Alright so throughout the course of the weekend I buckled down and finished Starfield.
Never before have I regretted playing through a video game before, because Starfield was a totally unrewarding experience to complete. Before I can really explain why I have to explain what technical shortcomings come through with Bethesda's latest game. The fundamental thing that pulls me out of the story is how the story is presented, most of it is done through expository dialog with characters blankly and emotionlessly staring at you and spitting out whatever bullshit they are going to say. There is no interaction between characters, no emotion in their animations, no life to anybody.
Compare this to Cyberpunk or The Witcher 3, where characters interact during dialog. Not just interact but they move around on screen, sit down, smoke, open up items, point guns. Furthermore there are things you can do that will change these interactions.
The best and easiest example to point out is an early mission in Cyberpunk (which considering the shitshow state it released in, I now find it wild to be using it as a GOOD example of things), in this mission you are told that you are to pick up a robot from a gang which had stolen the robot from one of the corporations. There are several different ways you can approach this mission, go in gun's blazing, go in and pay extra when they try to scam you out of more money, go in and talk your way to a perfect deal the way it should go down, or you can meet with the corporation before hand and they'll give you a hacked money card you can use to betray the gang when they try to extort you for more money. All of these scenarios all built into the game for a single mission.
Starfield has none of this. Usually there are two options if any, talk your way through a conflict, or fight. Design which was rather impressive in the early 2000's but not so much today. Additionally Starfield lacks any agency for the player. In Oblivion you are in prison and the King says "holy shit you're the chosen one!", in Skyrim you are about to be killed when a fucking dragon attacks and suddenly it's everyone running for their life. In Starfield you are a miner, regardless of any background you are about to pick, and you find an artifact, have a vision that isn't really interesting and predicts no excitement, then Barrett from the main faction of the game shows up and says "Welp, you're one of us now, go take this thing to our headquarters." Sure pirates attack, but they always attack so it means nothing. There is no hook, nothing frantic to tell the player that this vision or these artifacts are important.
I mean it straight up rips off Mass Effect 1 and the Promethian artifact. However that vision was a vision of the extinction of the galaxy and had a big sense of urgency to it. Starfield's light show visions mean nothing and they never get more advanced as you go through them.
So the cycle begins, go to a planet, hunt down an artifact, bring it back. UIntil eventually you start hunting down temples, but there isn't really hunting down temples, the people of Constellation seem to know where to go everytime and you just go there. Eventually the Constellation base is attacked and one of your companions are killed, which is meant to be a big moment but the companions all suck and this death is mostly meant to be a confusion moment later when you encounter your dead companion as one of the Star hunters.
Turns out the Starborne are actually people like you. People who've chased the artifacts and made it to the center of the universe in which they've been able to go to a multi-verse where they sort of repeat the process of gathering the artifacts and jumping to another universe. But what's the fucking point? Why? Nothing happens, nothing has meaning for them or you for that matter to jump into another universe. In fact it's just a stupid excuse to have NG+.
Starfield is the only RPG I've ever played, (that I can remember at least) with no villain, no big bad, no world ending danger we are set about to thwart. There are small conflicts and pirates that get in your way but there is no one to point a finger at and say, "That is a fucking bad guy." And it's very weird because it makes the game feel like it never goes anywhere and you spend the whole time just puttering about.
In typical Bethesda fashion the side quests are quite a bit better, but that's because they have a smaller scope and also focus on a key goal to tackle. Miners on Mars need new gear so they can get the job done and move on from Mars, but the company wont authorize the equipment. So you help by getting a job as the bosses assistant and use his computer to approve the corporate request for the gear they need. You can get hired by the cops to go undercover with the Crimson pirates to infiltrate them expose their leader and spring the cops on him, which is an interesting quest especially when you have a Constellation companion with you.
Speaking of companions, evil is not an option here. There are no evil companions in Starfield, nor is evil really an option for you. You can kinda be a dickhead but nothing else. NPC's in the game are no longer killable. Even the leader of the evil pirate gang cannot be killed, this is because the game has a predetermined space mission where you kill him and trying to kill him before that climatic fight is not allowed. You can't kill anyone in Constellation, or really anyone that you'd like to be honest. None of your companions are evil either, so stealing and doing naughty shit just makes them hate you which makes them annoying. You never get a pirate on your team or anyone even morrally grey. Which to be fair I wasn't going to do anyway because I don't like doing evil playthroughs, but it just means that one of the things Bethesda USED to do is no longer there.
Now let's get onto the technical shortcomings of Starfield. The game loads constantly even for mundane shit like in and out of buildings. Why is this a thing? Open world games haven't needed loading screens for buildings in over a decade. Yet you can't go in and out of your ship, in and out of the Constellation building, in and out of caves, take an elevator, nothing without a loading screen. In fact travel in this game is a loading screen. You see there is ship combat but you can't really fly your spaceship anywhere. You can't fly to other planets, you can't even traverse a planet freely. It's all fast travel menus and nothing more.
Then when you land on planets the game proceedurally generates you a tile map where all points of interest will be several hundred meters away from your landing zone and you will have to spend five minutes or more running from point to point. Only for most of the points of interest to be copy pastes of shit you've seen on other planets. Pirates taken over a base, a random NPC outpost, a cave with nothing in it, or something for a quest usually involving pirates to shoot. There are no aliens, not really, there are some alien bits of wildlife but they aren't interactable, you can kill them if you want.
Why did they make a space game without aliens, other species of intelligent life? It just speaks to a lack of creativity throughout the game. What did Bethesda spend so much time working on? They didn't make a huge open galaxy to explore, it's entirely fast travel based. They didn't create new cultures and species of aliens with creative new designs and languages. They didn't make an engaging story with conflict and characters good and bad. So where did the budget go? Todd's cocaine addiction?
Most of Starfield is copied from previous games which would be fine if there was something more added to it, or something exciting built around it. But there isn't, base and shipbuilding is lifted from Fallout 4 and 76, Starpowers are Skryrim shouts, the roleplaying has been removed because you can't be evil, the open world has been removed because you can't explore, there is no space in the space game....
I don't know I'm just really fucking confused as to what the hell happened here. OH and of course combat sucks, loot sucks. Not only is your carry weight limit fucking dogshit but there isn't hardly anything worth picking up in the first place. There are 3 lazer guns, 4 balistic weapons, and one plasma gun. None of which have interesting modifers or properties or do anything to change up combat. All the melee weapons swing and behave the exact same way so despite there being several different melee weapons they are all just different skins of the same weapon functionally. This further removes the RPG out of the game.
What even is this? What's the point?
Bethesda didn't make a game here, they made a modding platform. It's going to be up to other people doing free work to make Starfield fun and engaging, and that's fucked up because what the fuck are people on Xbox supposed to do? Xbox and Gamepass people wont get to mod the cool shit into the game. The mod API only works on Steam from what I've read. So unless you bought this on Steam, you are hosed. it Febuary yet?