Star Wars Kinect Trailer Worth a Laugh, I Guess

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I thought it was funny. In a very screwed up way, but still.

DVS BSTrD said:
As big a joke as the Kinnect itself.
But it does explain a lot. Obi-Wan died due to the hardware's lag.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
I thought it was dumb.

I don't even have an xbox but if I did I still wouldn't buy this game...or a Kinect.

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Captain Pirate said:
fabiosooner said:
RewardMe said:
"By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred, Lucasarts made sure that I will never purchase this game. I cannot support anything that so disregards its source material."

Ah, star wars fans. Gotta hate em.

I'm sure there will be a follow up ad soon enough for gameplay. I'll judge then on whether to buy it or not when it comes out.
Word. I don't share the same optimism about the game as you, but I agree with all the rest

Escapist - "By poking fun at a scene many of us hold ****to be sacred****"

Now, I don't remember Escapist being this nerdy one or two years ago. If that's 'video game culture' now (or back again?), sorry, I'm out. I don't wanna live with this kind of childish attitude.

No wonder the Extra Credits guys left.[*]

[*] Don't waste time pointing out that there was the charity thing. I don't care. The point is that the Escapist has been in a downward spiral of negativity, nerdy sarcasm and snobbish attitutes in its articles lately - stuff that only reinforce the worst stereotypes about gaming, stuff that Extra Credits always defended we should avoid.
Yeah, I agree. The snobbery levels have increased quite a lot recently.
I already voiced my annoyance at how fanboy-esque it is that The Escapist always, without fail, has a jab at the prequels in some way, no matter what Star Wars thing they are writing the article about.

OT: Yeah, it's a bad advert. But not because of 'poking fun of a sacred scene'. It was just unfunny, didn't have any gameplay in it, and made little to no sense.

Fuck it, just give us Battlefront 3, more Clone Wars, and a Force Unleashed sequel that does the first one justice. Now that was a game that made you feel like a badass Force-user.
Dude, the Star Wars prequels were horrible. I might have gone a bit overboard with my language re: this meaningless trailer, but at its core Star Wars Kinect is everything I dislike about what Star Wars has become. How is that "nerdy" or "childish"?



New member
Nov 4, 2008
Chill out, as far as ads that have nothing to do with gameplay go, that wasn't bad at all. Found it fairly amusing even.

Too bad I still don't have any actual interest in the game nor Kinect, but I approve of that commercial.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Greg Tito said:
Captain Pirate said:
fabiosooner said:
RewardMe said:
"By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred, Lucasarts made sure that I will never purchase this game. I cannot support anything that so disregards its source material."

Ah, star wars fans. Gotta hate em.

I'm sure there will be a follow up ad soon enough for gameplay. I'll judge then on whether to buy it or not when it comes out.
Word. I don't share the same optimism about the game as you, but I agree with all the rest

Escapist - "By poking fun at a scene many of us hold ****to be sacred****"

Now, I don't remember Escapist being this nerdy one or two years ago. If that's 'video game culture' now (or back again?), sorry, I'm out. I don't wanna live with this kind of childish attitude.

No wonder the Extra Credits guys left.[*]

[*] Don't waste time pointing out that there was the charity thing. I don't care. The point is that the Escapist has been in a downward spiral of negativity, nerdy sarcasm and snobbish attitutes in its articles lately - stuff that only reinforce the worst stereotypes about gaming, stuff that Extra Credits always defended we should avoid.
Yeah, I agree. The snobbery levels have increased quite a lot recently.
I already voiced my annoyance at how fanboy-esque it is that The Escapist always, without fail, has a jab at the prequels in some way, no matter what Star Wars thing they are writing the article about.

OT: Yeah, it's a bad advert. But not because of 'poking fun of a sacred scene'. It was just unfunny, didn't have any gameplay in it, and made little to no sense.

Fuck it, just give us Battlefront 3, more Clone Wars, and a Force Unleashed sequel that does the first one justice. Now that was a game that made you feel like a badass Force-user.
Dude, the Star Wars prequels were horrible. I might have gone a bit overboard with my language re: this meaningless trailer, but at its core Star Wars Kinect is everything I dislike about what Star Wars has become. How is that "nerdy" or "childish"?

Because of this quote:

"By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred, Lucasarts made sure that I will never purchase this game. I cannot support anything that so disregards its source material."

