Stupid teachers.


New member
May 23, 2012
This thread is perfect, I had the worst kind of teacher for my last two years at my technical high school. Where to begin?

I should start by stating his condition... he had something or another where his voice became so high pitched, almost like a whistle, that most people couldn't understand him. A tall, hunched over man, he was often seen as a creep... and I would have never had the thought to treat him so if he hadn't proved to be just that. This guy was straight up creepy...

We were the CADD shop, and thus we worked with computers all the time. A friend of mine would often screw around on the internet all day instead of doing his work. Sometimes, this teacher would walk up behind him, place his skinny hands on my friend's shoulders, and begin to massage them. He'd then bring his head to his ear and ask, "Are you doing your work, there, Tyler?"

This happened often enough that we reported the issue to administration, where it seems they had a talk with him. He apologized to Tyler, lifting his hands in the air for show and saying, "I'm not gonna touch you, okay?" I think he did anyway, if memory serves me correctly. Poor Tyler... I can honestly say he was sort of molested. In the end of our last year, this teacher looked over someone's shoulder at the yearbook, saw him, and I quote, "That is an awful nice picture of Tyler there."

This is not near the extent of how idiotic this guy could get... he couldn't teach, and I was one to know. If you asked him about any topic at all, he would ignore your question and start explaining how to do everything. "This is the line command," sort of thing. We knew the basics, but we needed specific help. I was selected, during my junior year, for a competition, where I lost due to not knowing how to properly model a feature. I presented the problem to him on multiple occasions, and each time, he'd shove his finger under his chin, glare at the screen, and without saying a word, walk away as if nothing had been said.

He fell back on his disability, I believe. Must have claimed that we couldn't understand him or some shit like that, but this man could not teach. He was horrible at his job and molested my friend... I never hated a teacher so much in my life.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
In 7th grade I had a geography teacher who didn't understand the concept of "people with disabilities". Not only did she needlessly bully me to the point of humiliation for being diagnosed with aspergers, but she flipped her shit when another girl in the class couldn't read the board when she was asked. Not even when everyone else pointed out to her that the girl in question was blind.

I'm sorry, but what.

Luckily she was reported to the principal by parents (including mine, my mum was pretty pissed at her when I came home from school one day crying) and she cut the bullshit.


New member
May 24, 2011
In highschool my science teacher was doing a math problem on the board for some reason or another. She did it incorrectly. I pointed this out to her. She refused to believe me. I insisted. She told me to come up to the board and prove it. I did so. A fellow classmate who was also in my math class confirmed it. I was kicked out of the room for being too good at math.

The next year I was in a different science class that was very rowdy. I offered to bring the teacher a whistle from my job. She accepted. The next day I bring the whistle in but she isn't there. I go to put the whistle in her desk when the teacher from the previous year, the one who kicked me out of class for being too good at math, walks by and see me. She says to me "put that back where you got it". I say "ok". Yeah, I decided to be a smartass. I put the whistle back in my pocket. She says "I told you to put that back where you got it". I said "I did". I was hauled down to the principles office and she left. Principle asked me what happened. I told him. He, no joke, chuckled and told me to go back to class.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
There was one point at middle school where these two classmates of mine were causing an annoying ruckus, the teacher called them out about it and told them they had to stay late in class to clean the desks.

Seems reasonable enough ,right? EXCEPT she turned to the rest of us in class, who she even openly admitted had nothing to do with the ruckus, and told us we had to help do the same thing.

Does that make sense to anyone?


New member
Jan 9, 2011
When I was in Public School (in Canada- equivilent to Elementary, grades 1 to 12, age 5 to age 15), my teachers and support staff were convinced I had a crippling learning disability. I wasn't writing and reading from the chalk board. They scared the hell out of my mother suggesting I might be autistic and might be sent to a special school for special children. They did a battery of tests for a whole month, I met countless experts and specialists. What did they learn?

At age 12 I had the vocabulary of a university student, I totally understood scientific theories way beyond my Grade level (Sci-Fi geek from an early age), and was very mature and eloquent for my age.

Also I needed glasses because I couldn't see the effing chalk board.

So a whole bunch of expensive tests (free health care at its best), and they determined I was near-sighted.

This month of testing nevertheless branded me as "special" in the eyes of my Grade 10 teacher. She refused to sign me up for the Enrichment program (a special program for students who perform excellently) because I was once suspected of having autism (at this point thee tests were done over four years ago)- and totally ignoring my grades (which were excellent). My mother came and talked with my teacher but she wouldn't budge. So I flew through my Grade 10 lessons (Enrichment is not as great as it sounds- you actually have to do harder work). My teacher then began complaining I was completing my work too fast and sat around doing nothing. In a rare display of maturity I ignored her complaints for the rest of the school year- although you could say I was faking autism when she would talk to me and I would stare at a blank wall and not listen to her. Yeah I was a bit of a punk that year.

