Steam Sale: Lesser Known Games


New member
Sep 9, 2009
So we have another awesome Steam Sell upon us! Now for the most part everyone already knows the big name games that they hope will go on super sell during this event or will be picking up just on the normal sell. But what about those lesser known games? Those needles in the haystacks, those diamonds in the dirt. There are many amazing games that will be going on sale but will not be bought because people don't know about them. So I propose in this forum we offer up our knowledge of some of the lesser known but amazing games that this sale will have to offer. I'll start us off.

VVVVVV - It has a very funky name but the game is amazing beyond belief. If you like platforming games then you need to pick this up. It's a simple premise and has simple controls but it's addicting. The game centers around you the Captain of a ship crash landing in a strange place with the task of finding your crew mates. The kicker is it's a platformer where you can't jump. Guide the Captain around by switching gravity and using this to get around obstacles.

AAAAAAAAAHHH! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity - This one is even part of today's scavenger hunt so you might want to pick it up. The game is dumb fun. Fall from high places, and land in the target zone. Flip people off or give them the thumbs up as you fall. Tag the floating buildings. And navigate the gaps. Good stuff and good fun. Check it out

Bit-Trip-Beat - Another one that is part of the Scavenger Hunt today. A simple rhythm game where you move the cursor up and down to deflect pellets back. It's kind of like Pong if it were a rhythm game.

So start recommending games everyone. Also please do tell us a bit about the game not just the name.

Nichael Bluth

New member
Jun 26, 2011
BIT.TRIP.RUNNER - A successful fusion of 2D platforming and rhythm games. Absolutely brutal and completely unforgiving, so those who miss that kind of challenge from modern games will find a lot to love.

Penumbra: Black Plague - Before there was Amnesia, there was Penumbra. You may want to get Penumbra: Overture to be caught up with the story, but Black Plague is where the series really shines. There is something ungodly about the voices of the monsters that will send chills down your spine every single time. And the story is absolutely brilliant and well delivered. And under-appreciated gem of a game.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent - I'm not sure if this qualifies as "Lesser Known", but it's indie. It's the most terrifying game I have ever played. If you're up for a scare, get a copy, and play it. Try to enter it knowing as little about it as possible: read nothing about it. Just get it. The story is engaging, and has twists that are absolutely shocking and delivered genius-ly. Read not more about it, and just get it.

Lugaru HD - Ninja Rabbits. 'Nuff said. Okay, if you must know, it's a third-person action title, with one of the best-executed and fighting systems with unprecedented depth despite simple controls. It offers little more than its fighting system, but its an absolute blast. No mainstream title has been as successful as Lugaru in making the player feel line a lightning-fast badass, and Lugaru pulls it off with bunnies. Brilliant.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat - Again, not too sure about "Lesser Known", but it's fun. Lovely, atmospheric, unforgivable, fun. My favorite in the series.

Cryostasis - What's this... A slow-paced shooter!? Its pacing will prove divisive, but those who take the time to soak in the atmosphere as they explore the icy world, rather than rolling their eyes waiting for the next firefight, will find a lot to love. Highly underrated.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Who knows something about that Lead & Gold game? It looks interesting enough, kind of like a Wild West TF2 kind of thing. Anyone got any more insight than that?


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Beyond Good & Evil - If you like the Zelda games than you will like this game. From the combat system to the puzzling to the story (The planet is called Hylis, change a bit and you get Hyrule) everything reminds of the Zelda games. It has a great ambience of discovery and yet familarity. The fighting system might not be the strongest selling point (Attack, hold attack to do a strong attack, block, dodge), but the atmosphere with a lovely soundtrack [] sure is. And the graphics; Well, they're PS2 graphics so don't expect too much. But they somehow fit in a strange way.
I'm not sure if it's really considered "lesser known", but when it came out, it was kind of missed by everyone but a few.

Now the indies:

World of Goo - It's often called a puzzle game. I rather see it as a journey in a strange and bizzare world. There's some puzzling, but it's always straightforward and rather a game of finding a balance of the gooey towers so they don't crumble.
Again, not sure if it's considered "lesser known"

A.R.E.S. - Megaman with different skins. But it's Megaman. That's even what the description should say: Megaman with drawn 2D sprites infront of a 3-Dimensional background made of drawn 2D sprites.

