Strange / Funny events in, the world

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
A Georgia woman was arrested because her ten-year-old son was found walking a mile down the road.

When I was around thirteen or fourteen, I used to walk about three miles along the busiest road in town and then a stretch of highway to go to an arcade I liked. Maybe it was foolhardy, but in those days it was just the kind of things kids did. I don't think anyone in my family would've been arrested back then on charges of reckless endangerment.

But there was one particular exchange at the end of the article that really caught my attention:

“Well,” Patterson’s mother said, “she could lose her way of making of living by being arrested, you do realize that.”

“Okay, that’s not my concern,” the deputy said. “My concern is the children.”
Not even thinking that the mother losing her job might harm the welfare of the children. Great police work.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
A Georgia woman was arrested because her ten-year-old son was found walking a mile down the road.

When I was around thirteen or fourteen, I used to walk about three miles along the busiest road in town and then a stretch of highway to go to an arcade I liked. Maybe it was foolhardy, but in those days it was just the kind of things kids did. I don't think anyone in my family would've been arrested back then on charges of reckless endangerment.

But there was one particular exchange at the end of the article that really caught my attention:

Not even thinking that the mother losing her job might harm the welfare of the children. Great police work.
There's a world of difference between 10 and 14, but this is a grossly disproportionate response to a non-event. Just take the kid home, tell the parent to keep a closer eye and go on your way to try and nick some proper villains.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
There's a world of difference between 10 and 14, but this is a grossly disproportionate response to a non-event. Just take the kid home, tell the parent to keep a closer eye and go on your way to try and nick some proper villains.
I was able to run around on my own at that age. Kids in Japan younger than that ride the train by themselves. It's ridiculous you can get arrested for letting your kids outside.