked" right out of the mystery box. *sigh* Internet, you never learn, do you?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
This is the one and only post about the new Star Wars I am likely to ever make.

1. I think the title is stupid.
2. I'm honestly considering not going to the new movies.
3. I realize by replying to this topic I am a part of the problem of his stupid hype shit.
4. However I still need to make my opinion known, so as a solution this will be my only post on the records.
5. The new battlefront is going to suck, and be rushed out because everyone wants it now.
6. I feel like I need to Brofist angry bitter Harrison Ford. I'm sick of Star Wars, and sick of this star wars in particular.
7. I missed George the second this deal was confirmed.
8. Nothing will have anything to do with canon. Canon is gone, destroyed, thrown out of the airlock in hyperspace. All except the movies, the clone wars cgi movie, the clone wars cgi cartoon (not the cool one), and the new rebels show. Also the new books being made. So no don't expect jack shit for references or fan service.
9. They milked all of us dry and are tossing aside our years of investment. Then they expect us to go be milked again. I'm not one who takes this kind of treatment lightly. I realize I seem like a mewling nerd rager on the internet. Deal with it. Sometimes there can be full life consequences to these kinds of things.
10. This post is going to be long since its the only one. If your bored fucking deal with it and gtfo or skip to the TLDR.
13. "Mystery Box" my ass., quotes provided by turian counselor.
14. You know how movie bob looked forward to wanting to be a fisherman after amazing spider man 2? These movies are kind of making me feel like that.
15. I used to like star wars once. I was not the largest nor smallest fan, but a fan. I'll always cherish those good memories. The tiny amount left.
16. This is most likely the last thing I will ever write about star wars. I'm calling an exterminatus on my fanhood of star wars. It will be obliterated and be replaced by nothing. I've since come to learn making yourself a fan of anything is just setting yourself up for disappointment.
17. Hope is the first step on the path to disappointment.
18. All good things come to an end.
19. On the plus side I've become just that much more bitter and jaded about companies.
20. I've decided to embrace a new and more enlightened view of the industry. I can't wait until the movies come out so I can talk with the fans.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Max Von Sydow as the main character gives me a slight amount of hope. He's not gonna do any flashy lightsabre stunts at his age so he'll probably be more menacing in his use of the force and such. Then again, the force was ruined by the prequels so I don't know if I'm actually looking forward to that.


New member
May 13, 2009
Surprise: Palpatine's back!
The whole "here are all the actors"-picture is just smokescreen.
I would be extremely surprised myself if this would NOT happen...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Gamgee said:
8. Nothing will have anything to do with canon. Canon is gone, destroyed, thrown out of the airlock in hyperspace. All except the movies, the clone wars cgi movie, the clone wars cgi cartoon (not the cool one), and the new rebels show. Also the new books being made. So no don't expect jack shit for references or fan service.
While I loved Tartakovsky's animations, the cgi show isn't that bad. It's much better written, paced, and acted than any of the movies it spawned from. Even Anakin's apprentice ends up being a solid character through the course of the show with her plot ending being pretty damned good.

Then you got the existential questioning of the clone troopers, characters like Grievous and Ventress coming into their own, and a writing staff who saw the list of characters returning from episodes 2 to 3 and took that as a list of people who they can kill off without mercy to great effect in setting the stakes of the war and creating character drama.

The movie was meh. Largely because it was a three episode pilot turned into a movie and was done before the staff got settled in.

Also, Cad Motherfucking Bane. AKA Lee Van Cleef as a duros.


New member
Jan 7, 2012
CriticKitten said:
KaZuYa said:
If it's Darth Nihilus all is forgiven JJ but it won't be cause it's JJ
They've confirmed that the EU is non-canon.

So I'd put the odds of this new film having anything to do with ANY of the cool shit from the EU being at around 0%.
I might be wrong, but I think it's just the post RotJ EU that's non-canon.

GameChanger said:
Max Von Sydow as the main character gives me a slight amount of hope. He's not gonna do any flashy lightsabre stunts at his age so he'll probably be more menacing in his use of the force and such. Then again, the force was ruined by the prequels so I don't know if I'm actually looking forward to that.
Christopher Lee was about the same age as von Sydow in Revenge of the Sith, and they managed to get him doing cool lightsaber stuff (through the use of stunt doubles and CGI, but still).


New member
Feb 10, 2008
DJjaffacake said:
CriticKitten said:
KaZuYa said:
If it's Darth Nihilus all is forgiven JJ but it won't be cause it's JJ
They've confirmed that the EU is non-canon.

So I'd put the odds of this new film having anything to do with ANY of the cool shit from the EU being at around 0%.
I might be wrong, but I think it's just the post RotJ EU that's non-canon.
Nope, as far as I know, it's everything outside of this:

Star Wars Episodes I-VI

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Rebels (forthcoming)

The rest has been nuked into oblivion, so it seems.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I would suggest the title: Star Wars - Episode 7 - One More Day.

That title cpuld have ment anything if they were salvaging things from the eu, from Abeloth to the Racatta to a nukber of ancient sith. My money is that it's the Reapers.