Steve Jobs Has Died


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Don't worry haters, I'm sure they'll have a new target for you to bash and compare to Hitler for daring to be successful soon enough.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
James Crook said:
ike42 said:
To everyone who says you hate apple products for their incompatibility (walled garden) but respect Steve Jobs, you should note that this entire scheme grew out of Jobs personal ego. He was not a good human being and he helped to shape the trademark and patent trolling that has overwhelmed the technology industry. So I am not sorry he's gone, rather relieved. Trolls are trolls and should not be mourned.
You nailed it!
He came and went like most monarchs: yes, he did good things, yes, he was a visionary, yes, tech wouldn't be what it is today without him.
But, mother of Connery, he abused patents, he abused "compatibility" and bound us to iTunes, he made a freaking walled garden...
But he made Pixar. Now, THAT'S great.
*Facepalm*. It's called quality control. When you deny "just anyone" access to your base operating system, you get some cool stuff like that on windows, but you also get huge hacking & virus problems, like those on windows. As a result, Steve Jobs decided that quality control was more important than costumer satisfaction. As a result, Apple has a much lower rate of hacking, virus infection, and software errors than windows. In addition, Steve Jobs insisted on keeping high costumer service standards (called Genius Bar). Which means, if you own a mac, you can schedule any time to go into an Apple store and get your computer / iPhone / iPad checked by an expert for free, which is a HUGE step up from anything Microsoft or any other PC provider offers. As a result, Apple went from a failing company to a multi-million dollar powerhouse.

P.S. For patent trolling, see the history of radio and television. Those contained huge legal battles over pieces of technology, which make any patent disputes involving Steve Jobs look like playground arguments.

P.P.S. RIP Steve Jobs. I just hope the company you built stays true to the values you gave it.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I just don't get the level narcissism required to inform everyone that you're "not a fan of Apple" or "hate Apple products" when posting an R.I.P. for Steve Jobs.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
SonOfVoorhees said:
|Sorry he died, being that he fought cancer. But his company is a big rip off, selling things no one needs. Iphone4 is the same as all the others and sells them for everything other than that you can make calls and txt on them. Even ipad2 was the same as the 1st but smaller. People are so dumb to fall for it.
So you're saying that we should have just stopped at the first iPhone and let that be the peak of phones? I'm not a big fan of iPhone, they're too pricey for my taste, but I've used an iPhone, I know many people who use it, and it's a damn fine product that keeps getting polished to a mirror's shine.

As for selling things nobody needs, that can be said about most things. Nobody needs for example rugs, chocolate, toys, video games, soda, good looking clothes, etc. But it's something people want. Why shouldn't you cater to that? The iPhone isn't perfect, neither is the iPad, but they do make changes, maybe not in a revolutionary way, but enough for us to be willing to buy.

And before you say that anyone who buys the new one every time, I have many friends who know more about the iPhone than most people do and always read up on the specifications, yet think that the improvements are worthy of a buy.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
I'm pretty torn, actually

I've never owned any kind of Apple brand product, neither Mac, nor iPod, and i despised the Apple religious fanboys that the brand spawned even more.

So it's weird 'cause you can't get by the fact that he influenced the technology i use anyways, and that sorta makes me have to like him by default.

Eh, i'll just count that as another reason not to like him since it won't make me miss him as much.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
ike42 said:
Delock said:
ike42 said:
To everyone who says you hate apple products for their incompatibility (walled garden) but respect Steve Jobs, you should note that this entire scheme grew out of Jobs personal ego. He was not a good human being and he helped to shape the trademark and patent trolling that has overwhelmed the technology industry. So I am not sorry he's gone, rather relieved. Trolls are trolls and should not be mourned.
Isn't doing this sort of thing on a thread mourning someone's death considered trolling?

Regardless of his practices, he set up a huge corporation that provided both jobs and a large scale social interactions (much in the same way that any company with a large following would do). His decisions also helped establish his various competitors (meaning he's also responsible for several other large scale social groupings) and shape how computers and other devices would evolve. No matter what you think of him, it would be very hard to imagine just what the world might look like without him.