Your issue with the commercial has jack shit to do with the game itself. I'm not saying the game will be good, it will almost definitely be a horrid pile of bantha poodoo, but come on. "Sacred"?

You're honestly coming off as a pissed of nerdy, childish fanboy. Which I KNOW you're not, you're a cool guy. It's just, I would never be so offended by people making a parody of a scene from my favorite scenes from my favorite universes, and it's pretty disconcerting to see a professional act that way over a damn commercial.

Think of it this way- would you have reacted as negatively to it if it was just a skit someone made online?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
What your singular hope of selling a game (and probably a Kinect to go with it) is fanboys with disposable income who will buy anything with Star Wars on the label, prolly not a good idea to "defile" a "sacred scene."

I don't really care, I don't deify Star Wars like some people, but they know who their buyers for this crap are gonna be: adult fanboys who take this stuff far too seriously and their children and they just pissed on both of them with this ad.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I actually thought it was kinda funny. Awkward but funny.

And absolutely no one with a brain ever really had a desire play this game, especially if they saw the gameplay at E3 last year. Really, what the fuck was that shit? Just hand out Battlefront 3 and a decent addition to the Force Unleashed games.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
It looks like a homemade youtube video.

Poor Star Wars fans, like myself.

I must admit that I laughed at "swing and a miss!"


New member
Jan 27, 2009
fabiosooner said:
No wonder the Extra Credits guys left.[*]

[*] Don't waste time pointing out that there was the charity thing. I don't care. The point is that the Escapist has been in a downward spiral of negativity, nerdy sarcasm and snobbish attitutes in its articles lately - stuff that only reinforce the worst stereotypes about gaming, stuff that Extra Credits always defended we should avoid.
Well it seems the trend continues for the readers as well.

Don't act all high and mighty just because you watched EC. If you really were a fan of the show, you would preach what you speak. If anything, you're the one (well, yes this article was a bit... low) enforcing the stereotype here.

Also, get over the EC thing.

Anyway on topic:

I don't see what the big deal is, I found the trailer to be very amusing and I'm a hardcore star fan (who also liked the prequels).

I won't judge the game yet (as you said, no gameplay footage) until some more is revealed about it.

Until then, my the force be with this game.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
ZeroMachine said:
Greg Tito said:
Captain Pirate said:
fabiosooner said:
RewardMe said:
"By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred, Lucasarts made sure that I will never purchase this game. I cannot support anything that so disregards its source material."

Ah, star wars fans. Gotta hate em.

I'm sure there will be a follow up ad soon enough for gameplay. I'll judge then on whether to buy it or not when it comes out.
Word. I don't share the same optimism about the game as you, but I agree with all the rest

Escapist - "By poking fun at a scene many of us hold ****to be sacred****"

Now, I don't remember Escapist being this nerdy one or two years ago. If that's 'video game culture' now (or back again?), sorry, I'm out. I don't wanna live with this kind of childish attitude.

No wonder the Extra Credits guys left.[*]

[*] Don't waste time pointing out that there was the charity thing. I don't care. The point is that the Escapist has been in a downward spiral of negativity, nerdy sarcasm and snobbish attitutes in its articles lately - stuff that only reinforce the worst stereotypes about gaming, stuff that Extra Credits always defended we should avoid.
Yeah, I agree. The snobbery levels have increased quite a lot recently.
I already voiced my annoyance at how fanboy-esque it is that The Escapist always, without fail, has a jab at the prequels in some way, no matter what Star Wars thing they are writing the article about.

OT: Yeah, it's a bad advert. But not because of 'poking fun of a sacred scene'. It was just unfunny, didn't have any gameplay in it, and made little to no sense.

Fuck it, just give us Battlefront 3, more Clone Wars, and a Force Unleashed sequel that does the first one justice. Now that was a game that made you feel like a badass Force-user.
Dude, the Star Wars prequels were horrible. I might have gone a bit overboard with my language re: this meaningless trailer, but at its core Star Wars Kinect is everything I dislike about what Star Wars has become. How is that "nerdy" or "childish"?

Because of this quote:

"By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred, Lucasarts made sure that I will never purchase this game. I cannot support anything that so disregards its source material."

Your issue with the commercial has jack shit to do with the game itself. I'm not saying the game will be good, it will almost definitely be a horrid pile of bantha poodoo, but come on. "Sacred"?