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Never really had any stupid teachers. I had teachers who were utter assholes, but that's another story.

In year 5 I had a teacher who told the class to write a horror story. However, she expected us to write a horror story with NO supernatural elements, NO death or even threat of death, and NO 'scary' situations. I ended writing a story about giant bugs. Maybe she misunderstood and thought that by 'giant bugs' I meant simply 'large' rather than 'Spiders the size of a van'.

In my high school, I had an RE teacher who somehow gave people different marks for the EXACT same notes. She also got pissed off if you didn't subscribe to her exact idea of Christianity. And only gave us a few days for projects that other teachers would give us weeks for.

My Geography teacher was an enigma. She was amicable half the time, and then the other half a crazy ***** with a vendetta against the world. I don't know if I found it admirable or not that she admitted she only did teaching for the money. Threw my file on the floor for no real reason, and then shouted at me for starting a piece of work 2 minutes early...because I had finished the work before and had nothing else to do. Got my revenge when she pointed to Thailand on a map and called it 'Vietnam'. I got some happiness from calling her out on that.

My history teacher was a huge, burly welsh ************. He was a dick, but at least an equal opportunity dick; I don't think that there was anyone in my class that he hadn't ripped the shit out of by the end. I think he thought it was all in good fun though, and I don't really feel scarred by the experience.

The (former) head teacher was an fucking ***** as well. She didn't respect the opinions of any of the student body at all, she was a fucking control-freak megalomaniac, and the school only kept her on because she was good at accounting or something. I remember in year 7 she threatened to exclude me for being in the same area as some 'trouble makers' (who were picking up rocks and rolling them down the hill). Had this insane personal vendetta against litter (trash for the yanks in the audience). Listen, I think it looks dirty, but she took it to a whole new level. Our school field was also a public park, and she threatened to stop us going on the school field COMPLETELY because members of the public weren't putting their litter in bins. She gave people after-school detentions for not picking up pieces of litter that they hadn't dropped and hadn't even noticed.

On the other side of the spectrum, there was this one kick-ass science technician that we had who was in the Royal Marines or the SAS or Paras or something like that. He was about 60, but he broke a kids arm because the kid was waving a replica airsoft gun around in the school.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
my year 10 english teacher. why? well, we did reading often, of old books (not my complaint, most of them were really good) but he ALWAYS picked the people who read p-a-i-n-f-u-l-l-y-s-l-o-w-l-y. whereas everyone else could read normally, it was always the them. when i finally blew up at him, his justification was "they need practice". that did it.


this lead to an argument between students and teachers which lasted 3 hours.

the slow readers were moved to the lowest class. (i was in middle-higher set) i visited the lowest class, or "mixed ability" once. they looked miserable.



New member
Nov 29, 2010
In Highschool... I don't know. I've probably repressed a couple of memories. Only the scatterbrained physics teacher comes to mind, who reportedly did things like sending batteries via mail and, in order to whatever secure them or something, had wrapped them in silver foil. Uhm.

The really dangerously stupid and (willfully?) ignorant idiots are from University education.

- There's the head of study talking about the awesome blessings of the "Experience City" only to conclude his lecture by giving an example of what he sees as a "great, wonderful" incarnation of said concept - and it's a fucking mall. A fancy mall, okay, but a mall nonetheless. A privately owned space with private rules some of which cut down most basic civil rights. A place where the only experience to be made is to dutifully contribute to the system by being a good consumer. Which makes another experience quite likely, namely to be interrogated by the private security company for... like... I duono, anything else. Taking photographs. Exercising the right of free speech.

- Or, that one professor of Film & Television Sciences (who did not own a TV) completely failing at anything even loosely related to common sense. We were discussing this commercial [] and why the chicken wing was replaced with a model car in a later version. His answer/his teaching was somethingsomething sexual connotation. In a commercial that tells us a story about beer being drunk from bellybuttons. It was not the fact that a greasy, leftover chicken wing from the night before, put into a parcel and sent to France would arrive as a stinking, poisonous piece of rot, and disgust might not be a suitable way to sell a drink.