Therefore, I'd like to say this: Rest in Peace, Jobs. I never knew you personally, and I can't really say I was that fond of you from what I heard, but you followed your dreams and lived how you wanted up till the end and I respect you for that as much as I respect the impact you had on my life without you ever really meaning to.
No, it's not because I didn't make the post to piss people off, just to share an opinion that was not previously stated in the thread. The thread was not created to mourn him as you say, but rather to discuss his death. Read the article, it doesn't say post here to mourn, people are just doing that. I say the guy had a negative impact on the world and guess what, most of my friends do too. Deal with it rather than calling me a troll.
Just because you and a bunch of friends share an opinion doesn't mean it is a fact that the world is worse off because of him or that he was a horrible person. And no, the post doesn't say to mourn, but going onto an article about someone's death and stating that you're glad they are dead is kind of a dick move. I'll admit that technically you weren't trolling (I'm not certain about now since you did bring "Deal with it" into the equation), as it doesn't really fit the definition of trolling so much as it was just being a bit lacking in tact (the guy had a family, for the love of God. Even if you hate him, being glad for his death means being glad they get to suffer without him).

Look, I'm sorry for calling you a troll in an attempt to point out a sort of irony that upon closer inspection doesn't actually exist in the context of your post, but could you try to show a bit of empathy here, even if you don't really believe the man in question was all that great?


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Too bad his life work will constantly be overshadowed by that of Bill Gates for the rest of history. But yeah, he did a few things for the industry, but I don't respect him for his anti-competitive practices and closed mindset towards technology. He showed the world what NOT to do as much as he did show it what to do.

Still, a human being has died, condolences to his family and friends.

Clonekiller said:
As a result, Steve Jobs decided that quality control was more important than costumer satisfaction. As a result, Apple has a much lower rate of hacking, virus infection, and software errors than windows.
When you decide that the prettiness of your product is more important than what your customers think of it, you've made a massive mistake.

Let's put this in perspective. Apple controls both the hardware and software of it's products. So for a Mac PC (yes PC, it's a personal computer) Apple need only work on getting the software stable for a very limited amount of hardware combinations. They'll source a motherboard, most likely from Foxconn, graphics from AMD, Kingston memory, Intel processor etc. So it's all great and good that Mac OS is as stable as it is (apparently, I've had more trouble with SL and Lion than I care to tell). Windows, on the other hand, is built to work with potentially billions of hardware combinations. So if it's not as stable as Mac OS that's tailored to what Apple deem worthy, then it's really no surprise, but still very pleasant that it comes damn near close.

Now, about hacking and viruses. This one's obvious, a more popular OS (Windows currently holds just shy of 90% of the PC market) will attract more hackers and virus creators, because the impact they wish to have with their efforts will be the most profound there. The great thing is, in response to this, you have excellent anti-virus companies like ESET who work to fight these, as well as Windows' built in security features. Most Mac PC users don't install AV software because "Macs don't get viruses". Yet a virus, unless it's a jokey one, will intend to stay as hidden as possible in it's machinations so you don't get rid of it. So do Macs not get viruses, or is the lack of AV software brought about from this false sense of security causing them to not be found? It's a question a pose to many a fanboy, and they never ever have a reasoned response to it (as in nothing outside the marketing hype they're fed by Cupertino).

The experts at the Genius bar are roughly a step up in IQ from a monkey. It took one of them 2 hours to put some new feet on my friends Mac Book Pro. 2 hours. And no, there wasn't a queue either. I don't know a great deal about Macs, but I reckon I could walk into that job with no training (since I build and fix PC's as a hobby anyway).

Oh and by the way, if it wasn't for Microsoft, Apple would have been a failed company right about now. So show them some respect.

Also, further regarding security of said products, see below:


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Truly, he was a man who defined this generation.

Also, he co-founded Pixar, so you KNOW he was awesome.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
I've never purchased an Apple product myself, but this news saddens me greatly, so much so I've been grappling with it all day.
Without his influence and vision, a large portion, if not ALL, of modern entertainment and business would not function the way it does now.
Pixar would also never have made it off the ground either.

We owe you so much we can never repay sir.
Rest in Peace Mr Jobs, gone but never forgotten.


