Subjectively "good" games you could not get into.


New member
Jul 10, 2013
Portal & Portal 2

I used to be a big fan of Half-Life and Team Fortress Classic and I was waiting for Orange Box like it was God descending from heaven and coming to my PC. And then there was Portal in the bundle. I was unaware of the hype back then and I've played it like it was some kind of tech demo. I found interesting at start, then just boring. The whole thing just felt like doing homework to me. I found the writing good, but not amazingly funny... even the cake thing didn't catch me much. I finished and I thought "this must be some kind of introduction to the portal gun... they'll probably used it in Half-Life 3." And the, I wasted years of my youth playing TF2.

When Portal 2 came out, I saw the reviews and thought that the additional mechanics would make the game more interesting to me, but after playing 3 hours and not having fun at all, I've decided that I simply don't like Portal. It's.... boring. :p

Level 7 Dragon

Typo Kign
Mar 29, 2011
OFF - I guess for the good story and the surreal visuals I just could't take the extremely slow and outdated combat and the ammount of backtracking. It was simply far too slow for me.


Saints Row 3. Even though I am a fan of mindless fun, it was a bit too mindless for me.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Oblivion: I just lose interest in it very fast, not sure why. Maybe it's the combat, where it's always attack, block, attack, block , until enemy is dead. I actually feel the same, albeit to a smaller degree, about Skyrim (also for some reason playing Skyrim hurts my left wrist).

FTL: Nice concept, I would have loved the game is it weren't so freaking random with every thing. To beat it you don't need skill, you need luck, and that gets too frustrating too fast for my taste.

Eve Online: Tried it for a month, and was bored out of my skull. According to my friends, who are crazy for it, it is the kind of game I'm supposed to like (and they're right, I love space sim games, but this time it just didn't click), and they've pestered me to give it another go.

GTA IV: I've never been a big fan of the GTA series, except for quick bouts of random violence with some friends, but GTA IV was so dull, so grey, so boring it only took me about 20 minutes of playing it before I swore never to touch it again.

There probably are more examples, but that's about all I can think of at the top of my head.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
I'll start this off with a bang...

Fire Emblem: Awakening
I'm baffled that people think this is the best Fire Emblem game. The AI is piss poor (just send Frederick forward and let all the enemies jump onto his spear because they LOVE to attack him even though they do 0 damage) or it just plain cheats (fuck those "ambush spawn" things...seriously; the only time anyone really got killed was because of those). I did finish it so I suppose it did enough things right but I just don't get the 5/5 praise so many gave this game.

Is there anyone I haven't irked yet? I can keep going if I have to :p
Isn't that the case for most Fire Emblems? I've yet to finish PoR but enemies have always taken the chance to jump Titania or any Jeigan as long as they're in range.

The idea of adding reinforcements that spawn AND move on the same turn was horribly thought out, I agree. It takes away from tactical flexibility and adds to the memorization aspect of the game. The players are supposed to guess which hole enemies pop out of based on a broad, vague hint. If you aren't a good guesser, break out the notepad.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Skyrim. It was the console version but it almost seemed hell-bent on shattering any immersion and interesting lore it presented. Bugs, glitches, wooden characters, terrible UI, agonizing trade limitations, completely stupid crafting system... too much to nitpick. Finally gave it up without getting into the main quest.