Stick Around: The Predator 4 Script Is Finished


New member
Mar 1, 2010
KoudelkaMorgan said:
Which one was Predator 3 then?

The one with Topher Grace? Or the other 2 AVP ones?

I have no idea how or why Topher Grace keeps getting roles. Everything he is in, including That 70s Show would be better without him.
I disagree. He reminds me a lot of Tobey Maguire, in the way that he really cant do a lot of things, but he can do some things really good.
I loved Topher in 70s show. I thought he was hilarious. I also loved him in Predators. I did NOT however love him in Spiderman 3. He cant pull off tough guy. Its something about his squeaky voice.

Same with Tobey. I havent seen him in much, but he was perfect as the hitchiker in Fear and Loathing, and also perfect as the dweeby Peter Parker in Spiderman.

There are not a lot of roles for guys like that, but what they do, they do good.

OT: YAY! I'm a sucker for both Predator and Aliens. It'll get me to the cinema every time :D

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Jadak said:
JaredJones said:
Black makes a good point. The mythology of Predator stretches a lot deeper than most movie monsters -- they've mastered space and time travel, for starters
Wait, when did Predators time travel?
I think he assumes that because the predator at the end of P2 has an old pistol, they must be able to time travel.
OR...perhaps they've just been coming to Earth a long time (a little more realistic)

John Markley

New member
Jun 29, 2015
RJ 17 said:
As for Requiem, that's because Lone Wolf (which is apparently what they named the Pred in that movie) wasn't sent there on a hunt...he was sent as a cleaning crew. He had two primary objectives.

1: Destroy all evidence of the Predators themselves as well as their technology.
2: Destroy all the Xenomorphs to prevent Earth - a favored hunting spot for the Predators - from being completely overrun. Had the Predator not shown up to confront the Xenomorphs and keep them in the town, the town would be been quickly overrun and the infestation would have rapidly spread. Per alien lore: if a single queen - or in this case a Predalien which was capable of creating drones - were to be unleashed on Earth, we'd all be royally boned. :p

Anyways, as a "cleaner", he was authorized to use any and all means necessary - including rockin' out with dual shouldercannons - in order to complete his mission. He wasn't on a hunt for honor, he was on a mission to destroy everything.

...does make me wonder why the Preds decided only sending one Predator was a good idea, though. I'd imagine a standard 3-Predator squad would be more appropriate considering a containment/secrecy breach of that scale. :p
Lone Wolf alone has the Fifth Freedom.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Looking forward to this but have to say, I did kind of hope for a direct sequel to Predators, I felt like they had further to go with that.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
OT: The 80's action movie mindset is dead, and so too is the Predator franchise. And I think we all know what delving into the lore of iconic movie monsters leads to. The Predator was cool because he looked awesome and was mostly shrouded in mystery.
This sums up my feelings. Predators (2010) was a fun movie that did some cool things with its' Predators and its' human cast, but making another "serious" Predator movie, especially one that tries to examine the Predator more closely? Bound to fail. It will either draw the ire of the Predator comic fans because it doesn't stick to "canon" or it will be so focused on providing them with their fill that it will alienate all other audiences.

Let's be real here, the Predator was a good monster because it looked awesome and was shrouded in mystery and because what little we learned only made it seem more terrifying (it hunts people for sport!). With everything we learn about the Predator it looses both mystery and the terrifying aspect. The best way to go with Predator (apart from letting it lie) would probably be to go all Saw on the franchise and have different people face a Predator (maybe the same Predator) in every movie without ever really giving us much background on the Predator itself. It hunts people, there is lots of action and gore and then it repeats.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
For the Predator fans out there, can highly recommend this short film that was made

Predator set in medieval times :)



New member
Jan 28, 2013
the.chad said:
For the Predator fans out there, can highly recommend this short film that was made

Predator set in medieval times :)
Remember watching that when it released. Was probably one of the best low budget straight-to-youtube films I've seen. They didn't try and get too complicated, just kept to the predator formula but in a cool setting that made a lot of sense.

As for the new film, the beauty of predator is that you can make an authentic experience on a pretty cheap budget. Rodriguez made Predators for $40 million and it raked in just under $130 million.

Point being, it works nicely when you don't 'try too hard'.

If they try and add too much pseudo depth to what is a franchise about a sweet looking alien killing people, I'm worried we'll end up with some kind of Prometheus abomination.

Just so long as those rumors that were flying around about John Cena taking the Arnie role aren't true, I'm happy.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, I still think there's plenty of room to develop the Yautjas. AVP had some good stuff, for example, it just wasted it. No rubbish about how all cultures were created by the Yautjas, but just going round building giant temples and stuff everywhere.

