No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
(Throws keyboard across room, flips many tables, smashes some things, slams forehead into desk, walks away to cool off)
The original cast doesn't need a send off. Did you not see how Return of the Jedi ended? Their time is done. Their adventure is over. The Emperor is dead and the Empire is defeated (or on the verge of breaking, if you follow the E.U.). It is time for a new generation and a new storyline. Bring this Michael Anrdt person back. He at least knew where the focus of the next film should be. I had my doubts when Abrams was announced as director, and every bit of news that is coming about about these new films is slowly lowering my hopes. It's getting to the point where I think I just want to stay in my E.U. and be done with these films and they're not even out yet.
And yeah, let's be honest here: Carrie, Mark, and Harrison are not spring chickens anymore, even if they work out non-stop until shooting. Have them be the supporting roles, the mentors, the cameos, the whatever-you-want-to-call-them, but for the love of the Force and Star Wars in general, don't make them the focus of the entire movie.