Superb CoD: Black Ops Ad Celebrates Your Inner Soldier


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I saw this add a few days ago on machinima.

I downloaded it and made it my screen save. ((but looped over the sound with the full song so it was less annoying.))

Personally, ads like this really stump me. Many games that come out these days are horrible. But then these amazing commercials just blow me away.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
god wouldn't it be cool if that was like real life and you could do that stuff and never get hurt, just try some john woo/tier 1 type shit I for one have always wanted to pilot a apache and try sniping, which is why I am looking into entering into army flight school, and even if I don't get into an apache I will still be flying troops into or from hot zones so that will still be cool.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
For all of those asking where all the kids are, remember that this is an R rated game, so why would there be kids in the ad?

Last Valiance

New member
Jun 26, 2010
WarpCode said:
Those are obviously the PC players.. The 12-15 year olds will be in the XBox commercial.
No, there were women in that commercial.
Maybe it's for the wii version... :L


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Well, damn, that was a pretty awesome commercial. I'm sure the troops you're trying to make a tribute to [] will absolutely love the glorifying of their profession.

Okay, I'm being needlessly harsh here, that was a good commercial and it has no connection to Kotick. I'll just copypasta my response to most things BlackOps in a spoiler since I've said it enough;

Jumplion said:
Since it had the option, I will not be buying Black Ops, and I will tell you why.

I will not be buying Black Ops because Activision is publishing it, and the CEO of Activision is Robert "Bobby" Kotick. I do not wish to support that man with my money, even if it's only a paltry $60 compared to the million's he'll make off of everyone else. As a result, I am pretty much "boycotting" Activision, I guess you could say. I will not buy any of their products until either Kotick is removed or cleans up his act. This may result in me missing out on some great experiences, but that's my loss.

However, I do understand that other people are very excited for the game, a few of my friends included. I wish no ill towards you all for wanting to buy Black Ops, it genuinely looks like a nifty game. There is absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn't get the best bang for your buck.

And so, with this, I wish all of you who are purchasing Black Ops a good game. I, personally, will not be purchasing it for my own reasons and you will be purchasing it for your own, and that is perfectly fine. I'll probably play the game with my friend, split-screen and whatnot, or borrow it if he gets it for PS3.

Enjoy your game. I mean that in the most sincere way I can.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Brotherofwill said:
Great ad. Very well done.

I still hate it. I generally dislike war games and the war is fun attitude. Strange, I feel like I'm turning into my grand parents but as awesome as a Stones song is (thank god young kids are introduced to that music now) set to a battlefield I can't help but feel resentful toward the ad.

This will be fun for anyone that likes the CoD structure I guess. Don't pretend that you'll have anything but a marginally different experience from the last 3-4 CoDs.
Yeah, I agree, I'm really getting bitter over some of these topics. That's not to say that I wouldn't like the game, though I won't buy it (see above post), just that I'm really starting to get jaded or something with these kind of topics...though, I am the guy who always feels sorry/squeamish even when a lowly extra gets shot.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
While although I'm not quite sure I'm going to bother with Black Ops, as I haven't been a fan of Call of Duty Series or Activision's "We know what you need" attitude (and because I think Bobby Kotick is evil personified). This Commercial has nothing to do whether or not I will buy the game, however it raises serous concerns over how gamers are perceived by the real world.

Think about it -- if you go out in public and are talking to your friends -- you announce loudly and proudly that you're a twenty-something, thirty-something, maybe even older gamer. Someone hears you and perceives you as a gun-toting sociopath with horrible grammar, a terrible grasp of the English language and terrible manners -- because let's face it, you pay to play with morons on xbox live and that's exactly what you get. Little do you realize that that group of 12-15 year olds, frat boys and "gurl gamers" are what the rest of the world perceives you as. Frankly, unless I'm looking for work in an IT environment, where just about everyone is tech saavy and is a gamer regardless, I would be leery about mentioning gaming as a hobby already -- this commercial just takes that perception that people already have about us and gives the public something to point to the next time some kid shoots up a school or the next time a politician needs fuel to pass a rule to ban violent video games.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
YES. i love that ad, i dont really like Callof Duty and now i want to play it. YES! that guy at the end has balls of steeeeeeel.


New member
May 3, 2010
I didn't find that amusing at all. In fact, it was really quite tasteless and offensive to veterans. Playing CoD has nothing to do with being a soldier. There's not a soldier in all of us. And WTF is Kobe Bryant doing? Pretending to shoot MJ since he took over as 2K cover athlete?


New member
May 24, 2010
Oooh. So this is the advertisement...

...yeeeah, pretty goofy. And I agree with the editor, where are all the 15 year old kids, and why in the world were there girls playing it? I mean the 15 year old girls. Never encountered a single girl online since I started playing Call of Duty 4. Weird.

Anywho, advertisement was goofy, "there's a soldier in all of us" needs to be edited to read "There's a soldier in most people that doesn't want to worry about being killed permanently on the battlefield or suffering crippling wounds in the field of battle and would be happier playing simulated war-games in their living room with friends and/or optionally 14 year old squeaky-voiced prepubescent boys online," and the price needs to be dropped to the traditional PC game price before I even consider buying it and finding out that it's just another game about running around digitally killing people with grenade launchers and akimbo weapons as though reality is just one of those optional features that you can get rid of just as easily as you can un-check a little box labeled "Realistic Mode" at the main menu. Anywho, enough time spent, time to get back to work, oorah!