Stolen Pixels #224: An Incredible Value


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Alfador_VII said:
I'm loving the new wide format, thanks for listening to us :)

As to the Xbox Live increase, I don't have a 360 myself at the moment, but I don't see a problem with a relatively small price rise after a few years.
Well $50 a year was also pretty ridiculous, but now with this increase you could save your money for a completely different game, when the multiplayer is already built into the other games.

It's like paying to get into a cheap bar filled with bar-rats, then to get within 20 feet of the bar you must pay the same price you payed to get in. I'll let you scrutinize that as you may.

This is a real pain for me, because i'm addicted to the BFBC2 multiplayer, and my computer is too out-dated, and I am too broke to upgrade. So i'll have to find ways to feed this addiction soon.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I never had the fortune to read any Stolen Pixels comics and found this one to be very good!

I'm glad I also have a PS3 because Live is just not worth the price for how little I play online games. Most of my disinterest for online games is rooted in the bilious few that ruin the community. I would rather enjoy a new-release single player game once a year where I don't have to be exposed to senseless bigotry, prejudice, and immaturity

Tom Phoenix said:
That said, I completely agree with Shamus regarding Kinect. I really don't see non-gamers being enticed into purchasing an Xbox 360 just for the privilige of using it, especially since they can get a brand new Wii for less. It doesn't help that Microsoft decided to jump into this market now that it has become oversaturated, which practically guaruantees they won't find much success.
I have a 360 that may not be "Kinect Ready" if there is a requirement, but if given the option I would simply buy the Wii just for the exclusives.


New member
May 19, 2009
Okay I'm not one to post or even touch the comments section over half the time but what Microsoft is doing for the Xbox Live community (for those of us who are willing to put money forward for their "premium" content)they have already made deals with, Twitter, Facebook, have integrated the Zune market place with the Xbox, the extensive XBLA line up, along side indie games and the games on demand, Netflix, they are now adding Hulu and ESPN to the line up along side the vast number of serves they already offer. so i price jump of $10 to me seems like a reasonable marketing strategy. And no matter what you do you will get insulted by a five year old not matter if console or pc.


Text Ninja
Oct 20, 2009
The reason Xbox can 'get away' with it, is they are still the best console multi-player option around.

Shamus is right, the reason the Wii has been so successful has been the price and the gigantic age group that will play it. However, Nintendo will never rise beyond that success, is the giant audience they targeted, for the most part, don't buy games on a monthly or even semi-annual basis. My grandparents bought a Wii, they bought Wii Sports and Wii Fit. They've never bought another game. Wii has free multi-player but not enough games built for multi that make that the reason to own one.

Playstation also has free multiplayer and they have some solid titles, however, they don't have Halo or Gears of War. Now maybe only frat boys and 10 year old kids who just discovered curse words buy those two games, but they'll buy every single one they release and act like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Modern Warfare 2 sold over 7 million copies the first day and over 55% of that was on the 360, 33% on the PS3. Don't get me wrong, I know there's a lot more to gaming and console gaming than just FPS titles, but if there's one genre that multi-player is the focus, that's the one.

As for PC gaming, it's not even in the footrace anymore, it's just holding on to what it has. 20 years ago, FPS was dominant on PC and a rare sight on a console with usually poor controls. 10 years ago it was getting closer to an even match up, and now any FPS title comes out on a console, and than maybe also on a PC, honestly, what's the last exclusive PC FPS title? In a gaming age where developers are afraid to dump millions of dollars on anything that's not a sure bet, PC gaming is mostly the next MMO or the next RTS coming out as those remain the only two genres that the controls or the number of players is far better than a console, and in 10 years I'd be surprised if consoles aren't top dog on those too.

Xbox for whatever the flaws it has, truly falls in it's own niche between the Wii and the PS3. It's more expensive than the Wii but i'll buy 20 or 30 more games for 360 before Wii has another title I could care about. It has better multi, even if you have to pay for it. It was cheaper than Sony at release (and still cheaper now even though they've both gone down)and it has more big name titles than the PS3. Now, Sony is catching up in that department, but they still need an exclusive title that gets everyone's attention for awhile.