Aug 3, 2008
Far too young to die...
I wasn't crazy about Apple products, I thought the iPad2 was the most pointless thing in the world. But he had the know-how when it came to getting money out of people who have more money than sense. He was very intelligent and achieved a lot, shame about his death.

Neino Ranatos

New member
Jul 12, 2010
And so dies a great man. I personally am not the biggest Apple fan, but I do respect Jobs' genius in some of the innovations he has port forward. Sleep well, Steve. You earned it, and we wish you well.


Somewhere, probably in Secret Batman Cave #48792...Bill Gates is laughing his ass off.

Tales of Golden Sun

New member
Dec 18, 2008
I reeeaally don't care.
I know, he died, he's 56, it's sad, but thousands of people die every day and few of those people have achieved as much as Jobs has. A little kid in Africa dying of hunger before even having a chance to achieve anything at all is, to me, much sadder than the death of someone with a life to proudly look back on.


New member
May 8, 2008
InterAirplay said:
I'm amazed how upset people are about this. He made some innovations in the fields of computing, then became more widely-known for being the CEO of one of a company that prides itself on selling overpriced shit to morons. I really don't believe this bullshit about him being some great visionary innovater. A very intelligent and driven man, sure, and we could do a lot worse than to have a few more Steve Jobses walking around today, but seriously, I'm amazed at the pedestal people have put him on. I mean, people seem even more sad about this than about the multitudes of other tragic deaths that occur every year. I'm not gonna be "that guy2 who prides himself on repeatedly insulting others by assuming the worst about their intelligence and pointing out all the other tragedies that occur day-by-day, I know you all know about that stuff and feel strongly about it too, as any decent human being should. But seriously, all this worldwide sadness for a man who helped the field of Personal Computing develop before then making obscene amounts of money selling gadgets for way more than they were worth via an incredibly unethical company that constantly pushed for more restrictive copyright laws?

The death of the man himself is a tragic, tragic event and I wish only the best for his loved ones as they try to get through this difficult time without someone who they held dear. I just want to make that absolutely clear. But I don't think we should be extolling him as some kind of wonderful genius. Some of this shit happened on his watch:

And let's not forget the oft-repeated arguments against the sort of prices they charge for their products, as well as some of the insane and ridiculous hype surrunding them.

Not saying he's a bad person, but he's certianly not the sort of guy a whole load of strangers should be mourning. I have no doubt that his loved ones deserve sympathy and comfort and that his death is nothing other than tragic. After all, a man lost his life. I'm just trying to bring up these points because I feel they're worth discussing.

Sorry if I offended anyone by bringing this shit up so soon, in a thread about his passing, no less.
He was the Henry Ford of our time. Henry Ford may not have invented the motor vehicle, but he did revolutionize the motor vehicle industry. Jobs was the modern equivalent.

I'm baffled why people still use "price" as a motive to attack Apple, as well as "hype". The aim of damn near every business is to convince more people to pay more for their products. If you can actually pull it off, you must be doing something right. It's not even like they're the only ones doing it, so where's the hate for Sony Vaio laptops? Or Bang and Olufson products? Or Mercedes Benz?


New member
Nov 28, 2010
im not really up on what he contributed outside of apple, but i was never and apple fan and Jobs died way too young, and I keep hearing about the other stuff he's done. He has my respect, so RIP Steve, and keep on with the awesome keynote speeches (never once bought apple but i liked those presentations a lot).


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
A man who in thirty years revolutionized computers several times and brought about the idea of "Geek Style." Say what you want about Apple, but Jobs has touched every person who has visited this site and far many more.

May you rest in peace, you crazy, crazy CEO...


New member
May 22, 2009
imnotparanoid said:
Im surprisingly upset about this, and I hate Apple, I guess he was just a good person.
Yeah,it's strange isn't it? Even if you hate Apple with every fiber of your being,you still have to feel bad. I honestly consider Apple on my Top 5 Companies out for cash because of the iPad and the trend of adding a single feature to their device and rereleasing it (An exaggeration obviously)

Yet I can't really say it's a GOOD thing,he died and he did make some things that people consider revolutionary,you really can't be happy about someone like that dying.

I hear he died of cancer which further adds wood to the fire.