I agree that the space combat could've been more engaging, but it's hardly a dealbreaker. I enjoy it alot more than I did any daily quests in WoW; especially the authentic music as you pewpew your way through the missions. Then again the same is true for every quest, flashpoint (instance), operation (raid) and PvP warzone I've looked at so far. I suppose that goes under the same category that was mentioned in the review - the graphics and the sound are incredibly engaging. You feel like your character's in the Star Wars universe. Everything fits, down to the music in the background.
The way crafting and companions work is also one thing that earns so many bonus points from me that Bioware would have to egg my house before I seriously started cutting off points on the score sheet. No more flying back to town to stand at the smith for half an hour. No more of that flow-breaking bullshit. You give your companions the job, and go about your business. On top of that they never feel like pets but important characters in your story. They voice their opinions, suggest things, do things you couldn't do if you had someone else along. They have their own quests - some more engaging than others, but they still do.
I, personally, haven't had a single technical problem since I started playing - at least nothing people have mentioned in this thread. Hit 50 on my Trooper Vanguard last week, and been happily tanking my way through both PvE and PvP. It's true that TOR has a very limited bit of endgame at the moment - but so did WoW. Such familiar places as Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Alterac Valley, Zul'Gurub and numerous others were not in the game on release.
(Take a look at http://www.wowwiki.com/Patches/1.x if you want a trip down Memory Lane)
MMO's so far have -ALL- added content in large updates. Even as I speak, the Old Republic is a few hours away from maintenance for patch 1.1 - which will add new content, fix numerous bugs and issues, and will add the oh-so-central AA (as I believe someone mentioned as a 'flaw', althoug granted that depends on just how highly you regard small changes in graphic quality). If you think TOR PvP is imbalanced, I hope and pray you never get sent back in time to play vanilla WoW PvP - actually, who am I kidding. It remains unbalanced to this day!
Everyone is free to view this as the opinion of a fanboy and dismiss it if they must, but I'm just so very bored with seeing the game put down on these forums for trivial and personal reasons (The top oen usually being OMG EA IS INVOLVED WITH IT). If it barely works, keeps crashing and/or you can't connect to any servers - sure. If you complain that there's not enough endgame six hours before the NEXT CONTENT PATCH IS BEING ADDED... Take a look in the mirror and think long and hard about what you're blabbing on about.
As a WoW, Warhammer Online, LotRO and Age of Conan player - I give TOR a good 8/10. (As with ALL MMO'S, future updates will no doubt raise that score)