- Something more practical: We needed a computer for an installation. Not an Excel or Word installation, but something running graphics in 2011, you know... What we were given was a nicotine beige huge tower that had a floppy drive. You remember those? The gfx card was already low end when it was introduced about more than 8 years ago. I tested it and the framerate was, if anything, about .3 - now this machine was given to us from someone who, according to this education should be something like someone who knows stuff about stuff and should care at least a tad. Someone who had repeatedly told us, when we voiced concerns about technological matters, that we should not worry about a thing. What really riles me up about this story is that the installations from this project were supposed to run 24/7 for three weeks. So when we in the first week had to use our own computers (that is: our internet accesses, our tools, our toys) and naturally could not quite comply with the 24/7 rule, we received something like almost a threat about how we are going to fail the exam. My email explaining that we did not get ANY of the equipment promised to us was met with, and I try to quote "with all the great equipment provided by the school, there's no excuse for not having it run all the time and I will check tomorrow morning whether it's on again or not." Oh, and it's two teachers here. The first one just didn't give a fuck, while proving his cluelessness long the way, the lady from the email exchange should seek treatment.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Now, Im a special ed student, So we end up getting the nutcases. So i can go on about this all day. But i reall only have 1 teacher from 7th grade.
First, in the entire yea we had 3 social studies lesson, all movies. You see, special ed teachers have too teach all subjects, even if they arent qualified, she didnt like social studies so we didnt do it.
Math Lessons totaled maybe ten the entire year.
And she always talked about how she had 3 husbands and had tea with the blue ranger.
And she threw a fit when i tried to no get a special class only for special ed students, why? Because i knew how to read already, and she didn't like I i wanted to us a period to work at the library
And worse? I wasn't done with her when i hit 8th grade because they decided to combine the 8th and 7th special ed reading classed(which i just ended up pranking her with fake mouses)
When i was reading Jaws(about 100x more complex then what she has us read) she got upset because it was based off a movie(other way around)
Then there was this teacher who gave a gay 200% extra credit despite NOT even doing a single piece of homework, or the weights teacher who tried to upstage a kid who was born prematurely.

Also a Sociology sub, This was my senior year, We where learning about criminals. She said we didnt need to learn that, and then proceeded to ask the entire class was they wanted to do when they grew up, when she got to me i said i plan on going to jail, she tok it seriously and forgot about me for the rest of the day. When we got back we all complained about her, we even gave her a nickname, Ms. Badunkadunk, because she has a huge behind. Remember this is the advance class.

Ryan All

New member
Jun 12, 2012
Just remembered another one. In second grade I had the most AMAZING teacher, she was awesome, understanding, and let us play with the LEGOs. However, she did the pregnancy leave thing, and was replaced with a B I T CH! She was horrible, literally put a dunce cap on my head she made with cardboard and magic marker (No, I'm not kidding, this is the 21st century), and threatened to make us WASH HER FUCKING CAR instead of recess if we didn't do her work.

Mavinchious Maximus

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Berithil said:
Wow, some...... Interesting stories.

I've got none, probably due to the fact I was homeschooled*.....:/

*[sub]and before anyone says anything, yes, I got along just fine with my mom :p[/sub]
My mom thinks Native Americans come from France so I think homeschooling is out of the question.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Sisters first grade substitute teacher was convinced dolphins were fish, and the one I had 10 years ago was convinced that Gerald Ford was dead.

The kicker is that in both of these situations fellow classmates came to the aid of the substitutes claiming their statements as true.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Once, one of my teachers was trying to make vcr work. After 5 minutes of waiting i decided to out that it was not plugged in.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Used to have a teacher in High school that didn't allow me in class due to being diffirent in appearance (Wearing bandshirts, trousers with chains and that kind of stuff). I even did my work for that class in the cantine (or how it is spelled) but she even didn't take her time to give me grades for it -w-

Gone Rampant

New member
Feb 12, 2012
I've had mostly great teachers that I'd be able to talk to on a few subjects (Our book club supervisor from Secondary School was HILARIOUS- thank you Mr. Brady), so this is more to say, "There are entire schools with good teachers."

My class, on the other hand...

Is there an, "I hate my class," forum I an post on?


New member
Dec 20, 2011
Gone Rampant said:
I've had mostly great teachers that I'd be able to talk to on a few subjects (Our book club supervisor from Secondary School was HILARIOUS- thank you Mr. Brady), so this is more to say, "There are entire schools with good teachers."

My class, on the other hand...

Is there an, "I hate my class," forum I an post on?
Since I also have an "I hate my class story" I made a Stupid class mates thread.

OT: My honors English teacher was a *****. I don't remember any specifics but she annoyed me to hell.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mavinchious Maximus said:
Berithil said:
Wow, some...... Interesting stories.

I've got none, probably due to the fact I was homeschooled*.....:/

*[sub]and before anyone says anything, yes, I got along just fine with my mom :p[/sub]
My mom thinks Native Americans come from France so I think homeschooling is out of the question.

But they are called Native American's. I mean it is literally in the name they are native to America I mean how can you mess that up?


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
I once had a math teacher in high school who didn't understand the Pythagorean Theorem.

And a research methodology teacher who barely knew how computers work. We had so much fun with her. One day during break we made a printscreen of her desktop, set it as her wallpaper and deleted the icons on the desktop. When she came back, she wondered for a good ten minutes why the browser wouldn't start when she clicked on the icon. She ended up sending us home early. Another time someone plugged a wireless mouse in her computer and started moving it around. She thought it was a virus.