Programmed_For_Damage said:
They need someone who could credibly best a Predator. The thing that put me off Predator 2 for life was the idea that Danny Glover could kill a, albeit teenage, Predator. Either that or just make the Predator kill all the characters and go home. That's how I'd write the script. Send the audience home with that defeated feeling.
Eh, I don't have a problem with that. Especially as that particular one had just been shot up on a train, went to a slaughterhouse and got shot up more, and then Glover attacks it with a m16 with M203, and that's not what kills it. The thing takes an awful lot of killing.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Gethsemani said:
Let's be real here, the Predator was a good monster because it looked awesome and was shrouded in mystery and because what little we learned only made it seem more terrifying (it hunts people for sport!). With everything we learn about the Predator it looses both mystery and the terrifying aspect. The best way to go with Predator (apart from letting it lie) would probably be to go all Saw on the franchise and have different people face a Predator (maybe the same Predator) in every movie without ever really giving us much background on the Predator itself. It hunts people, there is lots of action and gore and then it repeats.
Who would we get to face off against the Predator though? The first movie had Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Carl Weathers, Sonny Landham, and Arnold Schwarzenegger at peak physical condition. You couldn't dream of a better cast of action heroes. After you have the Predator go head to head with 80's Arnie, you can only go downhill from there.

Maybe if they went for a super gritty survivalist take as opposed to an action movie. No muscle-bound action star, no guns, no shoulder-mounted plasma cannon, or optic camo, not even any wristblades. Strip the franchise of all that, and just have a "normal" unarmed tough guy (Karl Urban, Oscar Isaac) versus an unarmed Predator in a lethal game of hide-'n-seek in a dark, dank jungle.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Who would we get to face off against the Predator though? The first movie had Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Carl Weathers, Sonny Landham, and Arnold Schwarzenegger at peak physical condition. You couldn't dream of a better cast of action heroes. After you have the Predator go head to head with 80's Arnie, you can only go downhill from there.

Maybe if they went for a super gritty survivalist take as opposed to an action movie. No muscle-bound action star, no guns, no shoulder-mounted plasma cannon, or optic camo, not even any wristblades. Strip the franchise of all that, and just have a "normal" unarmed tough guy (Karl Urban, Oscar Isaac) versus an unarmed Predator in a lethal game of hide-'n-seek in a dark, dank jungle.
My idea was actually a lot more like Saw meets Predators. Get some sort of big name action actors (like Danny Trejo or Karl Urban) and some b-list or new actors and have the movies mostly focus on the desperation of trying to survive against a predator hunting you or focus on how awesome the Predator is when it outsmarts and out techs the humans. For variation you change up the location with every movie, so that one is a jungle, another an abandoned mine site, a sub urb etc. As you said, trying to go down the action route is pretty pointless since the first movie had an all-star cast of action heroes of a caliber that doesn't exist anymore.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Casual Shinji said:
008Zulu said:
Yeah the build up Predators to be these super space hunters, but in all the movies, they are shown to be beaten by people using nothing more than twigs and mud. Are we getting the Predators who ride the short bus?

Maybe if they used some of the stories from the comics, we'd see what they are really like.
If we take into account the only good Predator movie, he's only partially slowed down by twigs and mud. He's killed by sheer luck.

OT: The 80's action movie mindset is dead, and so too is the Predator franchise. And I think we all know what delving into the lore of iconic movie monsters leads to. The Predator was cool because he looked awesome and was mostly shrouded in mystery.
I remember reading in the extended lore somewhere that the Predator in the first movie was the equivalent of a teenager and the one in Predator 2 was "unblooded" (i.e. no kills yet) and even younger still.

I thought it was established that the more green the Predator was at hunting the more weapons it used (the pinnacle of achievement being bringing down an Alien queen with wristblades only). Alien vs Predator Requiem seemed to shun this and have the Predator throw every-goddamn-thing at them.
That's because Wolf (The AVP-R predator) wasn't on a hunting expedition, he was on a combination ritualistic revenge killing spree to avenge T, who was implied to be a family member, as well as clean up expedition to prevent the establishment of a hive on Earth, which would ruin their game preserve.

There's a scene in the book AVP Hunter's Planet where they're using the equivalent of miniguns to trap a queen, and it's summed up as "This wasn't a hunt, this was war, and as with all wars there are no rules, only objectives."

OT: I'm really excited. I for one thought Predators was good, and Predator 2 wasn't awful. I especially liked the dude with the cane sword, as well as his confrontation with the predator himself.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
RJ 17 said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
I remember reading in the extended lore somewhere that the Predator in the first movie was the equivalent of a teenager and the one in Predator 2 was "unblooded" (i.e. no kills yet) and even younger still.

