Super powers.........

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Time travel without any aging to myself.

Imagine no 9/11. No levy break during Hurricane Katrina. John Lennon being alive and making subpar music, as all famous musicians eventually do. No Holocaust. No Jesus ever being crucified. No fear of depicting Muhammad. No AIDS. No cancer. Acceptance of homosexuals and blacks much earlier. No anti-science crusade.

You do realize that with no crucifixion and no Holocaust, the world would be a much worse place right? The casual and blatant racism against ALL non-whites in the early '40s and before was so bad that the Holocaust was inevitable. If it had never happened, the lax attitude towards racism would have continued probably even today. After all, we would have no example of why we SHOULDN'T be racist. Yes, the Holocaust was a truly despicable and atrocious act, but if it hadn't happened, the world would be far less accepting than it is today for any race.

Proof: Look at how the Japanese treated their prisoners of war in World War Two. Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler did Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other minorities combined. American Survivors of World War Two have spoken about the mistreatment of Prisoners in Abu Ghraib. They said something along the lines of "Oh yeah, we used to do that to prisoners in World War Two as well." Then, of course, look at the lynchings in the south that took place all the way into the '60s, and to this day still occur sporadically. Men and women were hung, beaten, and burned simply for the crime of being caught being black in the wrong area at the wrong time.

You have to look at the bigger picture when you want to go around messing with time.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Isn't magic a superpower in both major comic universes? Yes, yes it is.

You could pretty much do anything with magic so why would you want other superpowers?


New member
Apr 8, 2010
occrats said:
The ability to transform into animals
Animorphs, eat your heart out. :D
Seriously, as far as transforming goes, animorphs has the perfect ability/disability toss up, since you can transform the last animal you touched, so something like a dog or cat is obvious and cool enough, but if you were trying to be a tiger or something, you'd have some trouble.

OT: I'd have to go with the power of freezing time, but as a side effect, I can only freeze it for a total of one hour per day.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Metahuman regenerative durability as described in the Marvel Super Heroes tabletop RPG

...I think I've posted this in another, almost identical thread...


New member
Dec 19, 2010
hmmmm if i could have a super power it would have to be ...
a focus ability to my a.d.d

now that were all done laughing im not done
this would allow me to processing all that i was hearing and seeing allowing me to use every thing around me to my advantage


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I have a few choices:

1. Cryokinesis, because manipulating ice and fighting Subzero style would be awesome
2. The ability to break links in atoms and rearrange them any way I want
3. Regenerative powers that make wounds disappear as the are inflicted, and with that comes immortality, so it'S two birds with one stone


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Ive always wanted to be able to control Metal, not like in the magneto style but i could absord metal into myself and manipulate it, e.g surrounding myself with a layer of it to create armor, or give myself huge metal claws or something, the only limit would be how much metal i had absorbed. That would be my dream power, and there needs to be a game about it :p

That or the power to make girls take their shirts off when i walk into a room

Either power would be good


New member
May 1, 2009
Shapeshifting that allows me to rearrange whichever parts of me however I want while generating and disposing cells as needed, but partitioned and compressed in such a way that my brain doesn't collapse under the stress of directing every atom in my body. When used properly, that's the most incredible superpower that can be thought of.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
My super power could be evolution!
I can rapidly evolve or devolve my body depending on the situations. If i need to chase a crook down, i could evolve wings, and fly down upon him from above.

Or if im in a fight with a man larger then me, i could evolve something resembeling bear arms, and maul the f*cker. Ugh, That came out mean.

Rapid Evolution is a power not many people think about. Most "mutants" are just evolved humans, hence theyer powers. So what if my power, is being able to control evolution?

I mean, i cant full on beast-mode like Mystique, but more along the lines of growing to transform. You know, i cant turn into a cat like she could, because its to small. But something large like a bear, tiger, or deer ((or any combination of those)) wouldent be out of my reach.

And yes, i could go Manbearpig on someone if i think the situations requires it.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
manaman said:
Isn't magic a superpower in both major comic universes? Yes, yes it is.

You could pretty much do anything with magic so why would you want other superpowers?
The Epicness of ur Avatar just made me shit myself, Also i would want the power of.....Having many powers!!! muhahaha,
-Noncheating power...Hmm.....Ability to has all the powers i mean comeon


New member
Oct 15, 2008
kouriichi said:
My super power could be evolution!
I can rapidly evolve or devolve my body depending on the situations. If i need to chase a crook down, i could evolve wings, and fly down upon him from above.

