Starcraft 2: Will you pay full price for 1/3 of a game?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
As much as I like the original, no, I won't buy it. I've waited this long, I'll wait until they inevitably release all three games together for the proper price.

Edit: Then again it seems like I'm in the minority that prefers the story-driven single player.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
TrogzTheTroll said:
s0denone said:
Why the fuck doesn't SCII support LAN play!? That is some gameddamning shit right there.

Also, on topic:
It fucking sucks. If I can be honest with you, I'll buy Wings of Liberty without question, and then download pirated versions of the expansions. Feel free to purchase all three "separate games" - I just know that I won't.(You're only fooling yourself if you argue that these are like three different games, and not simply some added single-player content that should have been there in the first place.)

I've spent hours upon hours of on first Warcraft, then Warcraft II, then Starcraft, then Warcraft III and its expansion, then World of Warcraft. Don't talk to me about "supporting" Blizzard.

From WoW they have like one fucking gazillion dollars, and what do they do? Sell two "expansion packs" priced at 60$ each, on top of a 60$ game. Seriously, you're only fucking giving on terran campaign in the original purchase!? Are you fucking with me!?
These games are HUGE! Bigger than the originals by a long shot by themselves, thats not counting all 3 together... They will also add new Multiplayer stuff as well (Units and ect)
You're extremely missinformed... I pity you.
Let me put it into words you can understand:
This is like release-day DLC.
"We know we had it done and all, and could just have put it in the original game... But since we know people will definitely want to play through the other campaigns, given that there will (most likely) not be actual closure to the story before the last mission of the last campaign. We will then charge as much for each of these "episodes" as the original game... Much like Half Life 2, only our games are more expensive... And also our games aren't really being developed over time, they've just been done all along."

If you don't understand my point:

"We are greedy little fucks who will abuse our fanboy userbase to earn thrice the amount of money."
Since I don't support such behaviour, I don't support splitting up the campaign of Starcraft into three separate pieces.

...Also don't act like an asshole. If I'm "misinformed" then please tell me all of which I am not informed.


No One Is Special
Mar 9, 2010

If I willingly buy a game which I know to be a third of the planned content, and I pay full price for it, I am thusly saying that that trend is:

A: Acceptable.
B: Profitable.

Since I find it neither, I will not buy.

(This is not an Anti-Blizzard rant. Solid company. Good games. But this is not a business practise I want to see repeated. So I cannot, in good faith, support it.)

Whiskey Echo!


New member
Aug 11, 2009
s0denone said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
s0denone said:
Why the fuck doesn't SCII support LAN play!? That is some gameddamning shit right there.

Also, on topic:
It fucking sucks. If I can be honest with you, I'll buy Wings of Liberty without question, and then download pirated versions of the expansions. Feel free to purchase all three "separate games" - I just know that I won't.(You're only fooling yourself if you argue that these are like three different games, and not simply some added single-player content that should have been there in the first place.)

I've spent hours upon hours of on first Warcraft, then Warcraft II, then Starcraft, then Warcraft III and its expansion, then World of Warcraft. Don't talk to me about "supporting" Blizzard.

From WoW they have like one fucking gazillion dollars, and what do they do? Sell two "expansion packs" priced at 60$ each, on top of a 60$ game. Seriously, you're only fucking giving on terran campaign in the original purchase!? Are you fucking with me!?
These games are HUGE! Bigger than the originals by a long shot by themselves, thats not counting all 3 together... They will also add new Multiplayer stuff as well (Units and ect)
You're extremely missinformed... I pity you.
Let me put it into words you can understand:
This is like release-day DLC.
"We know we had it done and all, and could just have put it in the original game... But since we know people will definitely want to play through the other campaigns, given that there will (most likely) not be actual closure to the story before the last mission of the last campaign. We will then charge as much for each of these "episodes" as the original game... Much like Half Life 2, only our games are more expensive... And also our games aren't really being developed over time, they've just been done all along."

If you don't understand my point:

"We are greedy little fucks who will abuse our fanboy userbase to earn thrice the amount of money."
Since I don't support such behaviour, I don't support splitting up the campaign of Starcraft into three separate pieces.

