StarCraft Universe MORPG Reaches Kickstarter Goal

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
bringer of illumination said:
J Tyran said:
bringer of illumination said:
Kyrdra said:
bringer of illumination said:
I don't understand what they need all that money for.

Far more extensive modding projects than this have been undertaken, with no compensation what so ever, why should these people get almost a hundred grand showed in their pockets?
Because they want to make a living out of it and put all their time into it and not just their free time?
I want to be paid for doing my hobbies too.

That doesn't mean I should
Give one good reason why they shouldn't, people getting angry and butt hurt about not making a living from make mods only have themselves to blame. They should either try and get paid themselves or do something else if they begrudge others being able to make a living doing the same.

Plenty of people get paid to do hobbies that others do for its own value.
Do you pay attention to modding scenes at all?

If you do, do you know about the current state of the Skyrim scene?

I'm gonna assume you don't and explain it to you.

It's a fucking cancerous wasteland.

It's unfriendly, litigious, unwelcoming, unhelpful and just generally crap, most old and experienced modders are leaving it and migrating back to Fallout New Vegas and A Tale of Two Wastelands modding while they wait for the Morrowind open source engine is completed.

It's terrible, no modding scene has EVER been this bad, and it had so much potential

And you know why all this is?

It's because people got money involved.

People started slapping donation buttons on their nexus pages, mods got centralized and the centralized website started wielding it's power irresponsibly, people got defensive about their content, started throwing around threats of legal action when/if other people used their stuff, advertising got involved and yes, even kickstarters were made.

Money fucking DESTROYED that modding scene.

So you'll excuse me if I'm not particularly positively inclined towards the idea.

And that ignores a lot of problems I have with this project in particular.
You have missed a lot more of the modding scene than you claim then, that crap has been always been going on. Its nothing new at all, modders trying to get other rival websites shut down, people trying to force the issue of "their" particular section of the community as being the "proper" one and verbally (often literally) attacking others. Mods of multiplayer games with player run servers are usually the worst but it has happened all over.

I have even seen modders literally copyright things like 3D models, things copied from other IPs no less and try to get them legally enforced when other modders have added them to their mods or compilations. Money doesn't have to be involved and egos are more than enough to spark this behaviour. These guys are not responsible for any of this, so why begrudge them?


New member
Oct 2, 2010
mad825 said:
Ferisar said:
Or because a guy is making an MMO that can be accessed and played with the Starter Edition (for free) of the game using their software while profiting from it via kickstarter.

Probably not though, right?
That still doesn't explain anything. This is a company that took people to court just because they used a memory hacker in single player game.

Something smells fishy, I would go as far to say that this might be a front to expand the game into a fully functional MMO business if successful.
They also didn't let this same guy use "World of Starcraft" as his advertised mod name because it had a conflict with their typical trademarks and had a chance to create confusion. It also had an outcry at first for something UNACCPETABRU, until everyone took a second and understood that most studios/publishers can't just let people take property names willy-nilly just because they feel like it. Then everything was settled and the guy went on to make this because it wasn't a big deal to change some letters around. I think he also got offered a job at Riot at some point.

Also, I don't know anything about no memory hackers in single player. Forgive me for being ignorant there.
And no. I'm sorry, as much as I'd like to believe Blizzard would sponsor a mod project into something "srs", this thing isn't even close to the amount of effort they'd accept for a full-fledged game. It's just not. The only even remotely plausible idea given their prior concern with implicating a "SC" MMO, it's more likely they had some idea in mind themselves/wanted to keep that idea grounded/out of hands of speculation so they could iterate on it. On top of being almost entirely unlikely, it would also never happen within the next five years though, so it doesn't really matter.