Stupidest thing that someone has come back at you with in an argument.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
It just surprises me sometimes that when you end up arguing with some people, they often come back with a response that is beyond retarded and seems to insult themselves.

For example, usually I choose not to scroll down below a video on Youtube, as I get ridiculously mad at the stupidity of some people and their inability to use a keyboard properly. However, whenever somebody comments on a personal video, I feel that it necessitates a response. This one fellow felt the need to call me a little ***** and to complain about a video, with the most horrendous spelling ever. This descended into me correcting him and telling him I was doing what he wanted me to do in his complaint, and after some to-ing and fro-ing with several comments I picked up on his typing, as I couldn't actually comprehend what he was actually writing.

He responded with:

"It's my iPod u ***** my fingers are 2 big for it".

That comment in my inbox combined with his chubby-faced profile image next to it made me laugh for a fair while, combined with the fact he deleted it as he must've realised it wasn't much of a comeback.

Anyways, what's the stupidest thing anyone has ever come back at you with in an argument?

Death Carr

Less Than 3D
Mar 30, 2011
"You're gay"

A heated discussion with a friend of a friend who's a bit of a religious nutjob about gay marriage.
This discussion with her went for atleast an hour, with her getting angrier and angrier before she finally yelled "You're gay" and stormed off. This also happened infront of one of her bestfriends and his boyfriend.
She of course didn't know about it becuase her reaction may have been somewhat violent.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
It wasn't really an argument, but once I told my mom that I didn't think homosexuality is a sin. She replied by asking me if I was gay.


New member
Mar 21, 2012
During internet arguments I always seem to get the same stupid responce which is
"So, your gay!"
To Which my reply is always
"why yes I am very happy, thank-you for noticing."
That really seems to bug them.

Joshey Woshey

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Go on any Youtube video. Find an argument about anything. It could be about the munitions used in the Boxer Rebellion. Any little trivial thing. Someone will mention Hitler. That's the stupidest argument I've ever had and I've had it so many times.


New member
May 4, 2012
Was privy to my two friends (a couple) producing the following exchange. She doesn't approve of him getting too drunk, but he was down at the bar with his friends watching a football match while we were at the house when he arrived one of the chaps let it slip they'd had a lot of shots.

Every now and again she would ask: "Did you have shots?" or "How many shots did you have?"
To which he would go off ona tangent and say to someone else "Oh my god did you see Suarez's shot!?" or "Suarez's shot! Oh my god what a shot!"

After the third or fourth time she screams at him: "Did you have any f**cking shots down in that f**king bar!?!?" Silence. He stares at her, confused and drunk while everyone watches him, then he replies in the slowest, thickest Northern Irish accent:

"What did you say about my ma?"

Probably one of those 'had to be there' things, but it was hilarious. She was furious.

Melon Hunter

Chief Procrastinator
May 18, 2009
"So you think all murderers should just be free to walk the streets, huh?"

Said in response to me by a family friend when I said that I don't think the death penalty should be brought back, no matter what the crime. Of course, I just said that no, I'd like to see them live out their days in prison. It just struck me as so stupid that someone could be so stubborn in their argument that they tried to boil the entire spectrum of law and punishment down to death or nothing at all. Pardon me for being a bleeding-heart liberal, I guess.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
"Nobody cares!"

God I fucking hate this one. Someone starts an argument with you, so you start to actually explain your point of view to them, or disproving theirs, using facts, evidence, and logic in the hope that you might achieve something more than an endless back and forth of "You're wrong!"/"No, you're wrong!". But then, when it twigs that they don't actually have any ammunition to back up their opinion, they bail with something along the lines of "Don't shit yourself about it. Man, why do you have to get so serious about everything? Nobody cares!"; and then they act all smug and superior, as if quitting before you can lose is equivalent to a victory. Best part is, if you refuse to accept this bullshit tactic and continue regardless, you now get painted as an uptight wanker, and they just get to sit there, marinating in their own ego in front of their equally idiotic friends.

Oh, how I would just love to be able to reply without consequence... "Well, obviously you care, otherwise why would you start the fucking argument in the first place, let alone bail because you're too afraid of looking bad in public as your precious little opinions get torn to pieces by the guy who's actually thought his side through, YOU FUCK?!"


New member
May 6, 2011
Generally the really stupid arguers just make the same assertion over and over, regardless of evidence to the contrary. If they're a participant in some sort of widespread stupidity (creationists, islamophobes, truthers, birthers, etc.) you can expand the list of assertions to five or so, and they might throw out some (discredited) canned evidence from a like-minded blog.

Basically, dogmatic types who don't think critically about things are terrible at reacting to arguments and finding evidence. Who knew?


New member
Apr 12, 2011
"Its just a book, you have no basis for knowing how accurate it is"

Poster that shall remain anonymous in a debate concerning evolution on another forum. Poster in question was speaking about a well accredited and widely used scientific journal, and had based nearly all of his previous arguments on passages from the bible. I might have considered the statement to have been made in an ironic fashion or perhaps in retaliation, but no one involved in the debate questioned the validity of his "source" even once.
Nov 28, 2007
"No, Master Chief is better."

This is after I saw a topic debating who would win in a fight between Samus Aran and Master Chief. I gave a few sentences breaking down the various possibilities as to the direction the theoretical fight could go, and eventually concluded that Samus would likely win based on a few key factors, such as speed, power armor durability, and abilities.

The quote is the entire response I got.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
I don't know, there's been a lot of bad ones.

"You're an Autist" is a pretty common, pathetic one I hear a lot, though.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
"You're a communist!"

My brother will sometimes half-jokingly make this argument against me. I remind him that I am not a communist, and that even if I were, it doesn't change the argument any.

Of all my time here on the escapist, these three posts in particular struck me as exceptionally week logic:

reonhato said:
so you admit that having a gun increases the risk of suicide... but thats ok because overall people still kill themselves. a gun INCREASES the risk of a kid killing themselves. how can you possible say it is not a good idea to reduce the number of guns available to them, unless your all for killing kids.
reonhato said:
well thats 2 people that prefer to kill kids then give up easy access to firearms. americans, always have been seen as the selfish self centered type
reonhato said:
by advocating gun ownership you are indirectly supporting the killing of kids. you can ignore and call it false all you want, that isnt going to make it so. logic obviously does not go over with you guys, maybe we should be trying guilt

Basically, because I disagree about firearms policy, I'm in favor of killing kids. I'm just... wounded by that


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
If you haven't already, you will eventually meet that one guy who has the horrendous habit of responding to anything confrontational with an unfunny, nonsensical

"your mom "

joke. God that use to grate on my nerves.


New member
Apr 28, 2012
When people use ad-hominem arguments... eugh. Especially when its obvious that they're trying to offend me because they're mad, rather than using it to support their point.

Or when they assume things falsely. Sometimes also ad-hominem, sometimes not, always annoying.