Stolen Pixels #205: The Bullet Massage


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Dev Null said:
Ah. Alpha Protocol.

You don't actually mention anywhere in the comic or the sidebar what game it is you're playing. I know the type though; if you're going to give me a stealth option, I'm _going_ to take it, so please make sure its at least somewhat viable...
Considering that advancing the stealth skill gives you an ability to turn invisible, while still being able to perform silent takedowns on non-bosses, I'd say it's very viable. Second most powerful ability in the game (right after chain shot, the pistol ability), actually.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
This is weird... I beat the game 3 times, and my first attempt was exactly the stealthy/martial artsy guy, and with a exception of Darcy and a helicopter (ok, and Stryker at the end of Saudi Arabia) right after him, I beat every single boss and enemy without using guns. Yes, even Brayko. It is possible, although it can be hard even if you are a specialist.

Still don't get the hate this game is receiving. I almost feel, I am the only one who bought the 'bug-free, non sucky' version. I did buy the first available copy in my local game store, so who knows... :p


New member
Dec 20, 2008
This seems very odd to me. All those tough bosses in Deus Ex had a perfect excuse for taking buckshot to the face without flinching: bulletproof skin augmentations. Even JC Denton could get that one, Ballistic Dermal Shielding I think it was, and let me tell you, it was hilariously fun in big firefights. Powered by Nanobots, so you know it's Science.

Or you could cloak, hide, then sneak back a minute later when their bulletproof skin is turned off to save power, and backstab them like I almost always did. Even (spoiler) Walton Simons goes down in one hit if you chop off his head with the Nano-Sword-Thing from behind. None of this "Multiple Headshots" silliness. Explosive traps made of multiple LAMs also worked great.

But what does this guy have? Greater than standard human toughness? A train conductor's suit? I sincerely hope that's some form of futuristic power armour with an invisible bulletproof helmet.
Feb 13, 2008
There seems to be a recurring problem in games now. They give you the option of Stealth, but then make it Combat-oriented.

Or in CoX, they give you Missile weapons, but give all the best stuff to Close-Combatants.

By giving you all this choice, they forget that ONE way is going to be superior purely due to who gets to work on it. Yahtzee/Shamus etc. will ALWAYS try Thief characters (Because they're frustrated Spies imho ;) ), someone else is going to be a Sniper, someone else wants to be a Medic and still be able to get through a Boss fight...

It's all Team games being played Solo. Someone wants to get their Hairdressing skill up to 6 and beat the final boss...which is fine IF you set it on a Giant's Skull with a set of Vorpal Scissors....

(write that one down for later)

... but not if you're out in the Jungle. The problem with all the player choice is that you still have to be railroaded, and in that railroad needs to be a station that can stop ANY train. Even akimbo shotgun dude.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Shamus Young said:
I hate saying things like this, really I do, but the reason the first boss fight sucked? You're doing it wrong.

It may indeed be broad daylight, but there are a grand total of 3 normal baddies and the lieutenant up on the bridge. There is ample cover between you and the bridge, and as he patrols back and forth whenever he's walking to the far side he's looking away from your approach. So all you have to do is stealthily take down those 3 guys, make sure you're behind cover when the boss can see you, and when he starts walking away, go under the bridge.

Once you're behind him, it's simplicity itself to get up on the bridge and sneak up on him, and when you do, there isn't even a fight - the game just transitions to a cutscene of you jump-kicking the dude off of the bridge, there is no fight at all.

Now later boss fights like Brayko and Deng, those are exactly like you've described them (though Omen's was a cakewalk compared to Brayko, which pretty much plays out exactly like Yahtzee described it vis a vi Benny Hill-style running away), but the first "boss fight" isn't even a fight unless you screw up being stealthy.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Stealth, Pistol and maybe technical whatsis = win.

I beat the first boss through stealth, then quickly realised I needed more gun skill and evened my character some.

Wish I hadn't wasted those points in assault rifle or martial arts now.


resident shadow
Mar 18, 2009
Phishfood said:
Stealth, Pistol and maybe technical whatsis = win.

I beat the first boss through stealth, then quickly realised I needed more gun skill and evened my character some.