...Also don't act like an asshole. If I'm "misinformed" then please tell me all of which I am not informed.
Missinformed as in how the Expansions add nothing but Campaign, when they add Multiplayer things as well. Your price for SC2 is also off, not sure where you're buying it from.

Hello, Theres this thing called Capitalism. Blizzard isn't going to make a huge game that takes so much developement and its huge, and easily splittable into 3 games, and release it as one JUST so they can please the people who "Love" the game enough to cry about its price. They need to make a profit, and if they have a game thats easily 3 in one, then they should price it as such. They make money from WoW sure, but if they didnt do this then all the time to put into making SC2 awesome wouldnt be a huge profit... and Activision hates it when things dont profit.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Nimzabaat said:
I know this may be a rehash but honestly, dividing one game into three parts and selling each part for full price? Blizzard you greedy bastards. The next step is releasing Diablo in four parts because you have to buy each class. (I hope Blizzard isn't reading this and going "hey, great idea!"). Am i buying Starcraft 2? Yes. When they release all three campaigns in one box and it's under 60 dollars. Until then, plenty of good games out there.
Welcome to blizzard ACTIVISON.
Diablo 3 is already going to cost 60 dollars at launch.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I will pay full price because it's fucking Starcraft. The multiplayer is still whole, it's just splitting the story into extra long campaigns. I don't care much for the multiplayer, but I will probably get a lot of fun out of the campaign.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
TrogzTheTroll said:
Missinformed as in how the Expansions add nothing but Campaign, when they add Multiplayer things as well. Your price for SC2 is also off, not sure where you're buying it from.

Hello, Theres this thing called Capitalism. Blizzard isn't going to make a huge game that takes so much developement and its huge, and easily splittable into 3 games, and release it as one JUST so they can please the people who "Love" the game enough to cry about its price. They need to make a profit, and if they have a game thats easily 3 in one, then they should price it as such. They make money from WoW sure, but if they didnt do this then all the time to put into making SC2 awesome wouldnt be a huge profit... and Activision hates it when things dont profit.
I think you're missing the point. It's indisputable that they've taken a finished game and broken it into three parts, for profit's sake. It's no better than some games that leave out content that was initialy included solely for the reason of selling it later.

It may be business, it may be capitalism, but when you look into it, it's also wrong.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Iwata said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
Missinformed as in how the Expansions add nothing but Campaign, when they add Multiplayer things as well. Your price for SC2 is also off, not sure where you're buying it from.

Hello, Theres this thing called Capitalism. Blizzard isn't going to make a huge game that takes so much developement and its huge, and easily splittable into 3 games, and release it as one JUST so they can please the people who "Love" the game enough to cry about its price. They need to make a profit, and if they have a game thats easily 3 in one, then they should price it as such. They make money from WoW sure, but if they didnt do this then all the time to put into making SC2 awesome wouldnt be a huge profit... and Activision hates it when things dont profit.
I think you're missing the point. It's indisputable that they've taken a finished game and broken it into three parts, for profit's sake. It's no better than some games that leave out content that was initialy included solely for the reason of selling it later.

It may be business, it may be capitalism, but when you look into it, it's also wrong.
But its like, going to a resturant... and usualy it might cost like 20$. But at THIS resturaunt... they use the best ingrediants, and the dish is about 3x bigger than usual dishes. It SHOULD cost more.

Edit: And they happen to split the dish up into courses.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
If in games, you value feeling like a collector, and you just want to be able to say that you own such and such game, then splitting the game into 3 parts is annoying.

However, if you value things like gameplay, story, or enjoyment, then as long as each individual game gives you a full games worth of content, then stop your bitching. As of right now, it looks like each installment will have the same amount of content as the original game, and any version of the game will give you the entire multiplayer experience. You're getting hung up on semantics, and not even noticing that the argument doesn't make any sense.

If you spent 50 bucks on 3 games that were an hour each, you would be pissed, even though you got 3 games. So don't get pissed if one game that's the size of 3 games gets cut into 3 games. Who cares if you have 3 icons on your desktop? You're paying for content, not the titles.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Why to people expect that Companies should cater to them and not try to make money? Because I made my business to make you happy, and not for a living.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
I'm not buying it, but not because it's 1/3rd of a game (it isn't), but because Blizzard completely ignored everything that millions of their fans have been screaming about and presented a piss poor Bnet 2.0. I will buy it when they remove their heads out of their asses and get their service up to the standards of Warcraft 3's battlenet, you know, the game that they released 8 fucking years ago. Until then I will borrow a friend's account to check out the campaign a bit, but my money is going to stay in my pocket.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
If wings of liberty is as long as they say, I might buy it.
If not, I'll just wait for a gold edition.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
igissx said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
s0denone said:
Why the fuck doesn't SCII support LAN play!? That is some gameddamning shit right there.