So, I think Microsoft is raising it's prices because they can, because most people will grumble quietly to themselves and pay it anyway. As for me, I find it annoying and greedy, but yeah, i'll probably pay it anyway.

(Oh, and I have all 3 consoles and a PC game and I play games on all of them! Except the Wii, the Wii mostly sits there sad and unused urging me to pick up the new Mario title.)


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
i prefer the narrow format with the text to the side since you ax why i have no idea i just do so there

additionally is it just me or did the navigation tool bar disappear from the top and bottom of the comic

ok now thats sorted out onto the comic
that kid is alot like my brother i don't need to play online he can come over to my place and tell me that i can finish the objective if i wasn't too busy sucking
all it costs me is a couple of bags of chips a packet of biscuits and a bottle of coke
ok so maybe it would be cheaper to get cussed out by kids on X-Box live or Playstation network or what ever the Wii and Pu has


New member
Apr 16, 2009
It's true, they only raised the prices in the US, Canada, Mexico and one other country. Everyone else is unaffected. and in Canada it only affected the price of a three month subscription, so it's nearly same price for 3 months as for 12 now.....


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I certainly prefer these wider comics, if only because the text is much more pleasant to read in a wider column. Also, if the text is next to the comic instead of below it, I tend to randomly drift between which one I start reading first.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
PSN is free?

Or rather the question is, is Live worth $60 more a year than PSN?

Or another way, would you give away 1 brand new game a year just to play on Live?


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I actually don't mind the price hike. Maybe it'll make the parents of the kids under 18 playing M rated games rethink buying their Live subscriptions.

I'll pay the extra $10.00, because it's still less than $10.00 a month which is cheaper than what I payed for my WoW subscription. Microsoft is a business, and they like money for what they make, so I'm behind them 100% on charging more for Xbox Live.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
i despise the new wide format, also this particular comic was somewhat boring, i prefer my news in slim dr. breen talkshow style rather than in fat two bloats on a couch style.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
dogstile said:
Well they certainly won't get an extra 10 a year from me.

I'm in the UK, no yearly price hike for me! :p
I may be mistaken; but I thought the price rise is only happening in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia.

Anyways I'm in Ireland so I'm safe... for now.

Regarding the moral issue about the price hike: I think in comparison to Playstation Plus, it's a joke. With PS+ you firstly have an option not to pay it; and lose no multiplayer capabilities. And with the free/discounted content, it is well worth the price if you enjoy downloadable games.

M$ is just re-enforcing it's greedy, selfish image.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Jordo141 said:
dogstile said:
Well they certainly won't get an extra 10 a year from me.

I'm in the UK, no yearly price hike for me! :p
I may be mistaken; but I thought the price rise is only happening in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia.

Anyways I'm in Ireland so I'm safe... for now.

Regarding the moral issue about the price hike: I think in comparison to Playstation Plus, it's a joke. With PS+ you firstly have an option not to pay it; and lose no multiplayer capabilities. And with the free/discounted content, it is well worth the price if you enjoy downloadable games.

M$ is just re-enforcing it's greedy, selfish image.
Well, it does effect the UK, but not the yearly price :p

And while you think they're enforcing a greedy image, sony have been discussing payment plans for the PS3 for a long time. They're losing money on the console, so i don't really expect them to stay free forever.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
In this election year, I vote for the wide format. Samsonguy approves of this message.

And I think we can mark 2010 as the year that Microsoft F&$%ed up and commited business sepuku. It just may take a while for the giant to die.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Flig said:
This is me complaining.

Yeah, not digging the new wide format, I could deal with it for a few more issues I'm sure, but I strongly prefer the old style. Tis better I believe.

Also, I've yet to get Xbox Live, but I was thinking about getting it for patches and DLC until the price went up...I suppose I don't really need anymore Liara.
I thought patches and DLC were available with Xbox Live Silver (the free version)? I thought the only thing you payed for was being able to actually play online.

Also, I'm with Flig, I like the old style significantly more.

Lastly, I've never understood the whole complaining about verbal abuse on Xbox Live... The only people I ever talk to are my friends, everyone else gets an auto-mute. It's... it's really easy. I've literally never had to deal with whiners/squeakers/idjits/racists etc.