I thought it was established that the more green the Predator was at hunting the more weapons it used (the pinnacle of achievement being bringing down an Alien queen with wristblades only). Alien vs Predator Requiem seemed to shun this and have the Predator throw every-goddamn-thing at them.
Yeah, from my understanding hunting humans is basically a "warm up hunt." The Predator has earned the right to go hunt, but isn't ready to take on a Xenomorph and become an official blooded hunter.
Other way around, actually. First you kill the Hard Meat, then you go for the Soft Meats. Gotta earn that acid scar first kiddies.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Okay one I hope that that this movie glosses over those horrible Aliens vs Predator movies where they essentially made the Predator into a big pussy. Second I would like to hear more in depth about the Predator race who seem to be very technologically advanced and only do this kind of thing for sport making me wonder what they do when they are't hunting.Also I would like to echo the surprise of the post above of 'People hated Predator 2?' Since when? I thought it was an awesome sequel certainly better than all these new ones like Aliens vs Predator and Predators

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
silver wolf009 said:
RJ 17 said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
I remember reading in the extended lore somewhere that the Predator in the first movie was the equivalent of a teenager and the one in Predator 2 was "unblooded" (i.e. no kills yet) and even younger still.

I thought it was established that the more green the Predator was at hunting the more weapons it used (the pinnacle of achievement being bringing down an Alien queen with wristblades only). Alien vs Predator Requiem seemed to shun this and have the Predator throw every-goddamn-thing at them.
Yeah, from my understanding hunting humans is basically a "warm up hunt." The Predator has earned the right to go hunt, but isn't ready to take on a Xenomorph and become an official blooded hunter.
Other way around, actually. First you kill the Hard Meat, then you go for the Soft Meats. Gotta earn that acid scar first kiddies.
Then why didn't either of the Yautja in Predator and Predator 2 have such a scar on their forehead? :p

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
RJ 17 said:
silver wolf009 said:
RJ 17 said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
I remember reading in the extended lore somewhere that the Predator in the first movie was the equivalent of a teenager and the one in Predator 2 was "unblooded" (i.e. no kills yet) and even younger still.

I thought it was established that the more green the Predator was at hunting the more weapons it used (the pinnacle of achievement being bringing down an Alien queen with wristblades only). Alien vs Predator Requiem seemed to shun this and have the Predator throw every-goddamn-thing at them.
Yeah, from my understanding hunting humans is basically a "warm up hunt." The Predator has earned the right to go hunt, but isn't ready to take on a Xenomorph and become an official blooded hunter.
Other way around, actually. First you kill the Hard Meat, then you go for the Soft Meats. Gotta earn that acid scar first kiddies.
Then why didn't either of the Yautja in Predator and Predator 2 have such a scar on their forehead? :p
Because it doesn't have to be on their forehead, and varies in location and design by family group or trainer.

Also because canon is hard to know when it doesn't exist yet, and as of Predator 2, I don't think the boundaries between the two franchises had been firmly established, barring of course the easter egg in the trophy cabinet.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
silver wolf009 said:
Because it doesn't have to be on their forehead, and varies in location and design by family group or trainer.

Also because canon is hard to know when it doesn't exist yet, and as of Predator 2, I don't think the boundaries between the two franchises had been firmly established, barring of course the easter egg in the trophy cabinet.
Eh, while I am familiar with some of the Predator extended lore, it's been a while since I've really looked into it so I don't exactly have the wherewithal to debate the matter with you. :p
Mar 26, 2008
tiamat5 said:
Okay one I hope that that this movie glosses over those horrible Aliens vs Predator movies where they essentially made the Predator into a big pussy. Second I would like to hear more in depth about the Predator race who seem to be very technologically advanced and only do this kind of thing for sport making me wonder what they do when they are't hunting.Also I would like to echo the surprise of the post above of 'People hated Predator 2?' Since when? I thought it was an awesome sequel certainly better than all these new ones like Aliens vs Predator and Predators
I'll give you my reasons. Danny Glover killed the Predator. Let that sink in for a minute. Danny "I'm too old for this shit" Glover, who can't run ten meters without gasping for air, killed a member of an alien species that is taught how to hunt and kill. Arnold Schwarzenegger mercilessly gets the shit kick out of him and only just manages to kill one with a booby trap. I know suspension of disbelief is crucial to action movies, but this was asking too much of me.

And don't get me started on the scene where the Predator drops into the Subway carriage full of armed gang members and casually murders them with melee weapons, all the while eating hundreds of bullets from automatic weapons. The original Predator takes one bullet by accident, retreats. The Yautja in Predator 2 shrugs them off like they are throwing M&Ms at him. At least he used his shift-suit but come on! What happened to isolate and annihilate?

Fuck Predator 2. It's the Alien Resurrection of the series.