Wish I hadn't wasted those points in assault rifle or martial arts now.
martial arts served me well i melee'd every boss (aside from knife nut and bosses that couldn't be melee'd...) but yeah
i was pissed when i did the final level and noticed that i actually needed to use guns for leland and darcy..


Gaming Connoisseur
Sep 10, 2008
Ziren said:
The bosses in Deus Ex had a load of health as well and you couldn't sneak past any of them. You could run away from one of them and defeat another one before combat started by an alternate method (which required you to take the right choice in a sequence that happened much earlier, though). So your point that AP isn't a worthy spiritual Deus Ex successor because of forced bosses that can take a large amount of punishment simply doesn't hold up. Because Deus Ex did exactly the same thing.
I completely agree. The boss battles are the weakest part of Deus Ex, especially when it sets you up some three feet from a guy with a flamethrower or plasma rifle or crazy death sword.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
pneuma08 said:
Ziren said:
I completely agree. The boss battles are the weakest part of Deus Ex, especially when it sets you up some three feet from a guy with a flamethrower or plasma rifle or crazy death sword.
Yeah, but the crazy death sword was my favourite weapon. 2 swipes and the boss fight goes away.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Lol, Kind of funny, considering in the game in that early mini boss fight, Westridge even mentions to you that you could beati the boss stealthily.

Also, interestingly enough, pistols are good enough for the boss fights later on once you level them up enough with chain shot or whatever, boss fights are rather quick on normal. Note, I had a hard time with the Russian boss fights cause I attempted Moscow first but once I did other areas and leveled up a bit the pistol skill then most of the boss fights were fairly easy. Yet, I still think that leveling up any of the weapons skills and the melee skill should have been unnecessary for a game that's mantra is CHOICE and spy stuff. So, in other words, agree with the conclusion that boss fights suck but think the part of the details of this article were wrong.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ravensshade said:
Phishfood said:
Stealth, Pistol and maybe technical whatsis = win.

I beat the first boss through stealth, then quickly realised I needed more gun skill and evened my character some.

Wish I hadn't wasted those points in assault rifle or martial arts now.
martial arts served me well i melee'd every boss (aside from knife nut and bosses that couldn't be melee'd...) but yeah
i was pissed when i did the final level and noticed that i actually needed to use guns for leland and darcy..
You can use the sniper rifle in the other tower to defeat Darcy (still a gun, I know, but you won't get any penalty for lack of invested skillpoints) and you can sneak/run up to Lelands position... he gives up immediately after you enter the room he's in.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
poiumty said:
Was gonna rant about how you could insta-kill the guy on the bridge by sneaking up on him, but that's been covered already.
Ziren said:
The bosses in Deus Ex had a load of health as well and you couldn't sneak past any of them. You could run away from one of them and defeat another one before combat started by an alternate method (which required you to take the right choice in a sequence that happened much earlier, though). So your point that AP isn't a worthy spiritual Deus Ex successor because of forced bosses that can take a large amount of punishment simply doesn't hold up. Because Deus Ex did exactly the same thing.
You could kill both Navarre and Hermann by just talking to them. Wasn't easy, but the way was there. As for Simons, really, by then you could at least pack an auto shotgun or a rocket launcher, and he didn't have much hit points either (this coming from a guy who has finished Deus Ex 9 times, including once on Realistic with just pistols as my primary weapon skill).

I guess the only fault the developers have is that they didn't make the routes obvious enough. Which means the game wasn't accessible enough... wait, what? No, you know what, it's YOUR fault. Learn to play.
You can kill Hermann through talk without the self-destruction code? If yes, then I never figured that out. If not, getting the code is exactly the thing I was talking about: it depended on a choice you had to make much earlier without any knowledge about whether this decision could influence the battle.

You seem to have understood my comment as an attack on Deus Ex rather than a defense for Alpha Protocol. It was not my intention to give that impression.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
poiumty said:
Which means the game wasn't accessible enough...
I guess that's why I lost interest before I got past the tutorial of Deus Ex... And I've had a copy of that game for around five years now.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
You mean you dropped NO points into ANY kind of weapon/melee? That didn't even cross my mind.


New member
May 17, 2008
You are in over your head!

That said, I actually wished the game was properly completed, polished and re-polished.