Or if im in a fight with a man larger then me, i could evolve something resembeling bear arms, and maul the f*cker. Ugh, That came out mean.

Rapid Evolution is a power not many people think about. Most "mutants" are just evolved humans, hence theyer powers. So what if my power, is being able to control evolution?

I mean, i cant full on beast-mode like Mystique, but more along the lines of growing to transform. You know, i cant turn into a cat like she could, because its to small. But something large like a bear, tiger, or deer ((or any combination of those)) wouldent be out of my reach.

And yes, i could go Manbearpig on someone if i think the situations requires it.
ManBearPig is needed to fight al gore, so if that comes up its pretty usefull


New member
Sep 16, 2010
Absolute control over time and space, even those reality warpers up above would have problems with me.

Avoiding game breaker options, gotta be teleportation. It's so unbelivable cool and it's a shame no movie or game has fully exploited the awesomeness of this ability.

EDIT: If you say jumper has i will castrate you, that movie blew goats.

Double edit: ninja'd by a minute


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Shapeshifting thats similiar to Alex Mercers...There are so many untold advantages with having that ability on your side! ^^

Drake_Dercon said:
Time travel. Hands down.
Being allowed to visit important events of the past and furture in the detail of actually being there would be amazing to say the least. Seeing human technology and culture at both its best and worst would give a good perspective (plus using that technology would be spectacular). Not to mention seeing our planet's life from beginning to end (with the proper equipment, of course), applying the same to our galaxy, the universe. It would be cool, to say the least. And rules? I do physics, I wouldn't be altering time in my original universe (unless, of course, I already had or already will), and given that it would happen anyway somewhere, I don't see how even major screw-ups could do anything but give me another chain of events to explore.

I'm assuming, of course, that immortality comes with the whole deal (and if I get to go anywhere in the future, it probabaly does). If it doesn't, then rules apply A LOT.

Also, I'd change my name to Jack. Jack Harkness.
Ok, i hate to be the one to burst your bubble but....if you go about changing things willy nilly in time, even the bad things, it can have ALOT Of horrific effects. Ok sure, you might avert 9/11..but instead New York may be destroyed. Because of that injury you had when you were five never occurred, your parents never moved and you never made all those friends you did.

What I'm saying is, yes Time travel would be great. You are likely to have alot of fun, but...if you go 'dicking about' in the past, no matter how small your actions may be, the slightest change can have Untold effects on events yet to happen.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I would either go with Naruto styled Shadow Clones (but never-ending) or basic invincibility+immortality (with built-in fail-safe should I feel suicidal).


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Infernai said:
Shapeshifting thats similiar to Alex Mercers...There are so many untold advantages with having that ability on your side! ^^

Drake_Dercon said:
Time travel. Hands down.
Being allowed to visit important events of the past and furture in the detail of actually being there would be amazing to say the least. Seeing human technology and culture at both its best and worst would give a good perspective (plus using that technology would be spectacular). Not to mention seeing our planet's life from beginning to end (with the proper equipment, of course), applying the same to our galaxy, the universe. It would be cool, to say the least. And rules? I do physics, I wouldn't be altering time in my original universe (unless, of course, I already had or already will), and given that it would happen anyway somewhere, I don't see how even major screw-ups could do anything but give me another chain of events to explore.

I'm assuming, of course, that immortality comes with the whole deal (and if I get to go anywhere in the future, it probabaly does). If it doesn't, then rules apply A LOT.

Also, I'd change my name to Jack. Jack Harkness.
Ok, i hate to be the one to burst your bubble but....if you go about changing things willy nilly in time, even the bad things, it can have ALOT Of horrific effects. Ok sure, you might avert 9/11..but instead New York may be destroyed. Because of that injury you had when you were five never occurred, your parents never moved and you never made all those friends you did.

What I'm saying is, yes Time travel would be great. You are likely to have alot of fun, but...if you go 'dicking about' in the past, no matter how small your actions may be, the slightest change can have Untold effects on events yet to happen.
With great power comes great responsibility... until the universe(s) makes both power and responsibility irrelevent. I could explain why, but I tried posting a full physics lecture before. The thread died.

Suffice to say that somewhere 9/11 didn't happen and the U.S. was desroyed, changing time does not change that it did or didn't happen, only the universe you are in relative to the passage of events.