Strip Bayonetta in These Innovative Japanese Ads

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
I love how they made Bayonetta one of the smallest things on the screen in the actual game. It has the wonderful effect of preventing you from really being able to see how she moves; which is kind of ruins it for me.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
WanderFreak said:
Unless there's a message hidden underneath that says "You ripped them all off didn't you?"
That would be frakking funny as hell to see.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Should do like that one candid camera where they put folks in a room with caveman/woman cutout with real cloth as the loincloths and such. When people pulled it off, there'd be an alarm.

Considering the black at the edges under the fliers, probably just clothing under there, albeit probably scant.

... yeah, I looked that close, so sue me.


New member
Oct 2, 2008
This ad reminds me of the Assassins Creed II ad that I saw in Gamepro. There are two pages stuck together and if you tear the pages apart, you decapitate some paper guy's head...

It was freaky, but innovative...


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
I do love Japan sometimes
What a weird and wonderful world
Agreed. There is no other place on this planet that rivals the wonderful, beautiful insanity on display in Japan. And I've been to Mexico.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Next, hookers will be doing this, with cardboard cutouts of them, with little slips of paper with a phone number and/or website. The more ya pull, the more ya reveal. If only...
WanderFreak said:
Unless there's a message hidden underneath that says "You ripped them all off didn't you?"
That reminds me of this 80's movie, I don't even know the name, caught it on HBO one night, where these two rival groups of college kids were sent on a game through their city. One bit had them play through a puttputt course, and the clue specifically stated not to just go to hole 18 for the next clue. The dumb team ignored that rule, and a big sign came up at the hole, stating something to the likes of, "Cutting to the end gets you no prize."
So I guess the moral is, you get more out of taking just one flyer. Though in this case with Bayonetta, I don't know what more that might be.
TheDrunkNinja said:
Heh. Ten bucks says they actually photoshopped a man's body under there. Package and all.
That would be totally a candid camera moment. Especially if some kid wanted to see if she was wearing latex underwear. :D


New member
Aug 21, 2008
pigeon_of_doom said:
Ok, ignoring the inventive advertising...

40/40? From Famitsu? This is the twelfth game ever to receive a perfect score from that magazine? Maybe this isn't the derivative DMC clone I had it pegged as since I first heard of that.
Link? While in recent years Famitsu have been dishing out 40/40s every which way, this does have me intrigued and I do wish to see what more people and publications think of it.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Okay, there's got to be a better explanation rather than "sex sells" or "Japan is weird". Thing is, what?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Oi, Sega, this isn't helping with portraying video games as a mature form of media now is it?

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I seriously doubt this game is worth a perfect score. As for the add Im guessing kids will just walk off with hands full of fliers for her tits and vagina then lose interest when they're "tastfully" hidden.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Onmi said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
Ok, ignoring the inventive advertising...

40/40? From Famitsu? This is the twelfth game ever to receive a perfect score from that magazine? Maybe this isn't the derivative DMC clone I had it pegged as since I first heard of that.
Link? While in recent years Famitsu have been dishing out 40/40s every which way, this does have me intrigued and I do wish to see what more people and publications think of it.
360 version got a 40/40 PS3 got a 39/40

Honestly I don't put a lot of stake in Famitsu, they have been wrong before.
Japanese magazines tend to work on different principles to western ones so it is not always best to put your faith in them but still it is not a bad sign. Perfect scores are still pretty rare from them so either this game is good in their eyes or is doing some thing they feel the industry should be doing (as was the case with FF12 if I remember rightly, been a few years so no chance of finding that link again).

Wither or not the game is worth the score? Who knows, it looks like fun and it is made by the same guy who made the original DMC (and best, though 3 has its moments) and Okami, that is enough to get my interest. Might wait and see if the demo comes to Europe first, as despite having fun with these games I do tend to suck at them too.


Vice-Captain Hammer
Feb 9, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
Link? While in recent years Famitsu have been dishing out 40/40s every which way, this does have me intrigued and I do wish to see what more people and publications think of it.
I was just taking the OP post's word for it, although some googling reveals the scans that confirm it (all in Japanese of course). It's out early in Japan, and I think Famitsu got the first review so you'll have to wait a while to get a better impression of the critical consensus on the game. I just realised that Famitsu gave FFXII a perfect score, so perhaps it isn't the legendary badge of perfection it once was.

Assassinator said:
Oi, Sega, this isn't helping with portraying video games as a mature form of media now is it?
I think the Yakuza series balances things out, and there's still hope for some witty disparaging comment on the (surely imaginary) hormone driven demographic this advert seems to exploit.