Also, on topic:
It fucking sucks. If I can be honest with you, I'll buy Wings of Liberty without question, and then download pirated versions of the expansions. Feel free to purchase all three "separate games" - I just know that I won't.(You're only fooling yourself if you argue that these are like three different games, and not simply some added single-player content that should have been there in the first place.)

I've spent hours upon hours of on first Warcraft, then Warcraft II, then Starcraft, then Warcraft III and its expansion, then World of Warcraft. Don't talk to me about "supporting" Blizzard.

From WoW they have like one fucking gazillion dollars, and what do they do? Sell two "expansion packs" priced at 60$ each, on top of a 60$ game. Seriously, you're only fucking giving on terran campaign in the original purchase!? Are you fucking with me!?
These games are HUGE! Bigger than the originals by a long shot by themselves, thats not counting all 3 together... They will also add new Multiplayer stuff as well (Units and ect)
You're extremely missinformed... I pity you.

And once more, its 60$/40$/40$.. So 140. L2P
A game being "huge" doesnt mean its going to be blockbuster...I love the first S.C, but when i see the new S.C, i get worried because the game looks rather bland compared to the first.

N.O.T (Not on topic) i think the main reason people are getting up in arms with the whole 3 part thing, is that the game has been waited for over 10 years, and in 10 years you only get the full game, but no expansion packs in sight...I belive they shouldve had done something like Valve did with the Orange Box, and when you bought S.C 2, you maybe get something like S.C 1 or Diablo or something like that for free
Not saying its going to be great, im saying its big enough to be its own game.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
TrogzTheTroll said:
Missinformed as in how the Expansions add nothing but Campaign, when they add Multiplayer things as well.

Hello, Theres this thing called Capitalism. Blizzard isn't going to make a huge game that takes so much developement and its huge, and easily splittable into 3 games, and release it as one JUST so they can please the people who "Love" the game enough to cry about its price. They need to make a profit, and if they have a game thats easily 3 in one, then they should price it as such. They make money from WoW sure, but if they didnt do this then all the time to put into making SC2 awesome wouldnt be a huge profit... and Activision hates it when things dont profit.
You think Blizzard are so stupid and silly that they shoved so much money into the development of Starcraft 3 that even if they don't hit their sales mark with just Wings of Liberty, they will not make a profit? Are you that fucking ignorant and naive?

This isn't about "Going broke vs. making a profit" it's about "Making a profit vs. making a bigger profit", and that by breaking up one game and one whole campaign into three separate versions.

Including multiplayer units is even worse, since that basically forces everyone to buy everything, if they want to play multiplayer.

I'm not arguing the strategy of Blizzard. It's a sound plan, as Arthas would say... I'm arguing the ethics: It's simply greedy as fuck.

I'm not the one missing the point; you are. I fucking loved Starcraft, and Starcraft: Brood War. Hell, I probably spent more time playing Tower Defense with one of my mates in that game than I've ever player any single type of multiplayer in any other game, ever.

Starcraft II is going to fucking rock... There is no doubt in my mind. But this!? Fuck no if I will support such actions.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
TrogzTheTroll said:
But its like, going to a resturant... and usualy it might cost like 20$. But at THIS resturaunt... they use the best ingrediants, and the dish is about 3x bigger than usual dishes. It SHOULD cost more.
I think an even more apt metaphor would be in the grocery store. The person who doesn't like the new way Starcraft is being distributed wants Oranges. So he goes in and finds a 5 pound bag of oranges for 5 bucks. This he is fine with. Then, he sees a 20 pound bag of the same oranges right next to it for $15. The person then immediately gets angry, ranting about how the produce people would insult them by offering a bag of Oranges for $15 instead of the normal $5.

