Stories in media that you think deserve their own video game adaptation.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Here's an idea, anyone have a movie, comic book, tv show, or anything else in media you think can be made into a good video game?

Oddly enough, I think the comic series called I Hate Fairyland would for an excellent action-adventure game, especially if you consider how the main character Gert's life in Fairyland largely centers around killing hundreds of fantasy saccharine creatures in halariously gruesome ways, she's in many ways a cross between Kratos from God of War and Baby Bonnie Hood from Darkstalkers.

I think there's even great potential storywise in a I Hate Fairyland video game. Consider; At the very beginning of the story, Gert got sucked into Fairyland out of the blue and was set off on a quest to find her way back home immediately after arriving, then the story jumps forward to her being stuck in Fairyland for twenty-seven years. I think it would be interesting to see what exactly happened during that time gap that caused her to go from a scared little girl to a hardened killing machine, it'd be somewhat similar to the journey Jason Brody went through in Far Cry 3.

So that's my idea, what stories in media would you like to be made into a video game?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Know this isn't my thread, but I'll set some ground rules:

-Adaptations only. So, for instance, something like Shadow of Mordor isn't an adaptation, whereas the Two Towers/Return of the King games are - one's a story set in a world, the other is adapting a pre-existing story.

-No "do-overs." So, for instance, I can't nominate stuff like Aladdin, because while I had an idea for a Prince of Persia-esque game, it's been adapted into game format before.

-Story has to be good enough to "deserve" an adaptation in my mind, and also be practical to adapt.

-Only going to choose one genre per adaptation, otherwise this list would be overrun with RTS-esque games (since war is easy to adapt into a game, for better or worse.

-Has to be a specific story. For instance, something like the Doctor Who Adventure games could easily adapt any TV episode, but there's no reason to adapt a TV episode rather than making your own.

So, on that note:

Ender's Game

As in, mainly an adaption of the first book. I'd split the game between two time periods, and two protagonists.

First period would be the Second Formic War, from the POV of Mazer Rackham. How practical this would be remains to be seen (since we've only got the first novel of the trilogy), but regardless, yes, this game would be space-battles focused. Second period would be the Third Formic War era from the POV of Ender. In both cases, the game would be divided between a story-mode space, building up character relationships, gaining access to new tech (which would work since the International Fleet sent to the formic homeworld gets more tech in-universe due to how faster ships developed later can catch up with the slower ships deployed earlier. To be fair, you would cut out the Second Invasion sequence entirely, but I think it would be good to get a requisite number of battles. So, in essence, think Homeworld matched with the setting.


To be honest, I think this would work better as a story set within the Mistborn setting, but even the books themselves would be well suited for an installment, or multiple installment, depending on how much you want to cover. I mean, the allomancy/feruchemy/hemalurgy systems are pretty 'gamey' anyway, so playing as someone like Vin (for the first trilogy) or Wax/Wayne for the second trilogy would work. Something like a cross of Assassin's Creed/Dishonoured/Thief style of gameplay focused in Luthandel, coupled with allomatic magic abilities, so, voila. At the least, I think you could very easily turn the first book into a game, as Vin not only builds up her powers, but you could have some kind of system to reflect the growing Skaa Rebellion, all coupled with a final boss fight against the Lord Ruler.

Of note, it occurred to me that you could do the same thing for Tron: Uprising (Beck stirring up rebellion against CLU), but like I said, one genre per entry.

Starship Troopers: Roughnecks

I can't really call this a "great" story per se, but I can't see any adaptation of the novel working since a lot of it is devoted to philisophical conversation. That, and the movie has already been adapted more or less. Still, I could see this as a squad-based shooter. Plenty of enemy variety, add in squad banter ala Gears of War, gain tech/new weapons as SICON technology improves, heck, you could even give the series a proper ending. So, in short, think Gears of War mixed with Starship Troopers.

A Song of Ice and Fire

Technically there's any number of things you could do with this setting, but if I had to actually adapt something from it directly, I'd choose Robert's Rebellion, turn it into an RTS/RTT, and let the story play out. I know Aegon's conquest was given the same treatment in Genesis, but still, this could be better...

...or not, because I'm sure there's a Total War mod that covers this already. But, the lore of ASoIaF is good enough to warrant adaptation, whereas something like, say, Shannara...isn't. Even if that could work in a fantasy RTS by adapting First King/Sword/Elfstones.

Foyle's War

It occurred to me that if you took the police procedural gameplay of LA Noire, you could apply it to any police procedural...ever, really. So, per my rules, you could apply that idea to any detective series out there regardless of media. So, if I had to nominate said series, it would be Foyle's War, but I could just as easily apply it to the likes of Castle, or Midsommer Murders, or Law and Order (bleh), or, well, y'know. I mean, these types of games already exist of course, but Foyle's War gets the nomination from me because of overall quality, and its setting would help distinguish it from its contemporaries.


