Street Fighter 4


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Ok so I know this game is bloody F-ing hard but is anyone having problems pulling Ultra Combos when either facing Zangief or Seth? I have pulled a Ultra Combo on Seth once out of sheer luck but other times it seems to flat out refuse to work. Any of the other moves work fine (not that it makes it easier to defeat those two). Any tips? I managed to get past Zangief by jumping everywhere but after the second Seth fight he's too nuts to pull that same trick. Also let it be known this is my first Street Fighter game. Playing on 360 with the normal pad (Can't afford anything else)


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Tha major problem with those two characters is that they both have Zangief's annoying spinning piledriver move. Seth is slightly worse because he has all the other cheap moves in the game. I find that the easiest way to beat them is to be a little cheap myself, even if it means ducking and kicking a lot or juping and kicking, anything to survive the fight so I can move on to the people who are fun to fight.