No. You get more Oranges if you spend more money. They have to pick more oranges, you have to pay more to get them. That's the way buying stuff works.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Xanadu84 said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
But its like, going to a resturant... and usualy it might cost like 20$. But at THIS resturaunt... they use the best ingrediants, and the dish is about 3x bigger than usual dishes. It SHOULD cost more.
I think an even more apt metaphor would be in the grocery store. The person who doesn't like the new way Starcraft is being distributed wants Oranges. So he goes in and finds a 5 pound bag of oranges for 5 bucks. This he is fine with. Then, he sees a 20 pound bag of the same oranges right next to it for $15. The person then immediately gets angry, ranting about how the produce people would insult them by offering a bag of Oranges for $15 instead of the normal $5.

No. You get more Oranges if you spend more money. They have to pick more oranges, you have to pay more to get them. That's the way buying stuff works.
You sir, win my respect.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
s0denone said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
Missinformed as in how the Expansions add nothing but Campaign, when they add Multiplayer things as well.

Hello, Theres this thing called Capitalism. Blizzard isn't going to make a huge game that takes so much developement and its huge, and easily splittable into 3 games, and release it as one JUST so they can please the people who "Love" the game enough to cry about its price. They need to make a profit, and if they have a game thats easily 3 in one, then they should price it as such. They make money from WoW sure, but if they didnt do this then all the time to put into making SC2 awesome wouldnt be a huge profit... and Activision hates it when things dont profit.
You think Blizzard are so stupid and silly that they shoved so much money into the development of Starcraft 3 that even if they don't hit their sales mark with just Wings of Liberty, they will not make a profit? Are you that fucking ignorant and naive?

This isn't about "Going broke vs. making a profit" it's about "Making a profit vs. making a bigger profit", and that by breaking up one game and one whole campaign into three separate versions.
Including multiplayer units is even worse, since that basically forces everyone to buy everything, if they want to play multiplayer.

I'm not arguing the strategy of Blizzard. It's a sound plan, as Arthas would say... I'm arguing the ethics: It's simply greedy as fuck.

I'm not the one missing the point; you are. I fucking loved Starcraft, and Starcraft: Brood War. Hell, I probably spent more time playing Tower Defense with one of my mates in that game than I've ever player any single type of multiplayer in any other game, ever.

Starcraft II is going to fucking rock... There is no doubt in my mind. But this!? Fuck no if I will support such actions.
One second, let me just start a company to make every single fan of mine happy (Which isn't possible) instead of trying to make as much money as possible (Which is the point of alot of companies) Because the world is perfect and full of good souls who only look out for their underlings instead of human beings that want to get as far as possible in the world. In my opinion, its fair. So they did make a fan happy while also making money.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
igissx said:
i think the main reason people are getting up in arms with the whole 3 part thing, is that the game has been waited for over 10 years, and in 10 years you only get the full game, but no expansion packs in sight...I belive they shouldve had done something like Valve did with the Orange Box, and when you bought S.C 2, you maybe get something like S.C 1 or Diablo or something like that for free
But if Blizzard was anything like Valve they wouldn't have merged with Activision and brought around the rise of the Antichrist of gaming. Plus Blizzard was a company I lost respect for a long time ago.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Xanadu84 said:
TrogzTheTroll said:
But its like, going to a resturant... and usualy it might cost like 20$. But at THIS resturaunt... they use the best ingrediants, and the dish is about 3x bigger than usual dishes. It SHOULD cost more.
I think an even more apt metaphor would be in the grocery store. The person who doesn't like the new way Starcraft is being distributed wants Oranges. So he goes in and finds a 5 pound bag of oranges for 5 bucks. This he is fine with. Then, he sees a 20 pound bag of the same oranges right next to it for $15. The person then immediately gets angry, ranting about how the produce people would insult them by offering a bag of Oranges for $15 instead of the normal $5.

No. You get more Oranges if you spend more money. They have to pick more oranges, you have to pay more to get them. That's the way buying stuff works.
How about this metaphor instead:

You can pick 60 oranges in one hour - averaging at exactly one per minute.

You have two choices in how you could sell your oranges:

One big pack, all 60, for 20$ ~ Or you could sell them in bags of 20 for 10$ a piece.

In essence you've spent the same amount of time picking oranges - it's just that selling them separately nets you more money.

In other words, your metaphor is shit.