You're honestly coming off as a pissed of nerdy, childish fanboy. Which I KNOW you're not, you're a cool guy. It's just, I would never be so offended by people making a parody of a scene from my favorite scenes from my favorite universes, and it's pretty disconcerting to see a professional act that way over a damn commercial.

Think of it this way- would you have reacted as negatively to it if it was just a skit someone made online?
I believe his issue with it revolves around the fact that it WASN'T made by some random guy on the internet, but rather someone who actually has the authority to officially release such a video with LucasArt's blessing. That's the way I see it anyway.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
I quite liked the trailer. Stupid humour and covering a scene I remember well (but don't hold sacred - wtf escapist?). As a trailer it fails on one angle because it doesn't show any gameplay but it does raise awareness of the game.

Read this article and immediately thought of this video:

"I got that nerd rage!"

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
Was pretty cute ... for a youtube video. If someone showed it to me I'd think it was a fan's amusing spoof of a well known scene.

Doesn't make me want to buy the game though ...


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Captain Pirate said:
OT: Yeah, it's a bad advert. But not because of 'poking fun of a sacred scene'. It was just unfunny, didn't have any gameplay in it, and made little to no sense.

Fuck it, just give us Battlefront 3, more Clone Wars, and a Force Unleashed sequel that does the first one justice. Now that was a game that made you feel like a badass Force-user.
oh I agree, all the way. hell just give us a port of one Battlefield for starters...or Republic Commandos
Force Unleashed 2 played better than ever, but the story made me want to eat my controller in agony =.=


New member
May 21, 2009
Greg needs to cheer the fuck up and laugh a little.
We're obviously not gonna buy it, but you know you'd honestly do the same thing if you had the chance.

Trolling Vader is funny stuff.


New member
May 2, 2011
It was kind of funny. I think they took the best direction as far as the tone of the commercial goes. Let's face it, if they were being 100% serious then we would have made even more fun of them.

But..goddamn it Lucas!! Stop trying to re-invent the glory days back when Star Wars was actually good. I'm sick of this! Every movie, EVERY game is playing off the scenes and emotions felt in the original trilogy. It's just tiring at this point, I've lost all interest in Star Wars and I'm fed up of trying to ignore all the shitty products and pretend it's still an I.P with some dignity behind it.

Not to mention the "Kinect" (God, I hate the way that's spelt) is just a lame gimmick that needs to die, now. Standing up and waving around pretending you have a lightsaber might be cool for the first 10minutes but let's just be honest, after not too long it's gonna be annoying.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Dude, the Star Wars prequels were horrible. I might have gone a bit overboard with my language re: this meaningless trailer, but at its core Star Wars Kinect is everything I dislike about what Star Wars has become. How is that "nerdy" or "childish"?

Well I wasn't the one who called you nerdy or childish, but now that you mention it, it seems nerdy and childish because of you calling that scene so 'sacred' it's a sin to make fun of it, and as a result you won't even give the game a chance.

I was just expecting you to be more professional, and not slam the game so completely by it's trailer. Sure, say it's in poor taste, but considering how the vast majority of game-related journalists say that they think the trailer is bad, but they won't judge the game until it's released, as you should, to then see someone refuse to buy the game because of a trailer is itself quite childish to me. On top of that, it is far more childish in my opinion to then say it's because it "By poking fun at a scene many of us hold to be sacred".

I would also be very comfortable in saying that 'many of us' don't hold it in as much of a revered light as you do.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Retarded? Yes. But I have to admit that I actually laughed out loud at the "swing and a miss!".


New member
Feb 21, 2011
The prequel films were... entertaining. Just throwing it out there. Because once you take the rose-tinted glasses off, the originals were every bit as corny and lame as they were. Ooh, yes, I went there. Star Wars immolated itself with the Christmas Special; there's no coming back from that.

This... commercial was at least mildly entertaining. Lord forbid that a franchise as big as Star Wars sells out to get a lesser known comedian to impersonate Obi-Wan. If anything, he pulled off that 360 spin slash off pretty well, considering how pointless it was to begin with.

All in all, the game will probably be a failure.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
The trailer itself made me me laugh. However as said, it shows nothing of the only Kinect game I've actually been looking forward to.

Good job at showing us nothing PR guys. I might wait until its a fiver before picking it up.