Still reading Soul Eater, I'm at volume 15/25 and well past the point the anime stopped. I gotta say, the manga is waaay better. The art is just incredible at times, just so stylish, and he's always throwing in new weird styles for a couple of panels here and there to accentuate something. The manga is also way darker than the anime after the anime branches off. Black
Star's last fight with Mifune is just so completely brutal in the manga and, honestly, he pretty much steals the spotlight for the whole Baba Yaga Castle arc. Honestly, after that I feel like his character arc is done and I have no idea where's even left for Black
Star to go. In the anime the fight is cliche. Also there was no Baba Yaga Castle Vs. Death City mech battle. Thank god because it was completely stupid. I could go on for quite a while on the differences between the last episodes of the anime and the manga, but there really isn't a point, the manga is better in pretty much every way.
What's kind of weird is that when the anime adaptation begins there's a couple bonus manga's from different manga artists congratulating Atsushi Ohkubo on getting a manga adaptation... except the volume that these appear in are pretty much the end point of the anime. It's pretty funny how that worked out.
I do have a correction from my early post on this, but Maka does indeed get a gravity defying skirt in the manga as well, it just takes a couple volumes. From like volume 3 or something we never see her panties in battle again. The manga is still pretty horny, it just doesn't like to be horny about Maka.
So yeah, I haven't even finished the manga yet but I can still with full confidence recommend that if anybody is interested in Soul Eater they should definitely read the manga rather than watch the anime.

What's kind of weird is that when the anime adaptation begins there's a couple bonus manga's from different manga artists congratulating Atsushi Ohkubo on getting a manga adaptation... except the volume that these appear in are pretty much the end point of the anime. It's pretty funny how that worked out.
I do have a correction from my early post on this, but Maka does indeed get a gravity defying skirt in the manga as well, it just takes a couple volumes. From like volume 3 or something we never see her panties in battle again. The manga is still pretty horny, it just doesn't like to be horny about Maka.
So yeah, I haven't even finished the manga yet but I can still with full confidence recommend that if anybody is interested in Soul Eater they should definitely read the manga rather than watch the anime.