Suicide Squad Annihilates Box Office Record


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Ukomba said:
Made more it's opening weekend than The New Ghostbusters has made so far.

The real test is going to be how much fall off it has next weekend. Name recognition gets people in the first weekend, but if it sucks people won't be coming back.
It's over-simplified and snarky, but what comes to mind is: You can get away with implicitly insulting your target audience, just not explicitly insulting your target audience.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States a 40% drop between Friday and Saturday normal?

I mean, Ghostbusters only dropped 5% Friday to Saturday. Civil War only dropped 20%. I guess next weekend will tell the tale.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
From what I've heard, this is one of those movies that seems to have audiences and critics pretty split. I'm seeing it tomorrow as it's cheap movie night, but I'm expecting it to be a good time.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Ukomba said:
Made more it's opening weekend than The New Ghostbusters has made so far.

The real test is going to be how much fall off it has next weekend. Name recognition gets people in the first weekend, but if it sucks people won't be coming back.
Name recognition? More fandom IMHO.

Once the hardcore fans have seen it, they will be the first to the screens, who knows what will happen ...

Captain Chemosh

New member
Sep 5, 2011
While I enjoyed Suicide Squad, I honestly think the whole film feels kinda condensed. If there had been another half hour to full hour of additional runtime (which, yes, I know is too much to ask for) then the movie would have come across much better. This seems to be a problem for DC though, as such was a big issue in Batman vs. Superman, among other things. If they wouldn't try and push so many plot points into one movie, then the movies would feel so rushed. Such is my opinion at least, take it as you will.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
immortalfrieza said:
tzimize said:
I found suicide squad to be bad. Not as bad as I feared, but FAR from as good as I'd hoped. The good parts were in the trailer for the most part.

For me, this is gonna be my lesson. I'm done. When the next DC movie rolls around I will not be one of those suckered into a premiere.

It boggles my mind that Marvel seem to be hitting home runs every damn time no matter what people they use for the movie, both actors and directors/writers. While DC cant seem to make a good superhero movie not about batman to save their life. Not even a good supervillain movie. Goddamnit DC. Why do you keep fucking up, PLEASE get rid of Znyder for the love of god! And hire some competent writers for gods sake.
It probably has something to do with the fact that Marvel has much better written characters in general, with lots of excellent stories to draw inspiration from, while aside from Batman and a few gems here and there DC comics have generally been pretty meh all around, good enough for a read, not good enough to be exceptional in any fashion. That, and DC is primarily just trying to coast by off of Name Recognition rather than on making good movies. DC is still making money off of coasting by on Name Recognition at this point so they haven't bothered to try to do better.
See, I refuse to believe that. I mean, the people up top are businessmen right? Even they must understand that its more valuable, especially in the long run, to just make GOOD MOVIES. Then you can still coast off name recognizion, save on commercials, and still earn truckloads because the movie is actually GOOD. And fans will want to see the NEXT one. It should be like explaining dirt to grass, it should be basic stuff. If they were gonna do ONE superhero movie and be done with it, sure I can see cynical morons on top just milking the audience with a shit movie...but they are franchising and sequalizing all over the place, they MUST want to make good stuff.

Captain Chemosh said:
While I enjoyed Suicide Squad, I honestly think the whole film feels kinda condensed. If there had been another half hour to full hour of additional runtime (which, yes, I know is too much to ask for) then the movie would have come across much better. This seems to be a problem for DC though, as such was a big issue in Batman vs. Superman, among other things. If they wouldn't try and push so many plot points into one movie, then the movies would feel so rushed. Such is my opinion at least, take it as you will.
I agree. The big problem with DC movies in general is the writing. The extended SvB was a lot better, but still mostly a boring mess. Suicide squad was just plain bad, because the writer obviously hadnt handled the characters well. Will Smith was playing Will Smith, and I did NOT want to see the villain with a heart of sort of gold in this movie. IT WAS SO LAME! And HQ seemed mad when that was fun and funny when that was fun. They dont respect their characters, they just wring whatever scenes they want out of them and move on.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I'm not surprised. Most audiences are easily satisfied, and my experience with superhero fans (aka most of my friends) is that they especially are willing to ignore and/or forgive a lot of crappy film making as long as they can watch a pretty decent portrayal of their favourite heroes romp about.

And I have to say, yeah that disappoints me a bit. I wished people would look a little deeper, be more critical and disconcerting. If only so I, y'know, have someone to talk to about that stuff. That'd be nice...

[small]I'm lonely.[/small]

Josh123914 said:
Who the fuck keeps watching Ice Age movies?

I know I know "muh children" parents have some level of quality control. Besides that there's at least 2 other animated movies that you don't certainly know will be shit. What parents still drag their kids to see Ice Age despite this?
Most people, parents included, don't give a shit about movies as a medium/art-form. Case in point; this actual news. They just want simple entertainment. Critics however don't. Hell, parents are probably already happy they have something they can just zone out to while their children are engrossed and distracted.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Kibeth41 said:
mduncan50 said:
crimson5pheonix said:
PsychicTaco115 said:
I guess saying 'Suicide Squad Kills at the Box Office' would be an oxymoron?
More like redundant.