It's not like Disney movies haven't had adaptations made of them, and in the case of The Lion King/Aladdin, sometimes those adaptations have been good. Before anyone asks, you could easily have a police procedural Zootopia game, but that would be better served as a story set after the film rather than adapting it per se. Moana though, if you took the gameplay of something like Wind Waker, then you could easily adapt it, since the film does allow some leeway as to how much time the story takes. So, follow the beats of the film, but factor in monsters, islands, discovery, etc. Heck, when I did a Moana/Wind Waker crossover oneshot, I joked that the film made me want a Wind Waker adaptation. So, what goes around comes around?

Anyway, that's all for now.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
My pics will be John Carter of Mars, Neuromancer, Battle Angel Alita, and I am Legend.

Note: I will edit in details later.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Misterian said:
Good choice in comics.

OT, my first choice would be Samurai Jack. I would imagine a time period between him losing his sword and the beginning of season 5, op the game would be a hub styled mission open world game thats basically a mix between Zelda BOTW and Dark Souls. Enviroments would be diverse ranging from cyberpunk cities, middle easterns bazaars, and Celtic fields. Also seeing how this is a time period where Jack lost his sword the player must pick weapons and armor ranging from Fedual/Mediaval style weaponry to Modern weaponry.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I want a game set in Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

I think Telltale could pull it off.

Would need an original protagonist and plot though, with established characters appearing as cameos at most.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
This has been mentioned before by a few people around the internet, but After Earth. Fucking garbage movie, but the story, setting and hell, even the way the movie flows is so video-gamey I'm surprised it never received a video-game tie in (well outside a shitty mobile game). Encroaching frost, limited resources, wild animals... would've actually made a solid survival game with a Dead Rising kinda timer on it.

Also, Gaunts Ghosts. Maybe as a larger-scale X-Com like strategy game with a focus on stealth. And on the plus side, perma-death! I mean, Abnett knocks those fuckers off like skittles anyway, would fit the series if anyone - AND I MEAN ANYONE - could die. Hell, that could even be worked into the game itself - you get your standard game over if Gaunt gets killed in mission, but also get a game over if you lose too many Ghosts to the point that the 1st and Only are effectively disbanded due to there only being 5 guys left or something. Hey, fits with the 40k Universe - soldiers are just another resource there, and spending them poorly is just as big a fuck-up as getting your Commissar-Commander killed in action.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Zhukov said:
I want a game set in Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

I think Telltale could pull it off.

Would need an original protagonist and plot though, with established characters appearing as cameos at most.
There's a couple of Discworld adventure games. Two of the feature Rincewind, but Discworld Noir is pretty close, with an original main character and plot in a Discworldy take on film noir detective fiction.

That said, they're old school adventure games with everything that entails. Unless that is your bag, you'll probably not enjoy them much.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Farscape. For years I wanted a continuation of the show (don't mention that movie). Continuation in the form of a video game would be perfect, as all the actors are much older now.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Let's be more original: a videogame adaptation of the rock opera Into the Electric Castle (by Ayreon).

8 persons from different time periods (an Egyptian, a Barbarian, a Roman, a Highlander, a Knight, an Indian, a Hippie and a Futureman) are transported into a different dimension by an unknown entity. To escape they have to travel together and reach the Electric Castle, while surviving the tests they find on their way.



Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
The two movies that come to mind right now is The Raid and Kill Bill. Both of them are action-packed and lends itself quite well to a videogame format.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Without a doubt the manga Biomega. I love that manga so much I've read it like 3 times. Well, the first half atleast the second half while interesting is a bit bonkers. That first half though panel for panel it almost reads like a design document for a videogame. It's by that same guy who also wrote/drew Blame! and Knights of Sidonia. Biomega is by far my favorite though even if there is overlap with Blame! Similar style and themes and even stars the same company, Toa Industries.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Pacific Rim. Doesn't look like Front Mission will be rising from the grave any time soon, but maybe with Titanfall's success and the new Battletech coming out people can be getting back into mecha battle games... even if they're not always against other mecha.

The Saxon Stories and/or Warlord Chronicles as a tactical wargame, perhaps incorporating For Honor's combat when you're controlling your army's leader. Few other books in this period have captured the respect that Druids were given due to the power of superstition, placebos and trickery. A Druid's curses can reduce the will of an entire army of warriors, but a rousing battle song such as the ballad of Beli Mawr can bring it back up. Mead gets reluctant soldiers brave enough to charge into a shield wall, but the best ones fight sober. Only problem is the rating due to what warriors customarily get up to with the enemy's captured women and children.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Netrunner (original or Android)

I would love to see a game that combined active hacking and freeform use of programs in realtime to penetrate corporate defences, discover aspects of the world.

