Strut Your Stuff in Project Runway: The Video Game

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Well. Isn't this interesting? I must admit that I'm not exactly surprised by this. With game versions of Hell's Kitchen and Desparate Housewives, Project Runway being turned into a game isn't very shocking.

Also, like the aforementioned games, I expect this to suck.

As for the show, I can't actually form an opinion on it, as I've never seen it, but according to my friends of the fairer sex, I can do a damn good impression of Tim Gunn.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
ae86gamer said:
[small]I like the show too. Its good. Don't judge me. >_> [/small]

Anyways, this game is going to be terrible.
I'm going to judge the fuck out of you.

hamster mk 4 said:
I watch the show with my wife. It has the Junk Yard Wars vibe of kludging something together under an insane deadline. Only it is cloths instead of mechanical horrors.
Did you just compare Junk Yard wars to this thing?

Sir! I challenge you to a duel!


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Susan Arendt said:

Ok, as much as I love the show (and :p to anyone who looks down on me for liking it), I have to imagine the game is going to be terrible. The enjoyment of the show comes from watching talented people put their creativity and skill to the test by facing specific challenges, like working with unusual materials or with a specific goal in mind. None of which has anything to do with waggling a Wii Remote.
Here she cometh, the Duchess of Design, Susaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Arenddddddddddddddddddt!

You know you want to hear that as you strut your stuff on the Wii Balance Board.

... On a note, that reads more like the intro to a WWE fight.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Susan Arendt said:

Ok, as much as I love the show (and :p to anyone who looks down on me for liking it), I have to imagine the game is going to be terrible. The enjoyment of the show comes from watching talented people put their creativity and skill to the test by facing specific challenges, like working with unusual materials or with a specific goal in mind. None of which has anything to do with waggling a Wii Remote.
Flying-Emu said:
Here she cometh, the Duchess of Design, Susaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Arenddddddddddddddddddt!

You know you want to hear that as you strut your stuff on the Wii Balance Board.

... On a note, that reads more like the intro to a WWE fight.
In a sense, they are one in the same. Would love to see Stone Cold Steve Austin in a dress, it would be just darling.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
That's gonna be one HUGE pile of cocaine Nintendo's executives are going to be able to buy once this thing comes out. I just hate the idea that a lot of people's first videogame will probably be an unmitigated piece of crap.