Trine - Interesting and challenging 2D action-puzzle-platformer. You have three characters that have each different abilites and your goal is to reach the end of the level:
The Mage - Can summon boxes and plates and levitates them around to build bridges or stack them to stairs. The Rogue - Can shoot enemies with her bow and a range of different elemental arrows. Can also use the grapple hook on any wooden surface to swing from place to place. The Warrior - Can smash enemies with the hammer or slice with the sword. Also has the shield to block attacks and falling debris and spikes and whatnot that tries to kill you. Also, has the most health and can smash rocks and such.
Now the tricky thing is that they're all trapped in the "Trine". That means you're only able to have one heroe activ at the time, but can change instantaneously with the push of a button.
There are a lot of places where you can outsmart the game or the level designers by being using more your platforming skills than puzzling, but that does not make it a bad game. The last level is incredibly hard in particular and I can't see how you're able to beat it without using all the tricks you can come up with.

Darwinia - Interesting to say the least. It's some sort of RTS but without any familiar RTS elements. It's really hard to describe what it actually is. It's like an RTS-Sim...
I think it's a really strange experience and differs from the usual "Send out collectors that collect materials, then build a barracks, then train soldiers, then send them to the enemy, once you have enough resources, build the armory, then you can build tanks". It has absolutly nothing of that. You have direct control of one squad of...anti-virus programms and shot enemy virii. At the same time, you need officers to direct the self-concious Darwinians to points and machines that they have to operate. But they have to be protected by the Squad since they're helpless on their own. You see a lot of virii clustered together? Send in the air support which sends a group of Space Invaders that drop bombs on them. You have to defend a position against virii attacks? Send in an APC that transforms a turret and man it with Darwinians.

Defcon - This is also quite a strange gem. It's the most accurate simulation of a nuclear war I've ever seen. At Defcon 5, actual nothing happens. You can make treaties or secret agreements if you're playing in multiplayer (which I guess is empty after 6 years).
Defcon 4, units are being placed. Radars, nuclear silos, fleets and nuclear submarines, airports with nuclear bombers and fighters are available. That's already the entire list.
Defcon 3, the battle and the hostile actions begine. The battleships shot each other, the fighters fight other fighters, nuclear subs are being hunted down, the enemies defences are being checked. Defcon 2, same as 3, but action intensifies. The nuclear war is about to break out. Bombers are being launched, the naval battles are being decided.
Defcon 1 - All hell is about to break lose. The authorisations for the ICBMs, MRBMs or SRBMs are being given. Everyone is getting incedibly suspicios of everyone else. "Should I keep my nuclear silos in defensive position to intercept enemy missiles, or should I change them to offensive to fire my missiles?", "Who is going to fire first?", "Who will shot me and when?", "Did I destroy all their subs? Are they maybe hiding somewhere infront of my coastline?", "Does the enemy know I've got subs station and ready to fire on him?".
And then, when you hear "Nuclear launch detected", the holocaust begins. This game is unbeatable. It's just horrific to watch a nuke pass your defenses and slowly moving towards that big white glowing dot that says "New York, 10 Million". You see it getting closer and closer and you can do nothing against it. It hits. A number pops up: "4.5 Million dead". All over your continent you see "3.3 Million Dead" here and "2.1 Million dead there". You let your submarines surface and unleash a barrage of nukes. "Moscow, 4.7 Million Dead", "St. Petersburg, 3.8 Million Dead".
Even thought it's graphics are basicly just pictographic shapes and numbers, I think this game is incredibly horrific. But, you need to be very patient. One round takes about 1 to 2 hours if speeded up. You can also play it real time. But then it really takes 30 minutes for a nuke to fly from America to China. There is also the ability to play with goals e.g. "have the most kills" or "have the least amount of casualties" or "get +2 points for a hit, loose -1 point if you're getting hit".

Mr. 47

New member
May 25, 2011
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is pretty good, not sure if it is 'lesser known' or not. I've heard Amnesia: The Dark Descent compared to it, so maybe that as well, I've never tried it. It simply refuses to play of most intergrated graphics cards for some odd reason.
Not lesser known, but Super Meat Boy is great, for it's awesome gameplay and it's homeage to old school gaming (Minus a lives system. Thank God.)

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Zeno Clash is an excellent brawler that runs on the source engine and is set in an amazing fantasy world (read: Not just another tolkienesque world) really good gameplay if sketchy voice acting, the plot is really good even if they just decide that they want to spend five minutes after the game has ended setting up the sequel. The action is a mix of first person punching which feels visceral and really satisfying and the ability to pick up caveman-style guns, which are not as satisfying and can be knocked out of your hands, well worth checking out.