Sand-box ish, but not excessively large with narrative structured environments and jobs that mean you have to know the environment like the back ofyour hand to avoid assassination, kidnapping, capture by police. World happens in realtime around you ...

When you discover major intelligence, you have the choice to sell and publicise through various assets for money, at the risk of increased corporate security or possibly red-lighting your efforts, use it to subvert major corporate operations, or perhaps raiding corporations simply because you can and testing your rig and programs against the worst the corps can throw at you so you know where to upgrade your hole in the ground safehouse rig tomake it even better against ICE the corp are woring on to defend their virtual assets.

And how you ultimately interact the world determines friends or enemies within the universe. Get shot twice, you die. Really try to hammer home that idea that you plan your runs, whether in flesh or online, or else you will be punished for it. The whole capacity to be shot is merely a mechanic to allow you to do things like hire mercenaries, and kill a few guards if you need to and survive a minor shootout ... but frankly none of that regen bullshit. You put up with your wounds until you get them treated and spend prerequisite amounts of time injured. Can be mitigated by disposable types of armour that can only so much abuse (a nod to plascrete armor).

Genetic engineering, cybernetics, anti-grav motorcycles, wealth of interesting characters. Probably limit to one primary corporation wforming the basis of your runs and why you do what you do. You could even plan expansion packs that introduce new corporations and parts of New Angeles, with new stories in the expanded timeline with you now an experienced runner and a new mystery to solve. You could even have a world clock where you have to achieve certain objectives to outrun those pursuing you in the background ... meaning you can miss global events simply because you're not in the right place at the righttime and without the right gear ... and once they're gone the world subtly changes permanently for it, less black matket merchants, maybe an ally disappears anx is never heard from again, and you've lost shadowy information in the background that mightexplain the predicament you're in or the objectives of key individuals you're trying to stop.

Increase replayability, but also giving the world a strange sense of fatalism to it. Sure you can spend the day and a shitload of money getting that new implanted chip or improving your rig, but what will you miss if you do? Of course if you decide to run against the corporation in some way fashion and find yourself woefully illequipped, the punishment can be disasterous on your finances and general wellbeing.

Introduce concepts like brain damage ... which you can't cure (because that would take far too long) that influence things like aiming, coding new programs, or might even fuck with you in surreal ways like telling you in your status screen you have more creds than you do to simulate ideas of damaged memory store (ala you forgot you paid for other things) etc.


New member
Nov 4, 2014
Hawki said:
A Song of Ice and Fire

Technically there's any number of things you could do with this setting, but if I had to actually adapt something from it directly, I'd choose Robert's Rebellion, turn it into an RTS/RTT, and let the story play out. I know Aegon's conquest was given the same treatment in Genesis, but still, this could be better...

...or not, because I'm sure there's a Total War mod that covers this already. But, the lore of ASoIaF is good enough to warrant adaptation, whereas something like, say, Shannara...isn't. Even if that could work in a fantasy RTS by adapting First King/Sword/Elfstones.
If you're willing to work with mods, rather than just full games, I have great news for you (and for once, it has nothing to do with Daggerfall!): the dev team behind the Crusader Kings 2 Game of Thrones mod just released their latest update (version 1.5) a few weeks ago! I'm not sure how much is show-based rather than book-based, if that's a concern; I last played it a few years ago when it was still very incomplete and unstable. And though some expansions add more to the mod, it's apparently fully playable with just the base game.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
A few ideas I've had:

Godzilla -- Yes, there have been many Godzilla games, but the vast majority of them have been Kaiju brawlers. What I want to see is more of an XCOM-style game where you play as the G-Force/EDF trying to defend Earth's Cities against Kaiju ramapages and alien invasions. You start in 1954 with Godzilla's original attack, with old army gear that can do little more than draw a Kaiju's attention, to Maser cannons, Robot tanks, the Super Xs and Gotengo, all the way to MOGUERA and Mechagodzilla.

Rifts -- A Sci-Fantasy mashup RPG by Palladium Books. Earth has been ravaged when a Nuclear War triggered a massive surge in magic. Centuries later mankind has risen from the ashes in a changed world where magic, monsters, and high technology all reign supreme. Psychic mutants riding dinosaur-riding aliens, Dragons wrestling giant robots, and merpeople warring with giant vampire crabs are just a tiny sample of the things you can find in this world.

