Stereotypes that you prove.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Jarimir said:
Jovip said:
I'm a huge guy (not fat, just built like a brick shithouse) with long hair, black metal band shirts, heavy leather jackets and big steel toed boots. and i love heavy metal and am actually a satanist.
I'm Canadian and i do say eh at the end of my sentences.
I'm newfie (eastern Canadian) so i have some weird speech mannerisms stereotypical of the land.
I'm white, i cannot play basketball or soccor, but i play and watch hockey.

I'm sure there are a few others, but off the top of my head that is all i can think of.
Lol, have you ever tried to tell a Brittish person that white people cant play soccer?
Europeans call it football mate, i think if i told them they were bad at soccer i would be punched in the face repeatedly.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
TheRussian said:
Lets see, I'm an ex-Soviet so:
I like Vodka - True
I like shooting guns - True
I like curvy women - True
I cuss people out in Russian - True
I do crazy shit and get away with it - True
I'm a communist - False
Me, all the way. Family is from Ukraine. Except communist. Well, kinda. I'm socialist.
Also, not the curvy women...

And, I'm from Israel, so I know how to murder your ass in about 10 billion ways. I am however, extremely lazy. So I probably will just swear at you.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
There was a kid I used to work with at a movie theatre (that admitted was racist and had made quite a few slurs behind the backs of black people) who said once that all black people drink at the theatre is Hi-C fruit punch. and while I know its not true from personal experience, anytime i go to a movie theatre I cant help but notice when a black person orders it.


that and my one black friend always has Orange drink, watermelon, and fried chicken when I go over his house, but im pretty sure he's just screwing with me.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
That New Zealanders are emotionless robots with no accent whatsoever.

My speaking voice couldn't be blander.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Let's see... this might be a little hard since I usually break stereotypes, but I do prove:

-That gamers/nerds are socially-awkward, especially in reality.
-That gamers/nerds don't go outside very often.
-That Americans are overweight [small](I'm not really fat, but I'm definitely more pudgy than I'd like)[/small]
-That bronies are gay [small](granted, technically I'm bi, but I do seem to have a preference for the male sex despite being sexually attracted to either sex, so it sorta counts...)[/small]
-That people with asthma don't do very much physical activity.