Stolen Pixels #138: On the Borderbus


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Brick's melee special power is also pretty funny when they have put so much effort in the guns. And then they decide to give him a melee special power. ^^


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Very funny! Mordecai is the character I chose to play as, and I still have yet to play as the others. I've fully upgraded Bloodwing though, so now when I use it, it definitely does a lot of damage to the surrounding enemies.
Apr 28, 2008
If your fighting another player in a duel, Bloodwing is the best weapon. He never misses, and takes away a giant chunk of health.

I think he's the PvP class of the game.

oppp7 said:
Which one of these guys is the guy on the box cover?
Thats the psycho, an enemy who bumrushes you.

Sometimes their on fire and take out all your shield with one slash, and are very, very anoying. Thankfully one shotgun blast to the head usually deals with them.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
oppp7 said:
Which one of these guys is the guy on the box cover?
None of them. The guy on the front cover is a Psycho Bandit (Maniac on second playthrough). He runs at you with a ludicrously big knife screaming "TIME TO PLAY WITH THE MEAT PUPPET!" and laughing. Later in the game, they get the option to set themselves on fire (making them immune to incendiary attacks) or use a primed grenade in a kamikaze attack which I am beginning to refer to as the "HOLY SHIT! WHY!? I WAS BEHIND COVER AND NOW I CAN'T GET A SECOND WIND YOU BASTARD!" attack.

OT - I thought Bloodwing was a bit rubbish... Until I gibbed a Skag several levels higher than me in a single shot. He's not the flashiest Action Skill, but he's scary if used right...

EDIT - damn, ninja'd!


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Yeah, after messing around with the Sniper tree, I respecced into Bloodwing, and I never looked back. I always use Shockwing + Aerial Impact to stun and shock beefier/shielded enemies so I can set up a headshot, and when it's done killing the handful of weaker enemies that are behind cover or whatever, it gives me a great heal. CRUCIAL against bosses, since I can toss, mouse-over the boss, and run away while the boss screams in pain. Repeat every thirty seconds or faster with buffs.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I always wondered what I would be doing on the borderbus.

Probably get a lot of odd stares from the treasure hunters.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I think the "bypass shields" skill (last in sniper tree) of Mordecai is just overkill. I mean, take the guardians. I one shot most, (with not the best weapons by far) the toughest taking three bullets ant thats about it.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I'm trying to play all the classes, and I tend to be all over the place with my abilities... I was only going to spec in the bloodwing tree for the faster reload skill..hmm.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Actually consider that Mordecai isn't just a sniper, he's more or less the game's "thief" character as well. The abillities on his Bloodwing allow it to increase drops and quality of drops, meaning that it's not just an attack but also basically an improve loot-magnet mechanic that exists to ensure that Modecai has more money/items/better gear than other characters at any given point in the campaign assuming he builds it up.

This is also a big part of why he would be welcome in groups, since he increases the loot produced. Defined that way his bird seems a little less cheezy, even if it isn't as lethal.



I'm not sure if I'd consider Borderlands a "Rich Gameworld" it's pretty shallow, which isn't a big deal for the kind of game it is, but still I'm surprised to hear it praised on that level. I was hoping a sequel would actually round out the world because while it has the potential to be interesting, to me it seemed to lack substance.

For RL reasons this is another game I played shallowly, didn't get too far with, and mean to go back to (Thanks WoW!) but I *HAVE* played it, and while some of the NPCs are amusing there really isn't that much backround color, lore, or anything else. The game sort of reminds me sandbox sized Team Fortress 2 map. It seems like there should be a lot there, and your waiting for somene in the actual game to fill in the details... but really there isn't anything.

The world could have benefiteed from more RPG, some extra NPCs to have backround conversations and such and fill in little bits indirectly, more flavor characters, etc...