The game would be an FPS/RPG hybrid. Imagine a cross between Skyrim/Fallout, Star Wars Battlefront, Destiny, and Titanfall. You could be a chemically-augmented mercenary, a Spellcaster, a Cyborg Jedi, a Dragon, a Mecha pilot, and many others. A single-player campaign could start in North America, maybe the Siege on Tolkien, with subsequent DLC or expansion packs going to Vampire-ridden Mexico, the German war against the Gargoyles, or other places.

Splicers -- Another Palladium RPG, this time featuring a Terminator-esque Robot War where the Human Resistance is forced to use living power armor and genetically-engineered monsters to battle the machines.

This would probably be the same kind of game, but with an even stranger selection of weapons. Will you run with a pack of monstrous attack dogs, strap your living armor with acid spore launchers and bio-lasers, or become a living hive with swarms of metal-eating bugs at your command?


New member
May 7, 2016
SAMAS said:
Godzilla -- Yes, there have been many Godzilla games, but the vast majority of them have been Kaiju brawlers. What I want to see is more of an XCOM-style game where you play as the G-Force/EDF trying to defend Earth's Cities against Kaiju ramapages and alien invasions. You start in 1954 with Godzilla's original attack, with old army gear that can do little more than draw a Kaiju's attention, to Maser cannons, Robot tanks, the Super Xs and Gotengo, all the way to MOGUERA and Mechagodzilla.
Seconded on this, but I think a couple of games have tried it.

One was Godzilla 2 on the NES; turn based game where you commanded various JDF fighters/tanks/ect.. and occasionalyl Mothra to fight off the usual monster island lineup.

Another turn based JP only game used non-Toho monsters, but was much more refined and polished.

Oh, and you might be interested in this game, though it's more Pacific Rim than Godzilla



New member
Aug 28, 2008
Magika no kenshi to shoukan maou (magica: swords and summoners or whatever the translated title is) is a manga series which as soon as I read I decided I needed a game based on it.

The premise is about a world of magicians and swordsmen where people are born with the ability to form pacts with spirits that lets them use magic or train in swordsmanship and use special artifacts.

The hero is a swordsman who also is able to use magic and he is the only male magician because he is destined to build a harem out of every other magician in the world. His skills are that of the magicians with whom he has a close relationship, the closer the relationship, the stronger level of their skills he can use, but, due to not knowing he was going to become able to be a mage (due to being male) he ALSO trained in swordsmanship so it's like the ultimate best of both worlds and a way of unifying the infighting factions.

The manga itself uses a lot of game-ish elements such as having magical progress bars indicate the status of a relationship and having a central guild that gives you missions which are reminiscent of sidequests etc.


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Star Trek. While I favor TNG an Enterprise, I think it should have a new crew similar to Valkyria Chronicles. You customize the player character (captain) and recruit Starfleet officers based on merits, stats, and personality.

The story would offer many random event encounters in the main story. As well, it wouldnt treat combat as the only way to progress past an obstacle in the main story or random encounters. But it would be required in some cases and it would be suicidal or futile in others. As goes for diplomacy and various other means of solving the problem. (Puzzles, Time Trials, Scavenger hunt, etc.)

The trick would be offering enough fake solutions and enough real solutions for every scenario to make it feel challenging yet not having it be railed by each problem only having 1 right solution. Some decisions could even effect a "karma" score that could get you in trouble with Starfleet. (Prime directive, disobeying your orders, etc.)

I want to have a space exploration adventure.

American Tanker

New member
Feb 25, 2015
You know, a few years back(I think; they shouldn't be more than a decade old), someone decided to make games with the Top Gun license(yeah, the Tom Cruise movie) again. Why not do something a bit more old-school?

Adapt Red Tails into an arcade action WWII dogfight game. Follow the historic missions and accomplishments of the famous Tuskegee Airmen, as they fight against the Nazis abroad and bigotry back home. Start off with simple ground attack missions far from the front lines, then raze an entire Luftwaffe base to the ground. Upgrade from your starting P-40 Warhawks to the famous red-tailed P-51 Mustangs and begin flying bomber escort for the Eighth Air Force. Take on the ME-262 jet fighter and prove that you're the match of any white pilot out there.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
CaitSeith said:
Let's be more original: a videogame adaptation of the rock opera Into the Electric Castle (by Ayreon).

8 persons from different time periods (an Egyptian, a Barbarian, a Roman, a Highlander, a Knight, an Indian, a Hippie and a Futureman) are transported into a different dimension by an unknown entity. To escape they have to travel together and reach the Electric Castle, while surviving the tests they find on their way.

The thing with that, and my main gripe with the album. Is that the tests are kind of vague or unspecified, and 90% of it seems more like they just get too tired to go on (and one randomly dies because the embodiment of Death shows up and picks them kind of at random). The only explicit confrontation is mainly with characters facing past guilt, which would be a very hard thing to make "gamey".