And Yet It Moves - really good 2d platform puzzler, down to £2, definitely worth it at that price. you can move left right and jump, just like a normal platformer. Except in this one you can also rotate the world, however you keep momentum, and if you hit the ground too fast you smash. There's no cute braidesque story which would have made this game unbelievably good but the levels are really good and get pretty trippy around the final act. The torn paper aesthetic looks amazing, have a look, try the demo, buy the game.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
The Void is only 5 bucks right now, and I've never heard anyone else mention it. I could describe it for you, or you could just read this [] instead.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Rensenhito said:
Who knows something about that Lead & Gold game? It looks interesting enough, kind of like a Wild West TF2 kind of thing. Anyone got any more insight than that?
Garbage. Hardly anyone plays it. No bot support. Not even worth $1.50.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Ok, this thread now made me buy cryostasis!
And I still have like 10 games lying around waiting to be played,
where can I buy some extra time, I need it badly


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Araxiel_1911 said:
Defcon - This is also quite a strange gem. It's the most accurate simulation of a nuclear war I've ever seen. At Defcon 5, actual nothing happens. You can make treaties or secret agreements if you're playing in multiplayer (which I guess is empty after 6 years).
Defcon 4, units are being placed. Radars, nuclear silos, fleets and nuclear submarines, airports with nuclear bombers and fighters are available. That's already the entire list.
Defcon 3, the battle and the hostile actions begine. The battleships shot each other, the fighters fight other fighters, nuclear subs are being hunted down, the enemies defences are being checked. Defcon 2, same as 3, but action intensifies. The nuclear war is about to break out. Bombers are being launched, the naval battles are being decided.
Defcon 1 - All hell is about to break lose. The authorisations for the ICBMs, MRBMs or SRBMs are being given. Everyone is getting incedibly suspicios of everyone else. "Should I keep my nuclear silos in defensive position to intercept enemy missiles, or should I change them to offensive to fire my missiles?", "Who is going to fire first?", "Who will shot me and when?", "Did I destroy all their subs? Are they maybe hiding somewhere infront of my coastline?", "Does the enemy know I've got subs station and ready to fire on him?".
And then, when you hear "Nuclear launch detected", the holocaust begins. This game is unbeatable. It's just horrific to watch a nuke pass your defenses and slowly moving towards that big white glowing dot that says "New York, 10 Million". You see it getting closer and closer and you can do nothing against it. It hits. A number pops up: "4.5 Million dead". All over your continent you see "3.3 Million Dead" here and "2.1 Million dead there". You let your submarines surface and unleash a barrage of nukes. "Moscow, 4.7 Million Dead", "St. Petersburg, 3.8 Million Dead".
Even thought it's graphics are basicly just pictographic shapes and numbers, I think this game is incredibly horrific. But, you need to be very patient. One round takes about 1 to 2 hours if speeded up. You can also play it real time. But then it really takes 30 minutes for a nuke to fly from America to China. There is also the ability to play with goals e.g. "have the most kills" or "have the least amount of casualties" or "get +2 points for a hit, loose -1 point if you're getting hit".
To shed more light on DEFCON's brilliance, you need to look back to the cult classic film WarGames. If anyone remembers that movie, remember "Global ThermoNuclear War", the center of the plot and all? That is what this game is based upon.
And really, remember that iconic line from the end? "The only winning move is not to play"? Yeah, I think the above quote really shows this off wonderfully, because, well, this guy practically said it without seemingly even realizing it was based on the movie.

In short, get DEFCON. It's a wonderful exploration of morality, a great homage, and just quite a bit of fun to play.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Sober Thal said:
I thought this was about lesser known games...

Oh well.

Off Topic: I want the X1 X2 X3 games. Just sayin.
I'm not sure how people haven't been talking about lesser known games.... I haven't heard of a lot of these, or if I have heard of them I haven't looked into them.

Araxiel_1911 said:
A.R.E.S. - Megaman with different skins. But it's Megaman. That's even what the description should say: Megaman with drawn 2D sprites infront of a 3-Dimensional background made of drawn 2D sprites.
I saw the armor unlock for this in the Prize Store and thought, "That looks almost exactly like something Megaman X would wear."

I think I'll have to pick this game up.


Aug 12, 2009
Puzzle Agent 2 is out now, and comes with a free copy of the original. It's like Professor Layton, although not quite as good, but well worth the tiny price (£5) if you like that sort of thing.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Im hoping Zeno Clash, A.R.E.S, Beat Hazard plus some Capcom and SquareEnix games like That 2.5D Lara Croft game and the Last Remenant.

I also wouldnt mind picking up The Devil May Cry and the Resident Evil games but looking at DMC4 with only 50% knocked off thats still to pricy for me considering I can buy the boxed copy for less ONLY 33% off Black Ops hahahaha no way

Also I wouldnt mind picking up Little Ninjas and the Painkiller games on the cheap


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack is still on steam for 0.99?.

Its a humorous point and click adventure game, with very well written dialogue that makes fun of the mechanics it is using (picking up items with hope of finding use/combining strange things)