OT: Good for it, let's see how it does next weekend. To it's credit, it is getting decent user reviews, which is better than some of the other big movies this year.
It seems to be pretty mixed reviews from the audience, but the fanboys are always going to be the loudest. I'll let you know what I think about it once it hits Netflix.
What, other than possible anecdotal evidence, is pointing to the idea that the positive user reception is just a vocal fanboy minority?

You might prove otherwise, but from my experience, the reception seems pretty positive. The worst complaints I see are that the editing is kind of bad. But those people still seem to generally think it's a good movie overall.

The most fanboyism I see is just specific to the guy who made the Rottentomatoes petition. But even that is less 'fanboyism', and more trying to get across the statement that reviewer opinions are not at all reflective of how much people will enjoy a movie.
Youtube reviews are pretty much split down the middle, as are the amount of people saying they liked/didn't like it on boards such as this, the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes audience score is at 72% despite the amount of obvious fanboy scores of "5/5 Fuck Reviewers". As for that petition, it's creation, and the first 15,000 or so signatures, predate the release of the movie. So yes, it was blatant fanboyism that had these people convinced enough that the movie was great that they made this petition to try to put people out of work (somehow?) because they didn't give a good enough score to a movie they hadn't seen yet.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
well it was a fun movie and I enjoyed it. Had some issues but nothing close to what DC has screwed up before. Good movie go see it


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Suicide Squad gets a 26% on RT and pulls in $260 million. Star Trek: Beyond gets an 84% and pulls in just under $200 million.

What does this mean? I'll be fucked if I know. All I can say is that first weekend numbers can be misleading.

(and that Rotten Tomatoes sucks moist donkey ass)


New member
Apr 7, 2009
bastardofmelbourne said:
Suicide Squad gets a 26% on RT and pulls in $260 million. Star Trek: Beyond gets an 84% and pulls in just under $200 million.

What does this mean? I'll be fucked if I know. All I can say is that first weekend numbers can be misleading.

(and that Rotten Tomatoes sucks moist donkey ass)
Well I honestly didn't even know that there was a new Trek movie coming out until I started seeing reviews. Also, considering how much the Transformers movies pull in, box office has nothing to do with quality.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Josh123914 said:
Who the fuck keeps watching Ice Age movies?

I know I know "muh children" parents have some level of quality control. Besides that there's at least 2 other animated movies that you don't certainly know will be shit. What parents still drag their kids to see Ice Age despite this?
I know, right!?!? My kids are grown a bit, no longer depending upon me to take them to movies as they drive now. In the day (all of 3 years ago) they would still drag my butt to drek.

Interesting reading at about things like Lights Out that cost almost nothing and made several dollars for every dollar invested. Sad about Star Trek. Very well may be its last voyage even though it was the best of the 3. I hear they are making a TV series rebooting the 1960s original show. I hope so.

PS: we're also seeing a lot more aimed at foreign audiences. A movie can flop here but do well over-seas. (ie Tin Tin).

I see the Squad Saturday. In my circles, it is getting good word of mouth.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Kibeth41 said:
mduncan50 said:
Youtube reviews are pretty much split down the middle, as are the amount of people saying they liked/didn't like it on boards such as this, the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes audience score is at 72% despite the amount of obvious fanboy scores of "5/5 Fuck Reviewers". As for that petition, it's creation, and the first 15,000 or so signatures, predate the release of the movie. So yes, it was blatant fanboyism that had these people convinced enough that the movie was great that they made this petition to try to put people out of work (somehow?) because they didn't give a good enough score to a movie they hadn't seen yet.
Youtube really doesn't give a good way to gauge quantity outside of the small pool of subs, there are a lot of 0/5 reviews as well (which add some balance), a 5/5 review doesn't necessarily mean the person was a fanboy/girl, and the RT petition wasn't necessarily about hating just DC movies.

The petition was seemingly stating that because of how often there's a disconnect between the opinions of the general public and a handful of reviewers, that terrible critic reviews really just do nothing but harm the sales of a movie, and don't really provide helpful opinions. I could see where they were coming from. Not that I'm saying RT needs to be shut down.

There are most definitely fanboys. But I don't think there are enough to make a difference. There are also a lot of Marvel fanboys. I don't think the rabid fans were the difference between positive/mixed reception for Suicide Squad, in the same way I don't think they are for movies like Civil War.

I don't think you've really provided solid evidence, other than anecdotal knowledge and some assumptions. I could assume that all the negative reviews are just from rabid DC haters, then I could say the movie had excellent reception. But that doesn't mean it's the case.

The reviews are definitely not flawless in any boat. But for the most part, the majority seems positive.
You're using nothing but anecdotal evidence yourself, so I really don't see what your issue is here.


New member
May 7, 2009
I'm seeing a lot of love for Margot Robbie but not nearly enough for Karen Fukuhara.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Bare in mind the extended cuts of Green Lantern and Batman V Superman are somehow worse.
I've only seen the extended edition of BvS, and I didn't think it was anywhere near as bad as people made it out to be. DOes this mean the original is actually good, or that taste is subjective?