Student Arrested For Classroom Texting


New member
Feb 25, 2009
As far as I'm concerned, the little ***** was stealing time from both the teacher and the other students and deserves what she got, although I think a detention or 12 would have sufficed. I'm not sure the frisk was necessary, but you gotta do what you gotta do. If you're gonna dick around and waste people's time, drop out and do it then.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
This is what happens when you aren't allowed to hit your kids. And as for the punishment not fitting the crime, well, welcome to America. :)


New member
Dec 27, 2008
they should bring back flogging for some people

parents need to beat their kids! spank, use the belt anything under 2*4 and PVC tubing but for the love of God don't teach them that they are in control


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
She shouldn't even have had the thing in school in the first place. I'm only 5 years removed from High School, but even when I was in school we weren't allowed to have any electronic devices, they would've been taken away. Honestly schools aren't even schools anymore, just glorified day cares. I don't know which is worse, the fact that the teachers have no power anymore, or the fact that parents don't see fit to properly discipline their kids anymore.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
What's up with the complete lack of discipline in America's public schools, anyway?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
axia777 said:
Cxizent said:
Aaaaaaand this is what happens when any and all power is taken away from teachers. She was asked to stop texting, but she kept going.
Like I said, suspend her. Giving her a misdemeanor charge? That is not reasonable.
If her parents are that bad as to have her daughter showing such disrespect for her teachers, all a suspension would be is a vacation.

And trust me, if they're charging her with misdemeanor disorderly conduct, then she did a whole lot more to piss off the officer than quietly send a few texts.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I'm thinking this escalated from the teacher telling her to put her cell phone away to forcing her out of the classroom when she refused and calling the police when she refused even that. The teacher really didn't have a choice but to call the police since if the girl could just get away with it by refusing the teachers request then the teacher doesn't really have much power and thus everyone would just do what they want and just refuse to do anything (of course, the teacher could just fail them, but I don't think they care)


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Caliostro said:
Darth Mobius said:
Yeah, but I grew up in California High School, so "SECURITY" WAS a fully Armed State Trooper,
For some reason that gave me the total badass mental image of a full SWAT team crashing in a classroom, flashbangs, helicopters and everything, clearing the room then going "...Alright ma'am...where's that cellphone?"...

...and that would be AWESOME.
This is the second greatest thing I've read all day.

And as for the punishment, she got what she deserved, she was warned beforehand that if a search was required she would be charged. Also, if you'll notice in the police report (for those of you who cared to read it) the mother was called before the girl was searched, so the police were still entirely within their authority to search her. And for those who mention detention being bypassed, the police report also states she has caused trouble several times beforehand, if the school is anything like my old high school was, if you caused too much trouble, you had to deal with the on location officer. The only reason the on-duty officer was brought in was for the search, so really, it wouldn't have extended beyond anything I've seen done in schools before had the school officer been female, or the offending student male.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
This story and several of the follow ups by other children complaining about dress codes and behavior codes and cellphone policies all seem to have the same fantasy. They seem to believe that you can do whatever you want to do any everyone just has to put up with it.


The purpose for K12 schooling is not to show off your fashion, or get you dates, or give you an opportunity to text all day. It's for you and ALL the other students to learn. No one CARES what you think about it. No one cares if you think it's stupid that you can't wear pajama bottoms in school. School is not there to make you happy!

Do you think for one second that any boss, on any job, anywhere would ever put up with this kind of behavior? HELL NO! Try that crap all you kids do to teachers at a real job and their launch your ass out of there so fast your head will spin.

Let's do some fun examples:

Kid: "I think it's fine to wear sweats to work, I think better that way!"
Boss: "Get out."

Kid: "It's my phone and I'll text in a meeting if I want to."
Boss: "You are fired."

Kid: "I don't like my project leader, he's stupid."
Boss: "You seem even more stupid as you now have no job."

See how it works kiddies? Regardless of how little disciple your parents gave you and how much they let you get away with it does NOT translate out into the real world. Even worse if you try that crap on someone outside the work place you may just end up getting popped in the lip.

As far as that kid with the cellphone goes, she got what she had coming and could probably use a bit more!