New member
Mar 16, 2009
For me the bird doesn't do a lot of damage, but i went into the gunslinger tree. I am having a lot of trouble finding a good revolver though. I find a god damned SMG that auto-regens ammo with 50 bullets, 50 damage, and a nice orange name but i have yet to find a blue revolver or sniper in the last 10 levels. The SMG is awesome though, i never run out of ammo and i kill everything pretty easily, worth the 60,000.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Therumancer said:
I'm not sure if I'd consider Borderlands a "Rich Gameworld" it's pretty shallow, which isn't a big deal for the kind of game it is, but still I'm surprised to hear it praised on that level. I was hoping a sequel would actually round out the world because while it has the potential to be interesting, to me it seemed to lack substance.

For RL reasons this is another game I played shallowly, didn't get too far with, and mean to go back to (Thanks WoW!) but I *HAVE* played it, and while some of the NPCs are amusing there really isn't that much backround color, lore, or anything else. The game sort of reminds me sandbox sized Team Fortress 2 map. It seems like there should be a lot there, and your waiting for somene in the actual game to fill in the details... but really there isn't anything.

The world could have benefiteed from more RPG, some extra NPCs to have backround conversations and such and fill in little bits indirectly, more flavor characters, etc...
The world is actually quite well fleshed out, between Patricia Tannis' audio journals and some of the quest dialogues.

Basically, the parts of the planet you're seeing were owned by the Dahl Corporation, who stripmined the crystals (which may or may not have been the result of Eridean Tech) of the area to make the elemental weapons of the game. They did this on the cheap by importing thousands upon thousands of criminals to run their mining operations, but the lack of training and complete lack of care left the area as a gigantic planetary landfill.

Eventually, Pandora's Springtime wakes many omniverous critters in the middle of mining operations, which eventually makes Dahl decide that it isn't worth their money and they leave. This leaves the roaming tribes of bandits that were the remains of Dahl's workforce and the specialists and administrators who didn't leave, like Dr Zed and Tannis. Before work on the Vault drives Tannis completely insane, she sends out a subspace transmission that she has found the Vault in an attempt to bring mercenaries and treasure hunters to help her with her work. This also brings in the Atlas Corporation, who are trying to find more alien artifacts (their products already include alien tech) to cement their status as the most powerful corporation in the galaxy.

For what it's worth, it seems that everyone and their dog is loaded out with guns because Marcus seems to have business contacts with everyone, and mentions on several occasions that he even has contracts with the Bandits to keep them equipped. At a personal guess, I'd say that money's everywhere because Dahl gave it's workers loads of it, knowing full well that it was worthless because they'd never get off world again.

It'll be interesting if future DLCs show what the planet is like in other areas that were colonised by other corporations. It's my firm belief that Marcus was originally working for Vladof (which I could see being covered in giant, Soviet-style factories), and when I think of Jacobs, my first thought is of cowboy-style wide open plains and motorbike-riding ranchers. I don't think they'd have Bandits either, because they seem to be directly linked to Dahl's operations.

But yeah, the entire plot is basically to explain why guns are there, and why you should kill people with them, but isn't that what all games boil down to? :p


New member
Aug 22, 2008
I hate the damn bird. I can't join or host a game where i don't get 2 hunters as teammates that always have the 'extra loot' ability on him. you know how much lag it causes when loot is spraying everywhere cause of two hunters who are bird happy? damn near unplayable.


Amazing Human Being
May 12, 2009
Haven't tried Mordecai, but he looks very interesting. Could be fun, despite his avian fetish. Will have to change my playstyle up, greatly....

...You see, I'm playing as Brick. When everything goes sidewise, the face punching begins. Especially with the mod to add fire damage. It is the best stress relief in a game I have ever played.

Funny comic, hopefully more Borderlands comics to follow?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
i have to wait an extra 2 weeks for borderlands cuz my GPU wasnt compatible (its onboard) so im getting a new one for my B-day which is soon


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Ninja Tank said:
wish you could attach a laser to the bird's head
That gives me Dr. Evil tingles.
Of what I have seen of this game, including the intro that our friend Shamus gratiously linked to, I wish I could try it. I'm almost thinking potential for a nostalgic taste of Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone.
'Murderous Coward'....will have to remember that.