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New member
Nov 18, 2009
Well, that's certainly some rotten luck. A fine musician having hearing difficulties, I'm reminded a bit of Visas Marr's reason for not bringing you to Nihilus right away. "It would be as if one brought fire to a paradise valley, shattered a crystal, or blinded a painter."
[sub][sub]Maybe he'll do a song about KOTOR 2 someday?[/sub][/sub]

Here's hoping it's not the permanent kind.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Hopefully it's not the permanent kind, but it's not that difficult to live with once you get used to it.
I think the most annoying part is the look my wife gives me when I ask her to repeat what she just said...again.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
I hope you get well soon. I never knew tinnitus could be permanent... well not until your youtube video on it anyway :(

Let's hope it's not.

Doom bringer

New member
Apr 3, 2010
As someone else said, tinnitus is a symptom. It is caused by hearing loss or being exposed to loud noises (well most things that happen to the ear can cause tinnitus, if it affects the hearing).
The problem with a "cure" to tinnitus is that it is caused by the brain (or at least thought to be caused by the brain) more specifically the auditory part of the brain. So a "cure" is going to be hard to get without study on someones brain while this person has tinnitus, and who is going to do that?
The reason i know all this is because i researched it after being afflicted with the same thing, and i still have it so yeah its annoying, though im not bothered by it anymore, just hoping it doesnt get worse.
Anyway, i hope for the best for Gavin. Hopefully it is the temporary kind and he can go on doing what he does best.

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Hope Gav gets better, i have had Tinnitus all my life and it suck balls, i have good days and bad days. its really a pain because some time i think i here the phone ringing or the door bell. hope you get better.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Oh my!

I do hope Gavin gets well soon and will be able to control the inner ear demon singing his annoying lullaby.

I've had tinnitus-like sensations a couple of times, not twice due to the same reasons, I believe. Only once was it due to exposure to too much noise/music, the rest of the time it was mostly related to stress, lack of sleep and... oh, once it was most probably due to benzo withdrawal as I stopped popping those comfy, comfy pills rather abruptly.

If I were to posit/ask a question that's on my mind right now it would be this:

Is Gavin in proper medical/psychological/shamanistic treatment for his tinnitus?


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Gavin, just so you know you're the reason I first came to this site last year. I hope you do get better and can continue to make your ever-so-brilliant music.

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
I have tinnitus, it's not fun, but at least in my case it's not debilitating. It is a bit distracting when I try to go to sleep though.

As long as the case isn't to severe he should be able to continue playing and enjoying music though.

Formica Archonis said:
Wow. Someone who does music for a living getting tinnitus. Hope you get better, Gavin!
Actually that's not that uncommon, being exposed to the levels of sound that music is usually played at for the amount of time it takes to play proficiently often leads to permanent ear damage, the symptom of which is tinnitus.

AnarchistFish said:
I thought tinnitus was permanent? I've had it since I was 6
In most cases it is, although apparently tinnitus can go away if it's just the temporary ringing caused by short exposure to loud noises, for example how a person's ears might ring after going to a concert but still get better in the morning. Other times it's permanent; being caused by either constant exposure to loud noises or something else.
I've had it since I don't know when, but I was officially diagnosed last year or so.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Really sorry to hear this. I've had tinnitus before, and it sucks when you're trying to go to sleep.
Here's to hoping it gets better, man. Love your work.
Mar 26, 2008
All the best on your recovery Gavin, I really feel for you. I have minor hearing loss from being in a band and my dad has really bad Tinnitis that keeps him up at nights and he can hear audibly over minor background noise. It's a horrible thing and I'm hoping it gets better for you.